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Samhain Publishing, Ltd.
577 Mulberry Street, Suite 1520
Macon GA 31201
Playing For Keeps
Copyright © 2009 by Shiloh Walker
ISBN: 978-1-60504-356-2
Edited by Heidi Moore
Cover by Angela Waters
All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written
permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
First Samhain Publishing, Ltd. electronic publication: January 2009
Playing for Keeps
Shiloh Walker
For my husband, for always being there, for being you. For being there during the
darkest moments of my life and pulling me through. I love you more than you will ever
Playing for Keeps
Chapter One
“You tramp.”
Dana Cochran slid her best friend, Cissy a sidelong glance as she ducked her head
and climbed into the low-slung Mazda Miata. The car had a custom paint job, hot pink,
that matched Cissy’s favorite designer sunglasses, and today it even matched her perfect
manicure. Following Cissy’s gaze, she looked back to the porch and saw Jacob McCoy
standing there, wearing nothing but a pair of jeans and a smile as he watched her.
Swinging her head around, she grinned at Cissy and said, “You’re just jealous.”
“Hmmm.” She slid her sunglasses down her nose, watching as Jacob shoved off the
wall and headed back inside the house. “Quite possibly. Was Mason there, too?”
“He left early last night, had to work.”
“Shacking up with two men—two gorgeous men,” Cissy muttered. She shook her
head and slid her sunglasses back into place. “A sexy freelance photographer. A doctor.
Geez, you’ve got some good karma. So how long you plan on enjoying these kinds of
fringe benefits with these two friends of yours?”
Dana grinned wickedly. “I’m going to enjoy it while it lasts.” She couldn’t exactly
call both of them friends, though. Jacob, definitely. He’d been one of her best friends for
as long as she could remember. They’d dated off and on throughout high school, drifted
apart in college—he’d won an athletic scholarship, she’d joined the Navy and gone to
college on their dime, training to be a nurse and then leaving once her time was up.
Upon coming home, she’d bought her parents’ home from them when they made the
decision to move to Florida, settling back in across the street from Jake, her childhood
best friend. At the time, he’d been living at home with his mom while he finished up his
internship. When Mrs. McCoy had died of a sudden heart attack in her sleep, Jake had
inherited the house.
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