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Praise for the novels of Anne Grade
An Honorable Thief
"She's turned out another wonderful story!"
—All About Romance
"A true find and definitely a keeper." —Romance Reviews
"A thoroughly marvelous heroine." — The Best Reviews
"Dazzling characterizations… provocative, tantalizing, and wonderfully witty
romantic fiction… Unexpected plot twists, tongue-in-cheek humor, and a
sensually fraught battle of wits between hero and heroine… embraces the
romance genre's truest heart." —Heartstrings
How the Sheriff Was Won
"Anne Grade provide[s] pleasant diversions."
—Midwest Book Review
"An excellent story with an engaging plot and well-rounded characters." —
Romantic Times
Tallie's "Knight
"Grade combines an impeccable knowledge of history, an ability to create
vibrant and attractive characters, and an excellent storytelling ability.
Tallie's Knight is far and away the best Regency romance I have read in a long
time." — The Romance Reader
"Grade's writing style is charming and wonderful and the love scenes are very
sensual… a special book with excellent writing and characters that touch the
—All About Romance
Gallant Waif
"A great heroine… This is as polished a piece of romance writing as anyone
could want." — The Romance Reader
"I loved everything about it." —All About Romance
A Virtuous Widow
"A wonderful, warm, emotionally stirring Christmas story of love found, wishes
fulfilled, and promises kept."
—Romantic Times
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A Berkley Sensation Book / published by arrangement with the author
Berkley Sensation edition / November 2003
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