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Mordheim Rulebook (Updated)
Norse Warband ................................................................... pg 139
Dark Elf Warband............................................................... pg 142
Cult of Khaine 145
Clan Eshin 147
Clan Moulder ...................................................................... pg 150
Clan Pestilens 153
Clan Skryre ......................................................................... pg 155
Orc Mob ............................................................................. pg 158
Black Orcs Mob .................................................................. pg 161
Forest Goblin Mob.............................................................. pg
The Turn ............................................................................. pg
Movement ........................................................................... pg
Shooting.............................................................................. pg
Close Combat
Leadership & Psychology ................................................... pg
Alignment ........................................................................... pg
Weapons & Armour............................................................ pg
Hobgoblin Wolf Rider Mob................................................ pg
Miscellaneous equipment ................................................... pg
Campaigns .......................................................................... pg 170
Experience .......................................................................... pg 173
Two Player Scenarios ......................................................... pg 192
Multiplayer Scenarios ......................................................... pg 202
Income ................................................................................ pg 217
Trading ............................................................................... pg 225
Hired Swords ...................................................................... pg 229
Dramatis Personae .............................................................. pg 253
Beasts, Monsters & Townsfolk ........................................... pg 266
Optional Rules
Optional rules 289
Mounted Warriors ............................................................... pg 291
Vehicles of the Empire 293
Blackpowder weapons ........................................................ pg 297
Fighting individual battles 297
Night Fights ........................................................................ pg 298
The Catacombs 298
Sewer Fighting .................................................................... pg 300
Fire ..................................................................................... pg 302
Random Happenings ........................................................... pg 303
Power in the Stones ............................................................ pg 308
Encampments 312
Magic.................................................................................. pg
Starting a Warband ............................................................. pg 69
Mercenaries 71
Averlander .......................................................................... pg 74
Ostlander............................................................................. pg 78
Nuln Engineers 81
Cult of the Possessed .......................................................... pg 84
The Carnival of Chaos ........................................................ pg 87
Beastmen Raiders 91
Shadow Warrior Warbands ................................................. pg 94
Forest-Walker Warbands .................................................... pg 97
Witch Hunters ..................................................................... pg 102
Sisters of Sigmar................................................................. pg 105
Bretonnia Crusades............................................................. pg 107
Kislevite Warband .............................................................. pg 111
Dwarf Treasure Hunters ..................................................... pg 117
Dwarf Rangers .................................................................... pg 117
Von Carstein Warband ....................................................... pg 121
Blood Dragon Knights ........................................................ pg 124
Lahmian Warband 127
Tilean Warband 131
Outlaw Warband ................................................................. pg 134
Pit Fighter Warband............................................................ pg
Welcome to Mordheim, City of the Damned! Mordheim is a
game of combat that takes place during the short but intense
period when scores of warbands fought hundreds of bitter
skirmishes throughout the city.
This book contains all the information you will need in order
to play Mordheim, as well as background information, advice
on starting a warband, running a campaign, collecting and
painting your own warband, etc.
Tabletop conflict
In Mordheim, the opposing factions – warbands – are
represented by models, assembled and painted by you, each
representing a single warrior.
Your tabletop becomes part of the City of the Damned: the
scene of the action, with ruined buildings, overhangs and
walkways where the battles take place.
The aim of the game is to outfight your opponent, which
requires a mixture of skill and luck. You’ll soon learn how to
arm and equip your warband effectively, and how to exploit
the ruins and other terrain to your best advantage.
You’ll probably want to expand your basic warband as you
and they gain experience. This is easy as there are lots of
models available for the warbands and new miniatures will be
coming out all the time. With these you can expand your
warband, equip your warriors with different weapons and
armour, and hire mercenaries to join them.
Building a warband
At first you will probably want to play individual games (see
the Warbands section for more details) rather than a
campaign. This will allow you to learn the rules, and also
give you the opportunity to decide which type of warband is
most suited to your particular style of play.
