Bird - Engineering Mathematics 4th Ed. - HQ.pdf

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Engineering Mathematics
In memory of Elizabeth
Engineering Mathematics
Fourth Edition
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An imprint of Elsevier Science
Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP
200 Wheeler Road, Burlington MA 01803
First published 1989
Second edition 1996
Reprinted 1998 (twice), 1999
Third edition 2001
Fourth edition 2003
Copyright 2001, 2003, John Bird. All rights reserved
The right of John Bird to be identified as the author of this work
has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and
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Preface xi
Part 1 Number and Algebra 1
1 Revision of fractions, decimals and
percentages 1
1.1 Fractions 1
1.2 Ratio and proportion 3
1.3 Decimals 4
2 Indices and standard form 9
2.1 Indices 9
2.2 Worked problems on indices 9
2.3 Further worked problems on
indices 11
2.4 Standard form 13
form 13
form 14
3 Computer numbering systems 16
3.1 Binary numbers 16
3.2 Conversion of binary to decimal 16
3.3 Conversion of decimal to binary 17
octal 18
3.5 Hexadecimal numbers 20
4 Calculations and evaluation of
formulae 24
4.1 Errors and approximations 24
4.2 Use of calculator 26
4.4 Evaluation of formulae 30
Assignment 1 33
5 Algebra 34
5.1 Basic operations 34
5.3 Brackets and factorisation 38
5.4 Fundamental laws and precedence 40
6 Further algebra 44
6.1 Polynomial division 44
6.3 The remainder theorem 48
7 Partial fractions 51
7.1 Introduction to partial fractions 51
7.2 Worked problems on partial fractions
with linear factors 51
with repeated linear factors 54
with quadratic factors 55
8 Simple equations 57
8.1 Expressions, equations and
identities 57
8.2 Worked problems on simple
equations 57
8.3 Further worked problems on simple
equations 59
equations 61
8.5 Further practical problems involving
simple equations 62
Assignment 2 64
9 Simultaneous equations 65
9.1 Introduction to simultaneous
equations 65
9.2 Worked problems on simultaneous
equations in two unknowns 65
9.3 Further worked problems on
simultaneous equations 67
simultaneous equations 69
9.5 Practical problems involving
simultaneous equations 70
10 Transposition of formulae 74
10.1 Introduction to transposition of
formulae 74
10.2 Worked problems on transposition of
formulae 74
10.3 Further worked problems on
transposition of formulae 75
10.4 Harder worked problems on
transposition of formulae 77
11 Quadratic equations 80
11.1 Introduction to quadratic equations 80
11.2 Solution of quadratic equations by
factorisation 80
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