
(3806 KB) Pobierz
Introduction .............................................2
What’s Included in this Manual ............2
The Story So Far ...................................2
Getting Started.......................................2
The ReadMe File ...................................2
System Requirements ............................3
Setup and Installation............................3
New Camera Controls ...........................4
Places and People ..................................4
Cities and Dungeons..............................4
Characters in the Tale............................5
The Campaign: Hordes
of the Underdark™ ...............................7
Player’s Handbook ..................................8
Character Creation ................................8
Experience and Gaining Levels ............8
Alignment Shift ......................................8
Multiple Henchmen ...............................9
Epic Rules ..............................................9
Core Classes ...........................................9
Barbarian .............................................9
Bard ...................................................10
Fighter ...............................................11
Paladin ...............................................11
Rogue .................................................12
Sorcerer .............................................12
Wizard ...............................................13
Prestige Classes....................................13
Arcane Archer ...................................13
Blackguard ........................................14
Champion of Torm ............................15
Dwarven Defender ...........................16
Harper Scout .....................................17
Pale Master........................................18
Red Dragon Disciple ........................19
Shifter ................................................20
Shadowdancer ...................................21
Weapon Master .................................22
Feats ..........................................................25
Epic Feats .................................................32
Spells .........................................................41
Bard ......................................................41
Druid ....................................................44
Paladin ..................................................45
Ranger ..................................................46
Epic Spells ................................................49
How to Cast .........................................49
Choosing Epic Spells ...........................49
Grenade-like Weapons ........................50
New Weapons ......................................50
Powerful Magical Items ......................51
Item Crafting and Enhancing..................51
Crafting Recipes...................................53
Toolset .......................................................54
Tilesets ..................................................54
Aurora Toolset —
New Wizards & Features ....................54
Scripting Tips ...........................................55
Tables and Charts.....................................56
Spell Icons ................................................61
Dansk Quickstart.....................................66
Svensk Quickstart....................................68
Suomi Quickstart .....................................70
Norsk Quickstart .....................................72
Portuguese Quickstart .............................74
Technical Support ....................................81
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Neverwinter Nights™ continues the epic role-playing game revolution with the Hordes of the
Underdark™ expansion pack, featuring all new prestige classes, monsters, weapons, feats,
skills and spells! Engage in a brand new single-player adventure. Dungeon Masters can
create richer experiences with five new tilesets and over a dozen new creature models.
What’s Included in this Manual
This manual describes enhancements to the rules and provides descriptions of the new
features, including skills, feats, spells and weapons. Where necessary, please refer to the
original Neverwinter Nights™ game manual.
The Story So Far
You have recently escaped from a long sojourn on the Plane of Shadow. Your adventures
in that murky dimension have transformed you from a raw novice to a seasoned
adventurer. Escaping from the plane has made you, the talk of taverns and daydreaming
children who seek to emulate your exploits.
Beneath the city of Waterdeep lies the Underdark and from it the armies of darkness have
risen to lay siege to the splendid city. You have arrived to save Waterdeep and in so doing
you will step from the storybooks of mortal heroes and take your place among the truly
epic heroes and heroines of lore.
The ReadMe File
The Neverwinter Nights: Hordes of the Underdark CD-ROM game has a ReadMe file where
you can view both the License Agreement and updated information about the game. We
strongly encourage you to read this file in order to benefit from changes made after this
manual went to print.
To view this file, double-click on it in the Hordes of the Underdark directory found on your
hard disk (usually C:\NeverwinterNights\NWN\docs). You can also view the ReadMe
file by first clicking on the Start button on your Windows® taskbar, then on Programs,
then on Neverwinter Nights and then on the HoTUreadme.txt.
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System Requirements
Operating System: Windows ® 98/Me/2000SP2/XP
Processor: 800 MHz (1.3 GHz or higher recommended)
Memory: 128 MB RAM (256 MB recommended)
256 MB RAM for Windows ® XP
(512 MB RAM recommended for Windows ® XP)
Hard Disk Space: 1.5 GB Free
CD-ROM Drive: 8X Speed
Video: 32 MB video card with Hardware T&L support*
(64 MB video card with Hardware T&L support*
Sound: DirectX ® -certified sound card*
Multiplayer: Local area network with TCP/IP protocol or
established Internet connection (56 Kbps modem or
faster required)
DirectX®: DirectX ® version 8.1b or higher
*Indicates device should be compatible with DirectX® version 8.1b or higher.
