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The essential magazine for Amiga enthusiasts
Make Amiga
work! We tell
you how.
Issue 5 6 December 1995 £ 4 .2 5
d e t d d e j j
guide to
paces as we ready ourselves
/Q I for the much-awaited release
• ClariSSA 3 Professional: Take a look at the new
version of this impressive utility for classy animations.
• Power SuperXL: Store 3.5Mb on one floppy disk.
• Portable CD-ROM: The neatest CD drive ever?
• Falcon 040: The fastest A1200 accelerator board
we’ve seen so far. Upgrade to an A4000 for £500.
• Two pages of the latest CD-ROMs. Plus CD-Write!
The second part of Mojo's 3D tutorial explains how to
view animations and lots of other high-tech stuff too!
Part three of our tutorial explains the history of DTP
and just how much things have changed.
A brand new tutorial designed to help you get the
most from this excellent programming language.
We explain how to get started on the Net with
AmiTCP and AMosaic.
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Who’s Who
/ k
T h e ess*
T h e e s s e n tia l magazine for Amiga enthusiasts
. S
E d ito r : Sue Grant E -m a il
C o n s u lta n t E d ito r : Nick Veitch
A r t E d ito r : Nick Aspell
C o v e r d is k E d ito r /T e c h n ic a l W r ite r : David Taylor
P r o d u c tio n E d ito r : Nick Harper
C o n tr ib u to r s :
Mojo, Steve Bye, Larry Hickmott, Gary Whiteley, Darren Irvine,
John Kennedy and Paul Overaa
P h o to g r a p h y : Pete Canning
C o v e r im a g e : Jason Brown
A d v e r tis e m e n t M a n a g e r: Tony Hickman
S e n io r S a le s E x e c u tiv e : Diane Clarke
P r o d u c tio n M a n a g e r: Richard Gingell
P r o d u c tio n C o - o r d in a to r s : Charlotte Brock, Colette Varga
P r o d u c tio n T e c h n ic ia n s : Jon Moore, Mark Gover,
Simon Windsor, Chris Stocker, Brian Hook, Jason Titley
and Oliver Gibbs
G ro u p P r o d u c tio n M a n a g e r: Judith Green
P r in t S e r v ic e s M a n a g e r: Matthew Parker
P r in t S e r v ic e s C o - o r d in a to r : Janet Anderson
P a p e r C o n tr o lle r : Fiona Deane
P r o d u c tio n A d m in is tr a to r : Cathy Rowland
C ir c u la tio n M a n a g e r: Jon Bickley
D is tr ib u tio n : Sue Hartley
P u b lis h e r : Simon Stansfield E -m a il
J o in t M a n a g in g D ir e c to r : Greg Ingham
C h a ir m a n : Nick Alexander
P r in te d b y : Southernprint Ltd, Poole, Dorset
ISSN 0961-7302 Printed in the UK
N e w s I t a d e D is tr ib u tio n - U K a n d w o r ld w id e :
Future Publishing T t 01225 442244
Your guarantee of value
This magazine comes from Future Publishing, a
company founded just 10 years ago, but now
selling more computer magazines than any other
publisher in Britain.
We have a n o th e r fea ture -pa cked issue fo r y o u this m onth, a n d I'm
here to te ll y o u a ll a b o u t it...
give you excellent
value for your money -
you can’t deny it.
Anyway, enough
about that, on to this
issue. If you went to
the Live '95 show at
Earl’s Court,
you will have
seen the
Amiga Magic bundle on display,
and you may even have spoken
to David who was on the
stand - if you missed it, we have a
Show report on page 14.
John Kennedy shares
his experiences of
networking Amigas with
you on page 20,
while Larry
examines the latest
versions of all the
Amiga DTP and word
packages on page
26. Then there's
Mojo's second 3D
tutorial, where he
encourages you to
spend some more of
your hard-earned cash.
We also have another great
competition for you - try your luck on page
45 - you could win a Taxan 880LR monitor,
worth £700!
As for the Coverdisks, we have the full
version of Aural Illusion, the sample editor and
effects package, and there’s F1 Licenceware’s
popular image processing program,
Blackboard 3. There’s plenty of other essential
programs and utilities to keep you going too. I
es, our cover price has gone
up by 26p to £4.25. I know we
said we would keep the price
as low as possible for as long
as possible. Well, we have. But
now, to stay competitive, we
couldn't avoid a small price
increase. And it is small. Just
think of all the features and
tutorials we bring you every month.
Just think of all the great stuff we have
for you on our Coverdisks every month
too. There's 51/2Mb on this
month's disks - which saves
you a lot of money - if you got
these programs from PD Libraries, it
would cost you £1 per disk! So, we still
We offer:
Better advice. Our titles are packed with tips, suggestions and explanatory
features, written by the best in the business.
