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Sexy Santa Dreams
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Fantasy Games – Sexy Santa Dreams
Copyright © 2006 – Tianna Xander
Coverart and design by Martine Hardin
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Published by eXtasy Books 2006
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S e x y S a n t a D r e a m s
B y
T i a n n a X a n d e r
Tianna Xander
o you like this?”
The voice, deep and gravelly whispered into her
ear, chills rushed down her spine as his breath danced
across her skin. The voice was familiar, almost
recognizable but different from any voice she'd ever
heard. Could it be that he didn't want her to know who
he really was?
A warm mouth encased her nipple as strong, supple
fingers tangled through the nest of short curls at the
apex of her thighs. The long fingers circled the small
nubbin, leaving her quivering with need.
“Do you like this?” Another male voice, similar to
the first one but with a tone all its own, sent another
round of shivers dancing down her spine.
Dear God! Could there really be two of them?
Gooseflesh rose on her skin and she shivered again
before she nodded.
Their hands were everywhere, gliding up her legs,
dancing over her stomach to the sensitive tips of her
breasts. An inarticulate cry of ecstasy escaped her lips
as two warm mouths closed over her sensitive nipples.
Never before had she felt so close to the edge, just from
foreplay. The men’s hands, no longer buried between
her thighs, merely skimmed lightly over her stomach
Fantasy Games – Sexy Santa Dreams
and legs, still driving her so near the edge of another
“It feels so good,” she bit out between her clenched
teeth. It felt too good to be true.
How could it not feel good? Both men paid homage
to her breasts. Two warm mouths nibbled and licked in
unison on her sensitive nipples as if they were as sweet
as candy. If she didn't know better, she would swear
that each man could hear the thoughts of the other.
Her head thrashed on the pillow as their mouths
worked magic on her flesh and she cried out with her
climax as they took her over the edge by merely
caressing her breasts and skimming their fingers up and
down her sensitive flesh.
One man lifted her spent form, draping it on the bed.
She knew that her arms and legs were splayed wide, but
she was too spent to even try to move them. The
darkness of the room covered their movements. She
couldn't see anything—only feel. One man settled
between her thighs as the other returned his attention to
her breasts.
Chayna couldn't hold back the scream of bliss as lips
closed over the sensitive nub between her thighs. She
reached down, twining her fingers into his silky hair
and held his head to her as he suckled. Nothing, no one,
had ever made her feel this way before. One set of lips
suckled her clit as the others suckled her nipples and the
combination nearly drover her mad with pleasure. She
dug her heels into the mattress as she felt yet another
climax building, taking her ever closer to the doorway
to paradise.
“What is that noise?” the man at her breast asked.
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