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Garmin Mobile XT Keygen v1.1

This keygen will generate unlock code both for device and locked maps that can be used with GMXT.


1. Download and install Garmin Mobile XT.

Link for the installer:

NOTE: This installer does not contain voice and help files.

2. Launch GMXT, got to Settings -> About.

3. Make note of your "Card ID"

4. Launch the keygen, and enter the "Card ID" you see on GMXT About page.

5. Select Map product and hit the corresponding Generate button to generate both Device & Map unlock key.

NOTE: If your map is not included in the Map product list, select <custom mapset>, enter the corresponding MAPID and hit OK.

5. Copy (CTRL+C) the Device unlock key to clipboard.

6. Now open the Notepad and paste (CTRL+V) the key and save the file as SW.UNL

7. Copy (CTRL+C) the Map unlock key to clipboard.

8. Open the Notepad again and paste (CTRL+V) the key and save the file as GMAPSUPP.UNL

9. Put your newly created files to your SD Card\Garmin directory and restart GMXT.

8. Program should now recognize your built-in GPS (if not use GpsGate set to generic NMEA GPS receiver) and you should be
   able to use detailed maps.

NOTE: This keygen is not yet compatible with Garmin MapSource application. To see maps in the MapSource, use the key provided
      with the map.

Special thanks goes to starix and Lord Yuz, who helped me with translation and reversing.

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