Stronger reviews. We have a cast-iron policy of editorial independence, and
our reviews give clear buying recommendations.
Clearer design. You need solid information and you need it fast. So our
designers highlight key elements in the articles by using charts, diagrams,
summary boxes, annotated photographs and so on.
Greater relevance. At Future, editors operate under two golden rules:
1. Understand your readers’ needs, 2. Satisfy them,
More reader interaction. We draw strongly on readers' contributions,
resulting in the liveliest letters pages and the best reader tips,
Better value for money. More pages, better quality: magazines you
can trust,
Copyright © 1995 Future Publishing Ltd. No part of this magazine may
be reproduced without written permission, We welcome contributions for
publication but regret that we cannot return any submissions. Contributions are
accepted only on the basis of full assignment of copyright to Future Publishing.
Any correspondence will be considered for publication unless you specifically
state otherwise, and we resen/e the right to edit letters published,
M e m b e r o f th e A u d it B u r e a u o f C ir c u la tio n
Audited circulation January to June 1995: 2 1 ,1 9 8
How to contact Amiga Shopper
30 Monmouth Street, Bath, Avon BA1 2BW.
'S’ 01225 442244 Fax: 01225 446019.
EDITORIAL: Send all press releases, feature
submissions and ideas to Sue Grant.
COVERDISKS: If you have a contribution, commercial
or otherwise, that you would like to submit for
consideration for the Coverdisks, send it to David Taylor.
READER ENQUIRIES: Amiga Shopper is
available for phone enquiries every Wednesday
between 10 am and 5.30pm. Please make sure your
call is necessary. 01225 442244.
FUTURENET: You can also contact us, or browse
through a selection of Amiga articles, tutorials etc. on
FutureNet. Point your WWW browser at:
ADVERTISING: If you want to place an
advertisement in Amiga Shopper, contact Tony
Hickman or Diane Clarke on S 01225 442244,
If you have a complaint about an advertiser in
Amiga Shopper, then contact Sophie Collins on
•S 01225 442244.
CUSTOMER SERVICES: "S 01225 822510
Turn to page 68 for a subscription to Amiga
Shopper (page 69 for a back issue). If you already
have a subscription, but have a query, write to:
Future Publishing Ltd, FREEPOST (BS4900),
Somerton TA1 1 6BR, or “S 01 225 822511.
Annual subscription rate: The subscription rate
for 12 issues of Amiga Shopper including postage is
£47.40 (UK), £55.80 (EC), £68.40 (Rest Of World).
Sue Grant
Turn the page for the ^
contents of issue 56 A
A M IG A S H O P P E R 3
December 1995
Issue 56 I
December 1995
Issue 56
The essential magazine for Amiga enthusiasts
Com m s 58
If you've been following our Comms tutorial you
will already know how to create your own Web
pages. But how do you just get connected to
the Net? Darren Irvine explains the joys of
AmiTCP and AMosaic.
O T P ______________________
Publishing has changed beyond recognition
over the years. Larry H ickm o tt looks back
on his personal experiences in the business
and discovers how far we've come with DTP
and the Amiga.
Amiga netw orking_2 0
Want to network your Amiga to another Amiga?
Or a Mao? Or even a PC? Don't know how?
Well, John Kennedy is here to help. He's
been dabbling with networking for months and
has discovered the best ways to go about it.
Now he shares his findings with you.
The write d ecisio n_2 6
If you really don't know whether you need a DTP
package or a word processor, or which one is
best for the work you want to do, then you need
Larry H ickm o tt’s essential guide. He
examines the differences between WP and DTP,
and then compares 1 0 different packages.
Taxan com petition _45
There’s a tremendous competition for you. We
have a Taxan 880LR monitor worth £700 to give
away free to one reader who answers our
questions correctly. (The Taxan 880LR won a
Star buy in our monitor Supertest last month.)
Power Super X L __ 3 8
3.5Mb on a single floppy disk might sound like a
real boon, but in these days of mass storage,
what exactly are the benefits of this new external
drive? David Taylor puts it to the test.
M edia Vision drive _39
The new CD-ROM drive from Media
Vision combines audio, CD-ROM
and playability in one lightweight and
compact unit. David Taylor reviews
this dual-speed CD-ROM drive.
CD-ROMs 4 0
Two pages full of the latest crop of CD-ROMs
to land on David Taylor's desk. He sorts the
wheat from the chaff. He also examines
CD Write, the new CD-ROM system that you've
all been asking about.
Falcon 0 4 0 4 4
If you can't quite scrape enough
money together to buy an
A4000/040, then the Falcon 040
board is the next best thing. David
Taylor checks out this zippy
accelerator board that will beef up your A1 200.