If you are playing in a campaign, you will have the chance to
expand and improve your warband after each game. By
winning battles your warband will gain riches and wyrdstone,
discover magical artefacts and may also have the opportunity
to recruit mercenaries.
In a campaign, every time your warband fights, its warriors
gain in skill and experience. Raw recruits quickly progress to
become fully fledged warriors, and your Heroes will learn
new skills which will make them even better in combat.
Each warband has its own objective and motivation for
fighting in Mordheim: be it riches or political influence.
Through countless battles and street skirmishes you can try to
achieve your ambition and emerge victorious from the city!
Assembled By Paul H
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Mordheim Rulebook (Updated)
New players
If you’re new to Games Workshop games you’ll be reassured
to know that finding other players is not normally a problem
– you’ll be surprised how many there are!
There may be a Games Workshop store near to you where
you can buy models, paint and games supplements. However
Games Workshop stores are not just shops, they are hobby
centres, where the staff will happily help you to learn the
rules, show you how to paint, and suggest ways to develop
your warband.
As a rule, a table packed with scenery will lead to closer and
more exciting games.
Throughout the book you will find photographs, drawings
and descriptions of Mordheim. These should give you plenty
of ideas for producing your own scenery. Games Workshop’s
book ‘How to Make Wargames Terrain’ is also a good source
of ideas and practical hints on all asp
Counters can help you keep track of things on the tabletop.
You can always keep notes about who is hidden, carrying
treasure, etc, but counters are a convenient memory jogger
and speed the game up.
Warhammer players
If you already play Warhammer, the basic rules of Mordheim
will be familiar to you. Remember though, Warhammer is
designed for fighting battles between entire armies, whilst
Mordheim represents individual action between a dozen or so
As a result, some of the rules developed for mass combat in
Warhammer do not apply to Mordheim, such as unit Break
tests and rank bonuses. On the other hand, there are new rules
for wounded warriors, climbing, parrying and other aspects
of individual combat.
What you will need
As well as this book, you will need the following items to
play Mordheim.
Hidden Counter Wyrdstone Counter
Above are some examples of counters you could photocopy
and stick onto thin card if you wish.
All dice rolls use a standard six-sided dice (usually shortened
to D6). Sometimes you will be asked to modify the result of
the dice roll. This is noted as D6 plus or minus a number,
such as D6+1 or D6-2. Roll the dice and add or subtract the
number indicated to get the final result. You may have to roll
a number of dice in one go. For example, 2D6 means roll two
dice and add the scores together. You may also come across
the term D3. As there is no such thing as a three-sided dice,
use the following method for determining a score between 1
and 3. Roll a D6 and halve the score, rounding up: 1 or 2
equals 1, 3 or 4 equals 2 and 5 or 6 equals 3. If you are given
the opportunity to re-roll a dice roll, you must accept the
second score, even if it’s worse than the original.
Artillery Dice: The Artillery Dice is one of the more
Specialise dice used in Games Workshop Games; the dice is
a standard six-sided dice but numbers 2, 4, 6, 8 & 10, and the
final side is marked with misfire. A standard six-sided dice
can be used in places of an Artillery Dice, just double the
face value of the dice, and a Six would count as the Misfire.
Scatter Dice: this is another more Specialise dice used in
Games Workshop Games; this is a standard six-sided dice
that has no numbers but has Arrows and a hit marker. A
standard six-sided dice can be used in places of a Scatter
Dice, clockwise, the top of the Dice = 1, right side = 2,
Bottom = 3, left side = 4 and a 5 or 6 means that the shot was
on target and did not move.
Tape measure
For measuring ranges you will need a tape measure marked
in inches, or a couple of plastic range rulers.
Other equipment
You will also need pens and paper to record details of your
warriors’ weapons and other details. You can use roster
sheets for this, and blank ones are included at the back of this
book. We recommend you photocopy them rather than use
the originals.
