Silvia Violet - Impulse Buy(1).doc

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Impulse Buy

Impulse Buy

©2006, Silvia Violet

Sophie wanted the red stiletto heels so bad she could taste the wild cherry candy they reminded her of. She pressed her nose against the shop window as she admired the long, sleek heels and the witchy point of the toes.

She sighed. There wasn't a chance in hell she could afford shoes like that. . . unless. But she wasn't that wicked, was she? On the other hand, Henry, the shopkeeper, was divinely handsome.

Moments later, Sophie sat on one of the shop's supple leather chairs, trying on a pair of the red candy delights.

"So what do you think?" Henry asked.

"I think they were made for me." She rose from her seat and paraded across the store, deliberately tightening her ass with each step. She swung the shop door closed and locked it, flipping the sign to closed.

"What are you doing?"

"Bartering with you.," She closed the blinds to give them privacy.

Henry cleared his throat. "I don't think-"

She turned to face him. "I'm going to fuck you. Then you're going to give me these shoes."

His eyes widened.

She pulled her top over her head.

He sucked in his breath and surrendered to the sexual energy electrifying the room. "Leave the shoes on."

Wearing nothing but the stilettos, Sophie climbed on the counter and lay back, opening her legs and bending her knees.

Henry's gaze never left her dripping wet pussy as he pulled a condom from his wallet and unfastened his pants. He sheathed himself adeptly and stepped forward to stand between Sophie's legs. The tip of his jutting cock brushed her entrance. Her hips rose and fell of their own accord. She'd never imagined how good it would feel to be so utterly bad.

He placed his hands on the underside of her thighs and pushed her legs up. The stilettos dangled dangerously in the air. The red leather looked shockingly bright against the pale skin of her feet

Henry plunged deep on the first stroke, taking her by surprise. A strangled shriek escaped her lips. He gave her no time to recover. Again and again, he drove into her, deeper with each stroke. Every time he pulled out, he brushed across her g-spot with unparalleled skill.

She raised her legs and dropped them over his shoulders. He shoved in so far her whole body stretched to accommodate him. Caught in a demanding sexual haze, she reached for her clit. One squeeze and her body exploded.

Henry's nails dug into her thighs as his hips slammed against her in staccato strokes. He roared, and his orgasm shook his whole body.

Moments later, as he lay draped against her, Henry sighed. "I've never been happier to part with a pair of shoes."

Sophie smiled and stroked his sweat-slick back. "Got anymore in my size?"


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