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Preferred Citation: Fornara, Charles W., and Loren J. Samons II Athens from Cleisthenes to
Pericles. Berkeley: University of California Press, c1991 1991.
Athens from Cleisthenes to
Charles W. Fornara and
Loren J. Samons II
Berkeley · Los Angeles · Oxford
© 1991 The Regents of the University of California
To M. H. C. and Jamie
Preferred Citation: Fornara, Charles W., and Loren J. Samons II Athens from Cleisthenes to
Pericles. Berkeley: University of California Press, c1991 1991.
To M. H. C. and Jamie
This book owes its existence to a collaborative effort between me and my
student Loren Samons II. I had, indeed, written an earlier and more
rudimentary version of similar scope some years ago. That version benefited
greatly from the criticism of Morton Smith, whom I thank with deep
gratitude for his warm interest in my work over the years, especially when I
was younger, when encouragement is so important. The book nevertheless
left me dissatisfied, however, and so it languished, virtually forgotten, until
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quite recently, when two special circumstances drew me back to it. The
award of a Guggenheim Fellowship (1988–89), afforded me sufficient leisure
to contemplate revision of the old manuscript while I simultaneously
prosecuted my new-found interest in Ammianus Marcellinus and the
historiography of late antiquity. But even so, I did not wish to undertake a
project requiring the total rewriting and radical expansion of an older group
of studies, which further required a thorough review of the modern
literature, without sharing the burden with someone else; and thus it was
my acquaintance with Samons that made the possibility a real one, for I
recognized that Samons's gifts of intellect and independence of mind would
make a joint undertaking feasible. The collaboration was very pleasant and
mutually instructive.
Of those who have since read our manuscript, my chief obligation is to
Mortimer Chambers, who taught me Greek history while I was his student at
the University of Chicago and then at the University of California at Los
Angeles. My debt to him is profound and inexpressible,
for he showed me the real meaning of the word scholarship. I also am
privileged to thank Peter Rhodes for his careful reading of the manuscript,
which also improved it greatly. Neither scholar, of course, necessarily shares
the views presented in the text.
Finally, I wish, with Samons, to thank Richard Holway of the University of
California Press for the interest he showed in the book and his willingness to
further its publication. I am also delighted to acknowledge the benefit of the
editorial assistance of Peter Dreyer and my sense of obligation to Mary
Lamprech, the Classics Editor of the University of California Press.
C. W. F.
In the process of collaborating on this book I have accumulated many debts,
both scholarly and otherwise. The Department of Classics at Brown
University provided a partial subvention for my research, and its chairman,
Professor Kurt A. Raaflaub, provided useful assistance. The department's
administrative assistant, Ruthann Whitten, in many ways made a difficult
task simpler. I am especially grateful to my friend and colleague James
Kennelly, who discussed with me various problems in Herodotus and
Thucydides and saved me from numerous errors of both judgment and fact.
Of course, my preeminent academic debt is to Professor Charles Fornara,
who not only taught me how to study Greek history, but also provided me
with the means to do so at a level that I could not have achieved by myself
—all this with the patience and instruction that make collaboration between
senior and junior partners felicitous. Above all, I wish to thank my wife,
Jamie, who shares the dedication of this work, for she rendered
immeasurable intellectual aid and personal support and has in every way
enriched these first years of scholarship and marriage.
L. J. S. II
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