Citadel models
You will need enough miniatures of the appropriate race/type
to represent the warriors in your warband. It is a good idea to
work out your warband on paper first and then purchase the
miniatures that you require. Almost all possible weapon
variations can be added using the Mordheim equipment
As you will see in the Warbands section, each warband fights
in a particular way – some are expert bowmen while others
are better in hand-to-hand combat. When choosing which
warband you want to lead you could choose one that reflects
your preferred playing style, or you could read the
background section and choose one that really captures your
imagination. A good way of picking a warband is simply to
pick the one with the models you like the best.
Playing surface
You will also need something to play your battles on. Any
firm, level surface is best, such as a tabletop or an area of
floor – most kitchen tables will do. It’s a good idea to use an
old sheet or blanket to protect the table from scratches. Some
players make a special gaming board from chipboard or other
similar material (divided into two or more pieces for ease of
storage) which they can use on top of a table to extend the
playing area. Whatever you use, you will find that a square
area approximately 4 x 4' is about right for most battles.
The bitter struggles of a Mordheim battle take place in
labyrinthine streets, ruined buildings and on derelict
walkways. Pre-cut card and plastic scenery is available from
Games Workshop, but many gamers enjoy making their own.
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Mordheim Rulebook (Updated)
In Mordheim the warriors each have different abilities, some
being better at certain actions, for example, fighting, shooting
or climbing, than they are at others. This variety in each
warrior is represented in the form of characteristics and
skills . Right now don’t worry about skills – these come later
with practice and battle experience. For now we just need to
consider a warrior’s characteristics.
Each model is defined by a set of characteristics: Movement,
Weapon Skill, Ballistic Skill, Strength, Toughness, Wounds,
Initiative, Attacks and Leadership . Each characteristic is
assigned a value of (usually) between 1 and 10. The higher
the value your model has for any characteristic the better –
for example, a model with a Strength of 6 is stronger than a
model that has a Strength of 2.
MOVEMENT (M): A model’s Movement rate shows how
far the model can move in a turn, under normal conditions.
For example, a typical Human has a move of 4", while a
fleet-footed nimble Skaven has a move of 5".
WEAPON SKILL (WS): Weapon Skill is a measure of
close combat ability (i.e., how good the warrior is at hand-to-
hand fighting). A deadly swordsman or a crazed berserker
would have a high value compared to a lowly acolyte, for
example. The higher the WS, the more likely your warrior is
to hit his opponent.
BALLISTIC SKILL (BS): This shows how good a shot the
individual is. When you shoot a bow or fire a pistol, the
chance of hitting a target depends upon your model’s
Ballistic Skill. A normal Human has a BS of 3, though an
experienced marksman might have a BS of 4, 5 or even
STRENGTH (S): Strength indicates how strong a warrior is!
It is especially important for hand-to-hand combat, because
the stronger you are the harder you can hit. A Strength value
of 3 is about average.
TOUGHNESS (T): This is a measure of how easily an
individual can withstand a hit from a weapon or a blow from
a club or fist. The tougher you are, the harder you are to
wound or kill. An average Toughness value is 3, though a
gnarled old warrior might have a Toughness of 4!
WOUNDS (W): A model’s Wounds value shows how many
times the model can be wounded before it collapses, is killed
or incapacitated. Most individuals have only 1 Wound but
veteran warriors or large creatures such as Ogres might have
INITIATIVE (I): The Initiative value indicates how fast and
nimble the warrior is. It determines the attacking order in
hand-to-hand combat, and is particularly important when the
model is climbing and moving amidst the ruins of Mordheim.
ATTACKS (A): The Attacks value indicates how many
blows the model can make in hand-to-hand combat. Most
warriors have an Attacks value of 1, but powerful fighters
may have more. The more Attacks you have, the greater the
chance you’ve got of beating your opponents into an
unrecognisable pulp!
