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Chapter 17 - 17.52
52. (a) This distance is determined by the longitudinal speed:
d = v t = (2000 m / s) 40
10 6 s =8 . 0
10 2 m .
(b) Assuming the acceleration is constant (justified by the near-straightness of the curve a = 300 / 40
10 6 ) we find the stopping distance d :
v 2 = v o +2 ad =
d =
(300) 2 40
10 6
10 3 m. This and the radius r form the legs of a right triangle (where r is
opposite from θ =60 ). Therefore,
tan 60 = r
r = d tan 60 =1 . 0
10 2 m .
which gives d =6 . 0
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