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Unit 5 Making Deals Quick Progress Test


Unit 5 Making Deals Progress Test


Name: _______________________________


Part 1 Reading 


Task 1

15 points


Read the text below about online shopping.

Choose the best word to fill each gap from A, B, C or D below.



Every year in the USA over $150 billion is spent online, but this is only 5 % of

(1) _________ retail sales in the country. Most people using the Internet for shopping don't actually make a (2) _________ online. Instead they use the Internet for pre-purchase research to find the best (3) _________ deals available, and then they go to that shop (if possible) to make the final purchase.


This is all despite the e-tailing promise that shopping online will be (4) _________ and convenient. Convenient it might be, but 30% of all online purchases (5) _________, which means that there are a lot of disappointed (6) _________ out there. There is also the (7) _________ of credit card security. In Britain there is over £500m of credit card fraud every year and over 25% of that is when stolen credit card details are used on the telephone or Internet to place (8) _________ which the card holder does not find out about until their next statement. As a result of this, many people do not trust websites

(9) _________ their credit card details.


Other potential customers do not like the way websites track their visits and the way some, like Amazon.com, make suggestions to (10) _________ customers based on their previous purchases. They see this as being (11) _________, and even a (12) _________ of their privacy.  So although online retailers have (13) _________ down prices and can (14) _________ large discounts because they are only taking orders and shipping products from large warehouses, they are still (15) _________ it difficult to turn visitors into paying customers.


1        A. on                            B. whole                            C. total                             D. these

2        A. buy                            B. purchase                            C. shop                            D. demand

3        A. extra                            B. good                            C. make                            D.  possible

4        A. expensive              B. cheap                            C. good                            D. quality

5        A. fail                            B. work                            C. succeed                            D. bought

6        A. buyer                            B. customers                            C. orders                            D. consume

7        A. problem              B. situation                            C. status                            D. issued

8        A.  products              B. goods                            C. purchases                            D.  orders

9        A. for                            B. by                                          C. to                                          D.  with

10    A.  new                            B. next                                          C. returning                             D. excellent

11    A.  intrude                            B. intruded                            C. intrusive                            D. intruding

12    A.  protection              B. violation                            C. entrance                            D. intrude

13    A.  brought               B. bring                            C. bringing                            D. bought

14    A.  ask                            B. gave                            C. suggest                            D.  offer

15    A.  finding                            B. making                            C. saying                            D. seeing



Task 2 

5 points


Complete the text with one word in each space.  There is an example at the beginning.


A customer logs on to the Internet and looks up a (0) product on a search engine. She clicks on a (1) _______ to a seller’s site and then she (2) _______ the site and identifies the product which interests her. Then the customer (3) _______ similar products on other sites before selecting the best offer she can find. She (4) _______ a product and places it in a shopping cart before going to the (5) _______.


Part 2 Writing


Task 1

5 points


Write an email based on the following brief. Write about 50–60 words.



Your friend Jane Cliffe wants to set up her own personal website.


Write an email to Jane:


·         Ask how her plans are going

·         Suggest some web design essentials

·         Say that you are available to help her more




To: Jane Cliffe


Subject: Web design

























Task 2

5 points


Rewrite these sentences, starting with the words given.


1 I told him to order 1,000 pieces initially.


I suggested ______________________________________________________________



2 Unless I get a big pay rise, I'll leave.


If ______________________________________________________________________



3 I don't care what you wear if you work hard.


Providing _______________________________________________________________



4 I wouldn't recommend doing that.


I suggest ________________________________________________________________



5 I might consider it if the money was good.


As long as _______________________________________________________________


Part 3 Listening 


Task 1 / Recording 2.25

10 points


Listen to the first half of the talk show about e-tailing. Complete these phrases with the next word or words that you hear.


1        my job is to help e-tailers to _______    _______    _______  

2        I guess a lot of people, like me, do a lot of _______ - _______

3        And that's one of the main _______

4        advertise their sites to increase _______

5        your visit is actually _______

6        a new way to _______  _______

7        a conversational agent, or _______  _______

8        its an animated character that appears on the customer’s _______

9        just like you would chat with a _______  _______

10    uses artificial intelligence to interact _______  _______


Task 2 / Recording 2.41

5 points


Listen to the first part of the negotiation between Ingrid and Harry. Answer these questions.


1        Why does Harry want to set up an e-business?



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