LEADERSHIP (Ld): Leadership represents raw courage,
self control and charisma. The higher the model’s Leadership
value, the more likely he is to remain steadfast in combat
while others run off or are slain. For example, a cowardly
Skaven may have a Leadership of 5, while a cool, calm Elf
could have a Leadership of 8 or higher.
Zero level characteristics
Some creatures in Mordheim have been given a ‘0’ for
certain characteristics which means that they have no ability
in that field whatsoever. This usually applies to creatures
unable to use missile weapons (who would have a BS of 0)
but it might equally apply to other characteristics as well.
If a model has a WS of 0 then it cannot defend itself in hand-
to-hand combat, and any blows struck against it will
automatically hit.
Characteristic profiles
A model’s characteristic values are written in the form of a
chart called a characteristics profile (or just profile).
Profile M WSBS S T W I A Ld
Dieter Stahl 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7
The example above is a typical profile for a Human warrior.
As you fight in more games against other players, your
warriors will get better and their characteristics may increase.
All these details are recorded using the Warband roster sheets
provided at the back of this book. This is explained properly
later on. For now it is enough to know what each
characteristic is for and how their values vary.
Characteristic tests
Often in the game a model will be required to take a test on
one of his own characteristics. In order to pass this test, the
model has to roll a D6 and obtain a result equal to or lower
than the value of the characteristic involved. Note that if you
roll a 6, you automatically fail the test regardless of the
model’s characteristic value.
For example: Dieter Stahl is jumping down from a wall that
is 3" high and has to take an Initiative test. He has an
Initiative value of 3 on his characteristic profile and therefore
will be successful if he rolls a 1, 2 or 3 on a D6. If he rolls a
4, 5 or 6 he will fail the test and fall down, suffering all the
painful consequences!
Leadership tests
Tests against the Leadership characteristic are done in a
slightly different way. In the case of a Leadership test, you
should roll two dice and add the two scores together. If the
result is equal to or less than the model’s Leadership
characteristic, the test has been passed.
For example: Dieter’s Leadership is 7, so to pass a
Leadership test he must roll 7 or less on 2D6.
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Mordheim Rulebook (Updated)
The Turn
In Mordheim you are in a charge of a warband and your
opponent is in charge of another.
The warriors and scenery in the game are set up on the
tabletop in a way that is appropriate for the encounter you are
fighting. Do not worry about this for now as these things will
be explained in full in the Scenarios section.
To play, one side takes a turn, then the other side, then the
original side and so on, much like in a game of draughts or
chess. When it is your turn, you may move all your models,
shoot with any warriors able to do so, and fight in hand-to-
hand combat. Once your turn is complete, it is your
opponent’s turn to move, shoot and fight.
To keep track of who is doing what and when, each turn is
split into four phases. This is called the Turn sequence.
Turn sequence
1 Recovery: During the recovery phase you may attempt to
rally individuals who have lost their nerve and recover
models that are knocked down or stunned.
2 Movement : During the movement phase you may move the
warriors of your warband according to the rules given in the
Movement section.
3 Shooting : In the shooting phase you may shoot with any
appropriate weapons as described in the rules for shooting.
4 Hand-to-hand combat: During the hand-to-hand combat
phase all models in hand-to-hand combat may fight. Note that
both sides fight in the hand-to-hand combat phase, regardless
of whose turn it is.
Recovery phase
During the recovery phase you may attempt to rally any of
your models who have lost their nerve (see the Recovery
Phase rules). To take a Rally test, roll 2D6. If the score is
equal to or less than the model’s Leadership value the model
stops fleeing and has rallied; turn it to face in any direction
you wish. The model cannot move or shoot for the rest of the
turn, but models able to do so can cast spells. If the test is
failed, the model will continue to flee towards the closest
table edge.
Note that a model cannot rally if the closest model to him is
an enemy model (fleeing, stunned, knocked down and hidden
models are not taken into consideration for this).
During the recovery phase, warriors in your warband who
have been stunned become knocked down instead and
warriors who have been knocked down may stand up (see the
Injuries section).