Setup and Installation
1. Start Windows® 98/Me/2000SP2/XP.
2. Insert the Neverwinter Nights: Hordes of the Underdark CD-ROM game disc into your CD-
ROM drive.
3. If AutoPlay is enabled, a title screen should appear. If AutoPlay is not enabled, or the
installation does not start automatically, click on the Start button on your Windows®
taskbar, then on Run. Type D:\Setup and click on OK.
Note: If your CD-ROM drive is assigned to a letter other than D, substitute that letter.
4. Follow the remainder of the on-screen instructions to finish installing the Neverwinter
Nights: Hordes of the Underdark CD-ROM game.
5. Once installation is complete, click on the Start button on the Windows® taskbar and
choose Programs/ Neverwinter Nights/Neverwinter Nights to start the game.
Note: You must have the Play disc in your CD-ROM drive to play.
Installation of DirectX®
The Neverwinter Nights: Hordes of the Underdark CD-ROM requires DirectX® 8.1b or
higher in order to run. If you do not have DirectX® 8.1b or higher installed on your
computer, click on “Yes” when asked if you would like to install it.
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The default camera view has now been changed to a third-person over-the-shoulder
perspective. In addition, the camera range has been expanded. You can now zoom the camera
in to a few feet from the character or zoom out to provide a larger view of the environment.
In addition, the pitch of the camera now ranges from minus 180-degrees to minus 1-degree
angle to give the perspective from the character’s eyes. Controls are outlined below:
Camera Views
Normal: Camera fixed in position.
Chase View: Camera locked looking over the character’s shoulder from behind.
• Press “*” [asterisk] on the number pad to toggle between camera views.
Mouse Wheel
• Press and hold mouse wheel to change the camera
• Move mouse wheel forward to zoom in
• Move mouse wheel back to zoom out
Normal camera view
Camera up full (overhead view)
Camera down full (view toward the horizon)
Page Down (press and hold)
Reset to default view
Zoom camera in full
Zoom camera out full
Page Up/Down
Move camera up/down
Chase view
Camera up full (overhead view)
Camera down full – (view toward the horizon)
Page Down (press and hold)
Reset to default view
Page Up/Down
Move camera up/down
Cities and Dungeons
Waterdeep is the major cosmopolitan power of the Sword Coast and is known by many
as the City of Splendours. The city is an important centre of trade and innovation, ideally
situated beside an excellent harbour. Life goes on as normal for its citizens as it has for
many years but something always stirs below, for the city sits atop the dungeon called
Undermountain. Waterdeep now faces one of the most difficult crises in its history, for
what was once safely contained below now rises forth. Drow, beholders and the dreaded
mind flayers now lay siege to the city.
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The mad wizard Halaster Blackcloak built thousands of tunnels beneath the city of
Waterdeep, forming a strange and dangerous labyrinth. Therein he stored his treasures,
experiments and necessities. With powerful creatures bound to his will, Halaster has
populated this ever-changing dungeon with the most fearsome of beasts. Few
adventurers have survived to tell the tale of Undermountain. Those that have had, best
be shown some well-earned respect.
The Underdark
Entire societies exist beneath the earth, empires falling and rising without any idea that
there is a world above them. The cruellest of the Underdark's masters are the drow.
These shunned cousins of the elven folk have built majestic cities throughout the lightless
realm. But foul creatures and cultures even more dangerous than the drow populate the
vast expanses between the pockets of civilization.
Characters in the Tale
He is a former adventurer who now manages a small inn called the
Yawning Portal. He runs the inn with the help of his wife Mhaere —
another retired adventurer — and their daughter Tamsil. The inn's
claim to fame is that it sits atop the fearsome dungeon known as
The Valsharess
This female drow is the mysterious and enigmatic leader of the large
Underdark army that threatens Waterdeep. The Valsharess (which
means Empress in the drow tongue) is the title she has given herself
her true name still remains a secret. Through force and diplomacy she
has melded together the enemies of her people into a massive army
that threatens to topple the most powerful city in Faerun. Little is
known about her except that she and her forces have mastered an
advanced form of fire magic. She is intelligent, proud and more than
certain of her ultimate victory.
This kobold is a bard of surprising skill, his talents honed under the
watchful guidance of the white dragon that trained him. His past is far
behind him now, for Deekin has travelled far and wide, even having
had some small hand in saving the world from the flying city of
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