Tawny Taylor - Lessons In Lust Major(1).pdf

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An Ellora‘s Cave Publication, July 2004
Ellora‘s Cave Publishing, Inc.
PO Box 787
Hudson, OH 44236-0787
ISBN MS Reader (LIT) ISBN # 1-84360-987-7
Other available formats (no ISBNs are assigned):
Adobe (PDF), Rocketbook (RB), Mobipocket (PRC) & HTML
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part without permission.
This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is
purely coincidental. They are productions of the authors ‘ imagination and used fictitiously.
Edited by Martha Punches.
Cover art by Syneca .
Tawny Taylor
Chapter One
Not again! Every time I’m summoned to this room, I end up regretting it for months. Kate
Evans pressed her back against the interior brick wall, knowing the stooped,
eighty-something year-old woman standing in front of her was no more pliant. If only
Sister Joy Margaret wasn’t the principal, the woman who held her future between her
bent, arthritic fingers. Then again, next fall, Sister Joy would be retired. Unfortunately,
Kate wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or not. If nothing else, the little, quick-witted
woman was predictably unpredictable.
Which was the main reason for Kate’s currently miserable state.
The principal gave her wimple-covered head a firm shake. “Good! I’m glad you
came so quickly. Mr. Krupke,” her pale gray eyes twinkled as she said his name, “will
be here in just a moment, and then we’ll go over the details of your trip this weekend. I
had to take some money from the art department’s budget to send both the instrumental
and vocal teachers to the conference, so I’m asking for some small concessions. Sister
Mary Martha wasn’t happy to lose the money.”
I bet she wasn’t. Concessions? How small? She swallowed a sigh, and turned her head
when Sister Joy’s office door creaked. But when Lukas Krupke, the school’s new band
instructor, didn’t enter the closet-sized room as she expected, Kate looked at Sister Joy.
“As you know, this is the first year we’ve been able to afford sending both… ”
Oh, boy, here it comes! Knowing whatever the principal had to say would be bad, she
dug her fingers into the mortar between the bricks behind her back and held on. Last time
this woman did me a favor, I ended up coaching the cheerleading squad for the year. Teaching
girls how to shake their groove thang was definitely not her most developed talent.
Sister Joy glanced up from her desk and smiled. “Mr. Krupke! Please, sit.” She
motioned toward a chair in front of her metal desk.
He’s here? Unable to stop herself, she turned to glance at him.
He gave the principal a friendly smile but hung back, standing about a foot away
from Kate.
He sure is. She sighed.
Sister Joy cleared her throat, an obvious request for Kate’s undivided attention.
But it wasn’t easy for Kate to tear her gaze away, not with him standing that close.
She tried once and failed. He was so much more pleasant to look at than Sister Joy, not
that she had anything against older women.
He wasn’t what most women would call traffic-stopping gorgeous, but in her book,
he came darn close. If she had to label him, she’d call him bookish-handsome, with
dark-framed glasses, slightly mussed hair that was a little long for a private high school
teacher, and clothes that could probably fit a man almost twice his size—and he wasn’t
by any stretch of the imagination a small-framed man.
Since his first day, January fifth, exactly thirteen weeks and three days ago, she’d
spent many a night trying to imagine what kind of body hid under those saggy pants
and oversized sweaters.
He glanced her way, his dark brown eyes—the color of her favorite chocolate—
settling upon hers for a moment.
Yes, handsome! Do you want to tell me something ?
In response to her silent inquiry, he adjusted his tie and turned back to the principal.
“You said you needed to speak with me?”
“Yes, Mr. Krupke. Ms. Evans and I were just discussing the Regional Music
Educators’ Conference this coming weekend.”
“Yes.” He adjusted his tie again.
“I wanted to send both of you this year, but my funds are limited. I know this is
highly unusual, but I wanted to ask if you two could travel together to save a few
Travel together? Her face warmed. Had someone turned up the heat? Sister Joy was
always so blasted cold.
As if she’d read Kate’s mind, the principal buttoned her cable-knit cardigan sweater
over her brown habit. “Now, I’m not asking you to share a room, or anything that
atrocious. After all, we are a Catholic institution, and we must live by certain
standards… ”
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