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Listen to the whispering
of the wind, stirring secret
desires. See the treasures of
untouched nature. Taste the
variety of life at every step.
Feel the beauty of limitless
exploration, the exploration
of love. Touch your essence.
Feel. Feel Slovenia with all
your senses. Experiences that
follow the promptings of the
Taste the countryside
he diversity ofered by the Slovenian countryside: use it to escape from your everyday
routine. Whether you choose a farm holiday or a wander through the rural environment,
discovering the beauties of nature. his contact with genuine folk culture and unspoilt nature
will touch your heart. You will relax and start to feel yourself again.
Dear tourist farm guests!
We are happy to present our new tourist farm
catalogue, in which you will ind ideas and
hints for visiting tourist farms across Slovenia.
he catalogue allows you to book your holiday
on a chosen tourist farm yourself and, by
ofering detailed descriptions of excursion
farms, wine cellars and Karst »osmice«, it
helps you to plan your excursions, special
occasions and organize business encounters.
become part of a story that you also, willingly
or not, help create. In a close contact with
nature, with country folks and their culture,
wisdom, customs and traditions, you can relax
and get in touch with your inner self again.
We cordially invite you to visit the Slovenian
countryside, where everyday life still resists
the merciless hustle and bustle of urban
environments and time passes more slowly.
A visit to the Slovenian countryside is a truly
unique experience, because the moment you
cross the threshold of a rustic home, you
Venčeslav Tušar, President of the
Slovenian Tourist Farm Association
Friendly countryside
Feel harmony with nature
Feel hospitality
Allow yourself to escape from your every-
day routine and surrender to the embrace
of green nature. he smell of freshly mown
grass, the touch of crystal-clear water, the
taste of a freshly picked apple and a view of
the velvet-green meadow on the next hill:
all this will put you in tune with the energy
of luxuriant nature. Time goes slower in
the Slovenian countryside. A visit to one of
Slovenia's over four hundred open farms can
be the starting-point for a walk in the un-
touched natural surroundings of the Triglav
National Park, white-water rafting on the
Soča, an exploration of the rocky Karst be-
neath the Mediterranean sun, a bicycle tour
of the byways of Štajerska and Koroška, a
stirring river-ferry ride along the Mura in
Prekmurje, or a wander through the forests
of Dolenjska. Reach out and touch the diver-
sity of green experiences.
Slovenia is a small country full of diverse
experiences. he Slovenian countryside is
where you can still hear genuine Slovene
dialects, see traditional architecture and en-
joy old rural customs. In the traditional rural
environment you can still ind the quality of
a full life and feel the importance of tradi-
tional values. Whether the occasion is a local
holiday or simply everyday tasks about the
farm, you will relish the positive energy of
open-hearted people, sing old Slovene songs
and laugh along with the healthy rustic hu-
mour. Sincere, warm-hearted people will
serve you the inest produce of their gardens
and ields, their cellars, smokehouses, store-
rooms and kitchens. With a smile of wel-
come they will accept you among themselves
and share with you a part of their daily exist-
ence. Enjoy the slower pace of life, abandon
yourself to the harmony of the co-existence
of man and nature, and feel the genuineness
of the Slovenian countryside.
Domestic animals on the farm
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he coastal area and the Karst are co-
vered with olive trees and vines, but
beneath the surface are countless karst
caves, one of the most beautiful facets
of our planet. Between the mountains
of the Gorenjska region are deep gor-
ges with crystal-clear water, and the
characteristics of the landscape mean
that the traditions of mountaineering
and Alpine dairy farming are alive and
well here. Dolenjska is the land of Cvi-
ček wine, thermal springs and extensi-
ve forests and the region is also famous
for its traditional woodenware. Štajer-
ska is best known for its wide range of
ine wines and as a region that ofers
endless opportunities for recreation.
Koroška, the cradle of the Slovene nati-
on, also ofers a wealth of opportuniti-
es for mountaineering and hiking. he
river Mura, with its tradition of loa-
ting mills and lumber rafts, is a central
element of the Prekmurje region.
• 700 farms welcoming tourists
• 36% of Slovenia is a protected
area – NATURA 2000
• 2.067 farms involved in
organic farming
• 140.000 bee colonies
• 80 - 90 million litres of wine produced
• 8.936 hectares of orchards
• 400 tonnes of olive oil produced in
1,600 hectares of olive groves
• 170 traditional and
characteristic dishes
• 7.000 kilometres of marked
mountain paths
Upper Savinja valley – a view over Raduha
Feel the variety of traditional
Feel the life of the countryside
Wake up to the sound of cowbells and bird-
song and the smell of freshly-baked bread.
Start the day actively at daybreak and try
your hand at mowing grass, milking cows
and other chores in the cowshed or barn,
or join the locals at work in the ields. hen
take a well-earned rest in the pleasant shade
of a nearby hayrack. You can vary your days
in the country with horse riding or cycling
along forest trails, and in the evening you
can gather round the stove in the farmhouse
and join in with traditional rural games. On
special occasions you can get a taste of rural
festivities. Join the friendly locals at grape
harvest or at the time of the pig slaughter
and learn old folk dances.
Prepare yourself for a variety of experiences
of the countryside, from the stone court-
yards of the dry Karst, to the wooden build-
ings of the Alpine dairy farms in Gorenjska,
vineyard cottages in Dolenjska or the mud-
plastered, straw-thatched little houses of
Prekmurje and Štajerska.
No rural festivity – or ordinary day for that
matter – is complete without locally pro-
duced, home-made food and drink. Some
of the dishes you will encounter most fre-
quently on Slovenia’s farms include tradi-
tional cabbage, bean and potato dishes. Spoil
yourself with a variety of sweet and savoury
strudels and sample various types of home-
made bread. In the Karst you can also try the
local Karst ham. And every farm will ofer
its own version of potica, a cake illed with
walnuts, poppy seeds, raisins, cream cheese,
herbs or even crackling. his wealth of entic-
ing aromas and lavours is complemented
by the white wines of the Štajerska region,
Cviček from Dolenjska or Teran from the
Karst. And to inish with, a drop of home-
made fruit brandy or delicious mead. Feel
the value of nature’s gifts and enjoy the gen-
uine lavours of home-made food and drink.
Prekmurska gibanica
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