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Winter 1976, $2.50
113693266.039.png 113693266.040.png
Finish carpenters and cabinetmakers will appreciate the ine setting for the
fence and the two depth stops on this unique plane. The metal parts are all
plated. The handle. knob and fence are of selected rosewood. Supplied with a
t ta l of 24 tungsten steel cutting irons included in wood case with the plane.
Iron set is composed of n plough and dado from
B" through Vz"; 1 illister 1%";
2 tonguing 3/16" and
2 ovolo,
A sophisticatd line of tools for the serious wdcaver. handcrafted in the U.S.A.
Caving Tools. Lignum Vitae. Boxw d and Hickoy Mallels.
W d Wokers Rasps. Adzes. Slip Siones. Handles and Benches.
Cata log 1.00
Sculpture House. Inc
38 East 30th Street. New York. N. Y. 10016
NO. 778
Also known as a Fillister Plane. this
improved Rabbet plane has two o.
sitions for the iron, one for oedi·
nary work and the other for bull·
nose work. Screw adjustment for
iron. Fitted with a hardened steel
s p ur and a removable adjustable
depth gauge. The adjustable. double
arm fence can be used on either side
of the plane. and has two arms f>r
accurate setting and control. Length
NO. 71
For cutting grooves. dados. stop­
dados, or any situation which re­
quires smooth level cuts. The fence
rides in milled grooves for irm and
accurate setting to the left or right
of the iron, on straight or circular
work. Irons adjustable by screw
feed and can be secured on front
& beveling wood of any hardness.
Greatly increases skil and reduces time to
produce clean precise jainery_ Any angle
8V2". Iron 1)2"·
�� t h e ir a gk S \ r �I l ;� ! e w r r
V2" square ended. and %"
7Vz". With 3 irons
43°- 92°, L or R. No anding or filling.
pointed (smoothing).
Tool steel
knives easily
removed for
your rehoning or
factory regrinding.
Manufactured by Stanley and de­
signed for us .e where �xtreme a�­
curacy is reqUIred. the Sides of thiS
plane are ground lat and are at
right angles to the bottom . The
mouth ,adjusts for co arse or ine
work and the entire top can be re­
moved for conversion to a chis el
p lane. Nickleplated body is
5V z"
This versatile plane will handle all
the operations of the bullnose plane.
and in addition. can be used as a
shoulder rabbet plane and a chisel
plane. Sides are machined square
to bottom, for accuracy. Length 6".
Iron 1
You wil find new pleasure in its precise operation for panel
mouldings and overlays, arc segments, double miters an coners,
straight and compound bevels, end squaring and al aut-of-square
long. Cutter width is ..".
02G30-IE $22.40
We have an attachment for duplicating any number of moulding
cuts to exact same length.
All Prices Inclde Postage
Send for New 96 page Fall-Winter Catalog
50¢ or Free with Order
(N H) 603/675-2105
Dept. FW126, 313 Montvale Ave., Woburn, Mass. 01801
V41 and J/s"; and 1 slitting,
Perfect Miters Every Time
Fast, accurate, clean-cutting tool for mitering,
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Winter 1976, Volume 1, Number 5
4 News
5 Letters
11 Methods of Work
16 Books
Editor andPu blisher
Paul Roman
Contn·buting Editors
Tage Frid
R. Bruce Hoadley
Alastair A. Stair
Associate Edit or
John Kelsey
Assistant Editor
Rosanne Somerson
Southen Correspondent
David Landen
22 Stacking byJohn Kelsey: The technique of building up wood forms
byJohn Kelsey : Turning to woodworking for a living
27 Design Consideations by Wendell Castle : Thoughts on forms, materials
28 Keystone Carvers by A. W. Marlow: 'Yorkarvers' show work
30 Carcase Construction by Tage Frid : Choosing and making the right joints
36 Dealing with Plywood by Karl Seemuller : Getting the best out of it
o. Box 2494
38 Patch-Pad Cutting byJohn N. Beck: A basic way of cutting marquetry
4 Gothic Tacery by Edward R. Hasbrouck : Intriguing medieval designs
Chapel Hill, N. C. 27514 (919) 942-5008
We sten Correspondent
Alan Marks
1204 Lincoln Ave.
Pacific Grove, Calif. 93950 (408) 373-2227
Measured Drawings by Lester Margon : A way of preserving firIe furniture
52 GuitarJoinery by William R. Cumpiano : Balancing structure and tone
55 The Bowl Gouge by Peter Child: Using long-and-strong tools
Ruth Dobseva g e
Judy Fairfiel d
Advertising Manager
Janice A. Roman
Adve rtis ing Represe ntative
Granville M. Fillmore
Subscnption Manager
Carole E. Ando
Art Consultant
John Kane
58 English Treen by Alastair A. Stair : Useful objects for around the house
60 Shaper Knives by Tommy Bargeron : Making cutters of almost any profile
63 Hardwood Sources (continued)
63 Sources of Supply (continued)
Cover: A stack of l-JIB-inch thick maple is
glued and ready fo r carving into a pedestal
fo r a table. Pencd line gives indication of
the fi nal shape. Section at rear let already
shows carving marks.
