Present Continuous.rtf

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                                          Present Continuous


We use the Present Continuous:

·                      Describing the activities that are happening at the time talking about them, very often in this situation, use any words saying that activity is carried out at the moment: Mary is reading an interesting book.

·                      We use it to describe the activities which do not have to go at precisely the moment to speak about them, but it lasts a long time (including the moment). We need to specify how long a action is executed. He is building a new house. / This month Tom is studying hard for his exams.

·                      If something is planned, then also we can express the present continuous: On Friday we are having an important meeting.

·                      If we describe a repeated action. She's making the same spelling mistake again.



Time expressions:

·                      now- teraz

·                      at the moment- w tej chwili


For example:

·                      You are reading a book.

·                      We are doing our homework.

·                      Are you reading a book?

·                      They aren't running.




1) Tomek pisze list. (w tej chwili)


2) Mary je śniadanie.                        -.................................................................................................

3) Zabieram swoją torbę


4 )Czekamy na mojego wujka.      


5) Czy on patrzy w gwiazdy?        


6)Ty nie czytasz książki.             


7) Co ty teraz robisz?                 


8) Wy nie gotujecie teraz             


9) Oni śpiewają teraz piosenkę na środku ulicy.   -.................................................................................................

10) Ona marzy o psie (teraz)          


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