cry of the city.en.txt

(58 KB) Pobierz
{2506}{2594}I have Martin Rome.|357 Court street. Right?
{2599}{2619}Good enough.
{2626}{2692}Age 29, appendix removed|four years ago.
{2703}{2770}Knife scar in shoulder.|Blood type 'A'.
{2782}{2820}No further record.|- No record?
{3029}{3051}What do you want?
{3057}{3106}For 5 years he pulls the|tricks in the book.
{3113}{3181}Tonight he holds up a restaurant|and kills a cop. No record?
{3188}{3219}I mean medical, sir.
{3868}{3913}Why did they do this to him?
{4493}{4528}You shouldn't have come.
{4553}{4585}I'd to come, Marty.
{4621}{4647}The radio...
{4665}{4700}...said you were badly hurt.
{4742}{4766}It said you were...
{4788}{4813}Go away, Tina.
{4859}{4913}Don't get mixed up in this.
{5036}{5079}Why did you have to shoot?
{5119}{5148}Why did you kill?
{5186}{5209}I had to.
{5239}{5284}I thought we could...
{5344}{5376}...does it terrible?
{5491}{5515}Kiss me.
{5805}{5844}I can die now.
{5889}{5937}Marty! Marty!
{6408}{6446}We bill the Police on this, right?
{6478}{6522}Keep him alive.|We'll give you a bonus.
{6528}{6575}Will his wife sign for the operation?
{6583}{6647}He has no wife.|- I thought that the girl...
{6664}{6710}What girl?|- The girl that's in there now.
{7226}{7265}Are you sure you saw a dame?
{7356}{7424}I tell you this is a matter of|a man's life. I must see him.
{7434}{7486}Dr. Williams is operating|immediately.
{7492}{7526}I can't let you go up.
{7536}{7566}Hi, Counsellor.
{7580}{7615}Lieutenant Collins!
{7622}{7704}I didn't know that chasing|ambulances was in your line.
{7718}{7794}This is serious.|Is Martin Rome still alive?
{7822}{7839}Just about.
{7896}{7928}You've got to let me see him.
{7942}{7969}He hasn't got a quarter.
{7985}{8038}I'm not interested in|defending a cop killer.
{8049}{8085}I knew McReady, too.
{8147}{8186}What do you want from Rome?
{8192}{8232}If he's dying. I want a confession.
{8237}{8272}He can save an innocent man.
{8287}{8319}Confession to what?
{8343}{8393}His implication in the|de Grazia case.
{8400}{8447}The de Grazie case? You're crazy.
{8454}{8496}We're holding Whitey Leggett on that.
{8501}{8528}All we need is to get...
{8607}{8626}That's right.
{8642}{8669}Leggett's my client.
{8681}{8703}I admit it.
{8713}{8806}He's done plenty, but he didn't|do the de Grazia job.
{8816}{8864}If I can talk to Rome,|I can prove it.
{8869}{8900}Torturing old ladies?
{8928}{9002}Rome doesn't go in for that.|- Candella, please...
{9016}{9042}...time is precious.
{9063}{9133}I wouldn't come here on|a wild goose chase.
{9143}{9172}This is a man's life.
{9179}{9209}Maybe we'd better let him.
{9246}{9296}It's okay with the doctor,|it's okay with me.
{9302}{9340}It's in his hands now.|- Thank you.
{9533}{9557}...can you hear me?
{9573}{9641}This is Niles, the Lawyer.|Do you understand?
{9666}{9722}I want you to concentrate|just for a few seconds.
{9743}{9797}Rome, they're holding Whitey Leggett.
{9819}{9847}Whitey Leggett...
{9863}{9893}...for the de Grazia case.
{9913}{9940}He didn't do it, Rome.
{9950}{9983}He did not do it.
{9996}{10024}You know that.
{10037}{10057}You can save him.
{10134}{10165}'re in bad shape...
{10181}{10210} may not pull out.
{10242}{10298}Don't go with this on your soul.
{10304}{10330}Please, Rome...
{10348}{10403}...just tell us you were in|on the de Grazia case.
{10486}{10547}Don't say nothing, just|nod. You killed her.
{10569}{10591}Just nod.
{10601}{10647}You killed Mrs. de Grazia.
{10844}{10896}Rome, listen to me for|a moment, will you?
{10947}{11018}He's unconscious again.|- Can't you... for another minute?
{11025}{11101}If we don't get your friend to|surgery he'll never come to.
{11174}{11193}That's tough.
{11221}{11244}I did my best.
{11271}{11309}Did you catch what he said there?
{11315}{11365}Why, I think he...|- I heard him.
{11383}{11420}He told you to go fry.
{11442}{11465}I think he meant it.
{11492}{11560}If you want us to say that|in court, we'll be glad to.
{11576}{11606}Of course, of course.
{11885}{11933}All ready for you.|- Thanks, Julio.
{11940}{11985}How you doing?|- I ain't kicking.
{11995}{12052}How's Martin Rome making out?|Is he going to live?
{12057}{12078}Yeah, I think so.
{12085}{12139}It was doubtful, but I think|he'll pull through.
{12146}{12200}I see his mother heading|for a church every day.
{12211}{12266}I think he'd 've saved'em|some grief if he'd died.
{12281}{12331}Maybe you're right. See you tomorrow.
{12350}{12378}Take it easy, Lieutenant.
{12626}{12650}Close enough?
{12690}{12720}I haven't the strength.
{12789}{12808}Miss Pruett.