Fine Woodworking is published quarterly, March, June, Septembet and December, by The
Taunton Press, Inc., Newtown, CT 06470, Telephone (203) 426-8171. Second class postage
paid at ewtown, CT 06470 and additional mailing offices. Copyright 1976 by The
Taunton Press, Inc. No reproduction without permission of The Taunton Press, Inc.
Subsciption rates: United States and possessions, $8.00 for one year, $15.00 for twO years;
fo reign rate, $9.00 for one year. Single copy $2.50. Postmaster: Send notice of undelivered
copies on fo rm 3579 to : The Taunton Press, PO Box 355, Newtown, CT 06470. Return
postage guaranteed. Please address all subscription, editorial and advertising correspond­
ence to The Taunton Press, PO Box 355, Newtown, CT 06470.
20 Life Begins at.
40 Drying Wood by R. Bruce Hoadley : The fundamental considerations
50 Wood Invitational: Peters Valley displays varied work
Serving the Eye as Well
113693266.010.png 113693266.011.png 113693266.012.png 113693266.013.png 113693266.014.png
sn Ws sign Comeiion
econd T
ng Coference chdld
Merle Brown of Kansas State University was awarded the
grand prize of $1000 in the fo urth annual Student Design
Competition at the International Woodworking Machinery
and Furniture Supply Fair held in Louisville, Ky ., in
His entry was a tambour extension dining table. The two
ends of the table are solid. When they are pulled out (photo),
the hidden tamboured sections roll out from the center and
the top extends. The piece is designed so that it is difficult to
discern where the solid top becomes a series of tambours.
Of seven other winners, Lawrence E. Hamilton, University
of Illinois, was awarded the second-place prize of $500 for his
compact fo ldi..g desk. Judges included furniture manufac ­
turers and designers. Fifteen schools were represented .
The people who organized last year's wood turning confer­
ence in Newtown , Pa ., (Fin e Wo odworking , Summer 1976)
plan another one March 25-27, 1977.
Symposium leaders will be Bob Stocksdale, the master
bowl turner from California ; Stephen Hogbin of Toronto, an
innovator in the fo refront of contemporary turnery; Frank
Knox, a rare artisan of ornamental turnery; the Rev. Jacob E.
Brubaker, an old-time master turner from Pennsylvania ; and
Paul Eshelman, who was the star of last year's show.
Each day will consist of demonstrations and on-the-Iathe
instruction, with time for everyone to turn in the afternoons
and evenings. The fee will be less than $50, and does not
include accommodations. Registration is limited to 45.
The conference is being organized by Palmer M. Sharpless
of the George School who again will lend his workshop , and
by Albert and Alan LeCof of Ameranth Gallery and
Workshop . If too many people enroll, they plan another
session in the summer. For further information, write to
Sharpless at the George School , Newtown, Pa . 18940.
f You e Moving ...
To insure delivery of your magazine, please let us
know at least a month before our fu st-of-the-month
quarterly mailings. Please include both your old and
new addresses.
Save $6.00 on 2 Lmer Sanple Pacs
n Inrducoy Ofer.
conng 33 ffeent nds of wd.
Harra ---II
Now, for $15.00, you can compare Ash with
Benge, Birch, Brazilian hlip, Bubinga, Cherr,
Wormy Chestnut, Coco Bola, Ebon, Ekki, Green
Heart, Holl, East Indian Laurel, Hondouras
Mahogany, Hard Maple, Soft Maple, Philippine
Narra, English Brown Oak, White Oak (plain
sliced), White Oak (rift cut), Padouk, Poplar,
Purple Heart, Brazilian Rosewood, East Indian
Rosewood, Hondouras Rosewood, Sugar Pine,
Teak, American Walnut, French Walnut,
Nicaraguan Walnut, Wenge and Zebra Wood.
These are not veneers but lumber samples
% by 2 by 6 inches.
If you're interested in our stock of
plywoods, logs, 2 ply veneers or turning blocks,
send us a dollar and we'll send you a catalog and a
2 dollar credit on your first order.
D Here's my check, or money order, for
$15.00. Send me your lumber sample
packs, usually $21.00, plus a catalog.