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Mordheim Rulebook (Updated)
During the movement phase models are moved in the
following order:
1. Charge!: If you want a model in your warband to charge
at an enemy model and attack it in hand-to-hand combat then
you must do this at the start of the movement phase before
moving any of your other models. When you charge a model,
declare to your opponent that you are doing so and indicate
which of his models it is attacking.
2. Compulsory Moves: Sometimes a model is forced to
move in a certain way and this is called a compulsory move.
For example, a fighter whose nerve breaks must run away
from his enemies and take cover.
Make all of your models’ compulsory moves before finishing
any remaining movement.
3. Remaining Moves: Once you have moved your chargers
and made any compulsory moves, you may move the rest of
your warriors as you see fit.
During their movement phase, models can move up to
movement rate their in any direction. They may move
(including running and charging) up and down ladders and
stairs, and over low obstacles such as barrels, boxes, etc.
In normal circumstances models don’t have to move their full
distance, or at all if you do not want them to. All exceptions
are explained later and invariably involve either charging or
compulsory moves.
can’t see (e.g., because it is behind a corner) but has not been
declared as hidden, he must pass an Initiative test to detect it.
If he fails the roll, your model may not charge this turn, but
may move his normal distance, shoot and cast spells.
A charge is like a running move, performed at double the
Movement rate, but ends with the attacker moving by the
most direct route into base-to-base contact with the enemy
model. Once their bases are touching they are engaged in
hand-to-hand combat. Models are also considered to be in
hand-to-hand combat even when separated by a low wall or
obstacle, where it is impossible for the bases to touch
physically because the obstacle is in the way.
The normal Movement value of models represents a warrior
moving at a fairly rapid rate, but allows time for him to aim
and shoot a weapon and generally observe what is going on
around him. If you wish, a model may move much quicker
than this – he can run! A running warrior can move at double
speed (for example, 8" rather than 4"). Note that running is
not the same as charging as it does not allow your model to
engage the enemy in hand-to-hand combat.
A model can only run if there are no enemy models within 8"
of it at the start of the turn (fleeing, stunned, knocked down
and hidden models do not count). Check this distance after
any charges have been declared. If there are any enemies
within 8" at the start of the turn, the model will prepare to
fight instead and so is unable to run. The running model can
move closer than 8" to an enemy as it moves.
Any model that runs loses its chance to shoot during that
turn. He is concentrating on running and is not prepared to
fight, having sheathed or shouldered his weapons. You
should declare that models are running as they move, as this
will remind both players that the model is unable to shoot
that turn. Running models can cast spells as normal.
If you want a model to engage the enemy in hand-to-hand
combat then you must make a special move called a charge.
Without measuring the distance, declare that your model is
charging and indicate which enemy model he is going to
attack. You can charge any opposing model if you can draw
an unobstructed line from your model to the target. If your
warrior wants to charge an enemy model within 4" that he
If an unengaged (i.e., not in hand-to-hand combat) enemy
model lies within 2" of the charge route, that model may
choose to intercept the charger if he wishes. This
‘interception area’ is shown in the diagram above. Only one
enemy model may attempt to intercept each charger. If the
intercepting warrior would normally require a Fear test to
engage the charger then he must pass one in order to be
allowed to intercept. Failure means he will not move. If the
intercepting warrior causes fear then move the models into
contact and then take a Fear test for the original charger
(assuming he would normally do so) as if he was the one
being charged. Regardless of the results of this test it is still
the original charger who counts as charging in the subsequent
round of combat, not the intercepting warrior.
Sometimes a charging warrior may not reach the enemy
because you have miscalculated the distance. If this happens
move your warrior his normal move distance towards the
enemy. This is called a failed charge. The model cannot shoot
in the same turn in which he failed a charge, but he can cast
spells as normal.
Models cannot be moved into hand-to-hand combat except by
charging – any move that brings a warrior into hand-to-hand
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