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„I’ve Been Too Much Of A Gentleman?
„Is that what you’re trying to tell me?“ Flynn asked.
Concealing her chagrin, Angie straightened and looked up at him with a serious expression. „That’s not
what I meant at all. I’ve appreciated your behavior. If you hadn’t been a gentleman, I wouldn’t have risked
hiring you for tomorrow night’s little scene.“
„I know.“ He reached out to touch her cheek, his dark eyes unreadable in the shadows. „If I hadn’t been a
gentleman for the past two days, you wouldn’t have risked trusting me at all.
But every gentleman has his limits,“ Flynn went on softly.
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Isabel Swift Senior Editor
The Challoner
Published by Silhouette Books New York
America’s Publisher of Contemporary Romance
300 East 42nd St. New York, N.Y. 10.017
Copyright © 1987 by Jayne Krentz Inc.
All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever. For information address
Silhouette Books, 300 East 42nd St. New York, N.Y. 10.017
ISBN: 0-373-05.342-8
First Silhouette Books printing M arch 1987
All the characters in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
SILHOUETTE, SILHOUETTE DESIRE and colophon are registered trademarks of the publisher.
America’s Publisher of Contemporary Romance
Printed in the U.S.A.
There was undoubtedly an approved manner in which one went about hiring a professional soldier of
fortune, but Angie Morgan didn’t know what it was. The years she had put in after college doing personnel
work hadn’t provided any experience in that area. An engineer or a secretary or a new department head
she could have managed with aplomb. This was a whole different matter.
At least she wasn’t starting from scratch, she told herself as she watched Flynn Sangrey cross the floor
of the open-air hotel lounge. She knew something about the man she was thinking of hiring. Enough, for
example, to realize that she preferred the term „soldier of fortune“ to the more realistic label of
Which was not to say that she knew him all that well. Two evenings spent sharing a couple of
margaritas while listening to a combo in a Mexican hotel nightclub hardly constituted an extensive
relationship, let alone a job interview. On the other hand how well did a woman really want to know a man
she was paying for protection? Surely it was better to keep such acquaintances on a businesslike level.
When her business in Mexico was concluded, she wasn’t likely to see Sangrey again. From all indications
he inhabited a much different world from her own. Two ships passing in the night.
She wasn’t absolutely positive that he made his living as a mercenary. Her conclusion might simply be
the result of an overactive imagination. She had, after all, very few hard facts. What convinced Angie she
wasn’t far off base was the fact that Sangrey had said nothing to counter her obvious assumptions, not
even when she’d deliberately tried to give him an opening to do so. Actually, he’d said almost nothing
concrete about himself, leaving her to draw her own conclusions.
It wasn’t easy to ask him personal questions; not after knowing him for only two days. He had been
gravely polite since he’d introduced himself, but somehow he’d made it clear he didn’t invite detailed
probing. He was on vacation.
Sangrey threaded his way through the maze of candlelit tables, moving with the kind of supple masculine
grace that spoke of coordination and strength. It occurred to Angie that a mercenary’s life must be a hard
one, hard enough to keep the body of a man who was clearly on the far side of thirty-five in shape.
He was dressed much as he had been for the past couple of days, in khaki shirt and dark twill slacks.
The leather belt that circled his waist was utilitarian looking and rather worn. The leather moccasins he
wore appeared to have been around awhile.
There was something in Sangrey’s dark gaze that said he’d been around awhile, too. Angie had the
impression that this man had seen some aspects of life that most people would prefer to ignore or forget.
Only to be expected in his line of work, Angie told herself firmly. Julian would probably find him fascinating.
The rest of Sangrey went along with the image created by the tough, functional leather belt and the
austere khaki shirt. He had probably never been very good looking, even before life had etched the
hardness on his features. But tonight the flickering candlelight and the pale gleam of the stars overhead
seemed to emphasize the fierce line of his nose and jaw. There was an aggressive, predatory element in
Flynn Sangrey but Angie had the feeling it was well controlled. Everything about the man seemed
Maybe too controlled.
He hadn’t even made a pass at her during the past two days.
Not that she wanted him to, Angie told herself instantly. After all, she was here in the Mexican
Caribbean on business. She was definitely not interested in picking up a tall, dark stranger for the purpose
of having a vacation fling. It was just vaguely disappointing that this particular tall, dark stranger hadn’t
seemed interested in picking her up, either. At least not for a quick, passionate fling. From the moment he
had introduced himself two evenings ago, Angie had gained the distinct impression that Flynn Sangrey was
only looking for a little casual companionship.
Perhaps he wouldn’t be interested in a small job, either, she thought worriedly. The man was clearly
treating himself to a vacation.
„Good evening.“
Sangrey’s voice was heavy, rather like the dark leather belt and the moccasins. Angie had grown to like
it during the past couple of days. She smiled up at him as he took the chair beside her.
„How was the diving?“ she asked, knowing that he had spent the afternoon in scuba gear.
„Unbelievable. The water around here is like crystal, and the fish swim along the reefs with you as if
you’re one of them. Another world.“ Flynn broke off to give his order to a passing waiter. Then he turned
back to Angie, his dark gaze moving over her with polite, controlled interest. „How about you? Get that
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