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Chapter 26 - 26.51
51. (a) We know from Eq. 26-7 that the magnitude of the electric field is directlyproportional to the surface
charge density:
E = σ
ε 0 =
10 6 C / m 2
m 2 =1 . 7
10 6 V / m .
8 . 85
10 12 C 2 / N
Regarding the units, it is worth noting that a Volt is equivalent to a N
(b) Eq. 26-23 yields
u = 1
2 ε 0 E 2 =13J / m 3 .
(c) The energy U is the energy-per-unit-volume multiplied by the (variable) volume of the region
between the layers of plastic food wrap. Since the distance between the layers is x , and we use A
for the area over which the (say, positive) charge is spread, then that volume is Ax .Thus,
U = uAx where u =13J / m 3
(d) The magnitude of force is
= dU
dx = uA .
(e) The force per unit area is
= u =13N / m 2 .
m, which explains how J/m 3
maybe set equal to N/m 2 in the above manipulation. We note, too, that the pressure unit N/m 2
is generallyknown as a Pascal (Pa).
(f) Combining our steps in parts (a) through (e), we have
= u = 1
2 ε 0 E 2
2 ε 0 σ
= σ 2
2 ε 0
6 . 0N / m 2
ε 0
which leads to σ = 2(8 . 85
10 12 )(6 . 0) = 1 . 0
10 5 C / m 2 .
Regarding units, it is worth noting that a Joule is equivalent to a N
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