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present simple vs

present simple vs. present continuous


1. Fill in the blanks with the present simple of the verbs in brackets:


a) We __________________ (use) the computers at school.

b) She __________________ (forget) everything.

c) John __________________ (speak) French.

d) Carol __________________ (not/ go) out in the evening.

e) What _______ she _________ ? (do)



2. Fill in the gaps with the present continuous of the verbs in brackets.


a) She __________________ (talk) with them.

b) We__________________ (learn) English now.

c) _______ he __________ by the river? (lie)

d) I __________________ at her ( look)

e) Mary __________________ tea at the moment. (drink)



3. Circle the correct form in each tense.


a) What are you doing / do you do for a living? I’m a teacher.

b) I like / am liking my work.

c) We usually work / are working together, but at the moment she earns / is earning a higher salary.

d) I usually take / am taking the 9.00 train.

e) She is painting / paints her bedroom now.



4. Put the verb into the correct form Present simple or present continuous.


a) I __________________ (like) cinema very much.

b) Jane __________________ (want) to go to the park with you.

c) At the moment they __________________ (stand) in the rain.

d) We are very busy now because we __________________ (wash) the floor.

e) Mark usually __________________(go) to school by bus.

f) My sister __________________ (eat) cereals every day.

g) You __________________ (not/ run) at the moment.

h) The sun __________________ (rise) in the east.



“Don’t talk so loudly!” – I _____________ (not/talk) loudly.

He _________ (know) all about the film.

Jane _________ (talk) to a friend at the moment.

He __________ (not/ work) on Sundays.

Margaret ________ (love) music and dancing.

He _________ (not / like) his job.

I _________ (think) she __________ (be) very pretty.

I __________ (always / go) to bed very early.

How often a day _________ (you / eat) ice-cream.

She ________ (often / clean) the house on Saturdays.

__________ (they / go) to the pub every evening?

He __________ (sit) on an armchair ____________ (smoke) a pipe.

Why _________ ( you / fix) it this morning?

I ________ (do) it because it _______ (not/ work) and I need it.




Mary can’t answer the phone because she _______ her hair.(wash)

Ann ________ her hair every day. (wash)

I ________ music very much. (like)

What time________ on holidays? (they/ wake up)

Good students ________ hard. (always/ study)

________at the moment? (she/not/work)

It ________in Summer. (never/ rain)

It________ now. (rain)

I ________ irregular verbs in the evening (usually/ revise)

My brother ________ German at school this year. (not/learn)

She never________ her homework at the weekend (do)

I ________(not/know) why she ________now (cry)

My sister ________ music at the moment (study)


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