6 4
A M O S ________
We've received literally hundreds of letters and
queries from readers asking for a return of our
popular AMOS tutorial. Well, here it is! Steve
Bye of F1 Licenceware begins this six-part
feature with an introduction to this excellent
programming language.
Coverdisks_________ 6
We have 5V2Mb of software to give away to
our readers free this month. Stuck to the
front of this issue you’ll find two disks crammed
with hand-picked programs. (Subscribe and get
a third disk free!) See over the page for the low-
down on the contents of our Coverdisks.
News 14
Amiga Shopper was at Live '95 with the new
Amigas. Exclusive photos and report inside...
Amiga Answers. 46
If you’re stuck on an Amiga problem and have
exhausted all other possibilities, then write to us
- one of our experts will know the answer!
Im agine 3 . 3 _______ 3 4
While we wait for Imagine 4 to appear, Gary
W hiteley takes a close look at version 3.3.
Although this version isn’t generally available
our review will give you an idea of what to
expect of version 4.
ClariSSA 3 ________ 37
ClariSSA 3 Professional has a wide range of
accessible tools to make your animations fast,
smooth and funky, according to Gary
W hiteley. See what he has to say about the
latest version of this animation program.
Shoppe rTutoriaIs
Public D om ain____
More excellent new programs reviewed.
L e tte rs ___________ 80
Put pen to paper and air your Amiga views.
Plus! 25 quid for letter of the month.
Next month 82
Christmas Amiga Shopper, on sale Tuesday,
14th November. Don’t miss it!
3D a n im a tio n ______ 5 4
Last month M ojo (Supervising Animator on
Babylon 5!) told you what equipment you
needed to get started in 3D animation. Now
you've spent all that money setting yourself up,
he explains the best way of viewing your
animations. And how to spend some more cash!
Reader Ads
Mail Order
Back Issues
M arket Place
Ad In d e x ___
The dual-speed CD-ROM drive from Media
Vision combines portability with audio.
Turn your A 1200 into an A4000/040 with the
great new Falcon 040 accelerator board.
Issue 56
December 1995
Issue 56
December 1995
The write decision__p26
Amiga Shopper's Coverdisks are not just
any old two disks. There are seven
specially-selected disks packed on to
these two beauties. Here’re the contents:
Aural Illusion______6
The complete sample editor and effects
package. This is the full version of the
comprehensive sound generation system
from Blachford Technology.
ApplicationZone__ 10
A full database that can be configured, a
picture cataloguer and a digital circuit
designer all feature here.
LicenceWare_____ 10
Blackboard v3 - the full Licenceware
program. Amazing effects and adjustments
can be made to your images.
A bumper selection of utilities this month
with seven super programs. Icon
manipulation to Workbench improvement,
screen blanker to preference replacement.
There all here and much more besides.
You'll find Final Wrapper and macros, the
essential Text Effects package for Final
Writer users, and a fractal generator.
Seven ‘techie’ programs and help for
Directory Opus users.
InformationZone__ 12
The PD Directory and User Group listing.
Plus a full guide to the Amiga's Libraries.
Code Watcher to check your programs.
What's the difference between WP and DTP?
Which packages are best for the job? Are
the latest versions worth their weight in
gold, or are they much ado about
nothing? Amiga Shopper turns its
renowned and respected Supertest
towards the popular area of word
processing. Once more into the
breach we go, taking a good, long
look at what we know is of
immediate interest to our readers.
wsrctwprth 3 i g 199 s Digiio international1
The distances oetvveen I hr stars scattered throughout
space ore enormous E»en in our solar system, which
the name given to the w n and the planefc. distances
are very large If represented the Earth by a goH
ball, the sun v<*>uld be equivalent to a sphere 4 5
metres across and nearly 0 5 km away In fact the
distance between the Earth and the sun is about
150,000,000 km. This distant PageStreamS*
unit, is sometimes used as
astronomy. An even larger
is the distance- travelled by lie
to about 9.5 million million k
The galaxy to which our solar
the Milky Way. It » a whirl i
100,000 light years across i
Our nearest neighbouring gal
llron million km away.
Objects for Imagine and LightWave, plus
tutorials for Imagine users.
7/fe* Af/Jky way anew from
ehe> ''Fgg "//> Cj/rtjrvo/K j
jrma//amr/i //» Weavm
A uttoil /3 wf}*n> K 4 S .4 had
st *Jt* o/V/f /p 72
Find out what the new Wordworth 3.1
revision 2 has to offer.
E ilt frICftolf
I f ...............| I
......| I
£ancgt j j
We look at the latest version of
PageStream. See page 26.
Issue 56 I
December 1995 I
A M IG A S H O P P E R 5
Zgłoś jeśli naruszono regulamin