{12902}{12944}Would you see if it's|close enough...
{13283}{13303}What do you want?
{13317}{13349}Could I talk to you a minute?
{13494}{13524}I ought to tell you that...
{13535}{13578}...Rome's a pretty bad|with the woman.
{13594}{13628}What is does to me?
{13636}{13721}Just I would tell you in case...|- Look Lieutenant...
{13746}{13847}I've been here for years. Don't tell|me how to care for patients.
{13853}{13883}I beg you pardon.
{13901}{13918}You should.
{14158}{14214}She's pretty hot, Candella?|- Smart guy.
{14220}{14256}We ought to throw you in a cell.
{14272}{14330}Full of bullet holes,|wherever you look.
{14337}{14409}Even the doctor say...|- Don't look for sympathy, Rome.
{14417}{14510}I just left the wife of|the guy you killed, you rat.
{14516}{14537}She looked fine...
{14548}{14607}...eyes all red, tears streaming|down her face.
{14613}{14653}And you getting shaved.
{14662}{14714}I ought to beat you!|- Go ahead.
{14728}{14749}Beat me, I'll die.
{14768}{14788}Yell at me...
{14803}{14819}...I faint.
{14825}{14864}Answer me the questions...
{14870}{14911}...and drop that fancy lingo, see?
{14924}{14944}Listen to me.
{15001}{15041}Marty.|- Yes, Lieutenant.
{15060}{15127}Is this your ring?|- Yeah, that's mine.
{15151}{15214}You got the rest of my stuff?|- Where did you get it?
{15246}{15289}How about it? Where did you get it?
{15296}{15359}I don't know. Crape game|2 or 3 months ago.
{15369}{15387}It's all right.
{15403}{15430}I do well with the dice.
{15438}{15455}Who from?
{15501}{15522}Blond Fellow.
{15539}{15576}With the droopy eyes.
{15598}{15645}Leggett! Whitey Leggett.
{15659}{15741}You know we have Leggett|on the Grazia Case.
{15758}{15792}Who else was in the game?
{15809}{15829}I don't know.
{15836}{15884}Tommy Mills, maybe.|- Tommy Mills is dead.
{15944}{15995}What do you ask me|all this stuff for?
{16007}{16051}I win a ring, so what's|the difference?
{16100}{16126}Come in, nurse.
{16142}{16169}We'll only be a minute.
{16362}{16423}This ring was stolen|from Mrs. de Grazia.
{16429}{16488}Not by me.|- With 100,000 dollars more.
{16496}{16521}Did you read about it?
{16527}{16581}Nope.|- We want whoever did it.
{16594}{16656}They tortured the old lady|until they found the stuff.
{16673}{16700}Then they strangled her.
{16714}{16742}Not very pretty.
{16748}{16789}You got Leggett, go talk to him.
{16794}{16816}We will...
{16831}{16871}...but we want to talk to you, too.
{16902}{16959}I shoot a policeman, he shot at me.
{16972}{17002}Now I'm going to the chair.
{17015}{17071}Suppose I say a did it,|so what? I go twice?
{17099}{17129}I'd nothing to do with it.
{17143}{17191}Besides, a fellow and|his girl did the job.
{17198}{17228}So you do read the papers.
{17247}{17282}You got a smart partner.
{17316}{17358}I never worked with|a girl in my life.
{17365}{17388}Talk too much.
{17452}{17505}What girl was with you when|they brought you in?
{17571}{17637}Wasn't it a dream? Was she here?|- Yes, Marty.
{17660}{17693}Who was she?|- I don't know.
{17709}{17732}I wish I did.
{17737}{17763}What did she look like?
{17769}{17790}An angel.
{17820}{17843}I thought maybe...
{17882}{17909}...I was dead.
{17920}{17945}All right, cut it out.
{17961}{18042}We found the ring on you.|We know that the girl was here.
{18048}{18099}Stop the monkey business.|Tell me who she was.
{18105}{18139}I never saw her before.
{18146}{18167}Okay, Marty.
{18195}{18233}But you'll be seeing her again...
{18243}{18283}...because we're going to find her.
{18290}{18334}Don't think for a minute we won't.
{18339}{18363}Come on, Collins.
{18649}{18674}Here, take this.
{18689}{18728}No.|- You've got to.
{18738}{18764}I'd sooner die.
{18806}{18850}Something heavy here press on me.
{18855}{18880}Your conscience.
{18893}{18919}Did you hear those two?
{18934}{18973}They said I tortured an old lady.
{18988}{19017}Me, Martin Rome.
{19045}{19113}You know people.|Do you think I'd do that?
{19126}{19157}You killed a policeman.
{19163}{19199}He'd me down. It was him or me.
{19268}{19297}You must do something.
{19319}{19370}Do something for you?|- No, not for me.
{19377}{19409}This is for a girl, my girl.
{19465}{19490}No, wait, please.
{19515}{19576}You heard them. They said|I'd an accomplice, a girl.
{19590}{19636}I swear to you this girl is innocent.
{19643}{19710}Then she doesn't have to worry.|- She has, she's a child.
{19716}{19766}If they ask her, she won't|know what to do.
{19772}{19798}Se won't have a chance.
{19808}{19850}You've got to help me, you've got to.
{19856}{19910}There's nothing I can do.|- But there is.
{19981}{20030}Her name is Teena, Teena Riconti.
{20037}{20100}The cop don't know that.|I tell you because I trust you.
{20121}{20174}This is her addr...
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