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Chapter 13 - 13.16
16. (a) Analyzing vertical forces where string 1 and string 2 meet, we find
T 1 =
=49N .
(b) Looking at the horizontal forces at that point leads to
T 2 = T 1 sin35 = (49N)sin35 =28N .
(c) We denote the components of T 3 as T x (rightward) and T y (upward). Analyzing horizontal forces
where string 2 and string 3 meet, we find T x = T 2 = 28N. From the vertical forces there, we
conclude T y = 50N. Therefore,
(d) The angle of string 3 (measured from vertical) is
θ =tan 1 T x
T y
=tan 1 28
=29 .
T 3 = T x + T y =57N .
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