D Here's my dollar. Send me a catalog
plus a 2 dollar credit on my first order.
113693266.015.png 113693266.016.png 113693266.017.png 113693266.018.png 113693266.019.png 113693266.020.png 113693266.021.png 113693266.022.png 113693266.023.png
Mr. John S. Carroll's letter in the Fall 1976 issue makes a
valid point for the consideration of esthetics in the design of
objects of wood, a point that is equally valid in the creation of
objects of any material. His rejection of wood as a proper
material for constructing pieces that will not conform to the
natural grain and structure of the wood is a bit severe
however. I would agree that the appearance of a lamination in
a wooden object intuitively raises the question of
delamination and thus adversely affects the esthetic view of
the object, but this is a prejudicial viewpoint based on
experience with poor adhesives and the tendency of wood to
split along the grain. Most modern glues are stronger and
more durable than the wood they hold, so if the appearance
of laminations becomes esthetically objectionable, the
solution would be the use of an opaque inish rather than
choosing a heavier or more expensive material .
-D. Conner, Beaverton, Ore.
h ether you need a special
kind of "period" n iture
im or a basic "how-to­
make-it" woodworking book,
your best buy is rom
Minnesota Woodworkers
housands of top quality i teDs
U at fair prices. For e[aDple,
43 different casters and glides
for table legs, including our popular
white porcelain casters for just
$6.98 per set of four.
We offer
Vi' wide x 1 1" diam.
I disagree in all points with the letter from John Carroll.
Design, art, taste, it is all so much a p art of one's heritage,
education or circumstance that to criticize so vehemently the
designs shown in the magazine is entirely out of line. Mr.
Carroll misses the point of the whole thing, and that is to
acquaint readers of varying talents with different techniques
and bring to them information not available anywhere else.
He is so completely wrong regarding the spiral steps ....The
piece was exquisitely designed and executed, and to condemn
glue as a monster in the woodpile is like saying we should
never weld steel. The piece could certainly be cast in almost
any material, but a very clever, experienced patternmaker
Or, our complete
selection of finishing
supplies and tools including the IS-piece
drum sander kit for just $6.98. We
know it will fit your drill to make
all your odd-shape sanding
jobs a lot easier.
sleeves. no adhesive needed .
Or, mechanical parts like our Coffee Mill
Mechanism. This cast iron heavy duty
coffee mill mechanism will give years of ser­
vice. You can create a box out of wood,
metal or plastic in which to mount the
mechanism. Price includes assembled
mechanism and plan sheet with all neces­
ary dimensions (box material, and screws
are not included). $9.95 each.
(Required by 39 U.S.c. 3685)
1. Title of Publication: FineWoodworking. 2. Date of Filing: October 1, 1976. 3.
Frequency of Issue: Quarterly. 3a. No. of Issues Published Annually: 4. 3b. Annual
Subscription Price: $8.00.4. Location of Known Office of Publication: 52 Church Hill
Road, PO Box 355, Newtown,
T 06470. 5. Location of the Headquarters or General
.. . _
I Minnesota Woodworkers offers a selection of
T 06470. 7. Owner:
.. , musical movements, lamp parts. clock parts. and
Thousands of items for eveyone from the experienced crafts·
man to the just-geting- started-do-it-yourselfer.
tableware mechanisms.
Business Offices of the Publishers: 52 Church Hill Road, PO Box 355, Newtown,
Beautifully and completely illustrated
06470. 6. Names and complete addresses of Publisher, Editor, and Managing Editor:
Paul F. Roman, 52, Church Hill Road, PO Box 355, Newtown,
atalog showing popular and
T 06470. 9. For com p letion
The Taunton Press, Inc., 52 Church Hill Road, PO Box 355, Newtown, CT 06470.
Stockholders owning or holding 1 percent or more of total amount of stock: Paul F.
Roman, Janice A. Roman. 8. Known Bondholders, Mortgagees, and other security
holders owning or holding 1 percent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages or
other securities: Connecticut National Bank, Newtown,
hard-to- ind .
. .
veneers and inlays. picture framing supplies
funiture trim upholstery supplies. finish­
ing supplies. hardware. craftplans and fumi­
ture designs. mouldings. lamp ' parts tools
"How-to" books. casters. clock kits
musical movements
by nonprofit organizations authorized to mail at special rates: Not applicable. 10.
Extent and Nature of Circulation:
Actual no. copies
of single issue
published nearest
to iling date
Sept. 1, 1976
Avera �e no. copies
each Issue dunng
12 months
- All merchandise shipped post-paid -
- Satisaction Always 10% Guaranteed -
Complete and mail check to:
A. Total no. copies printed (net press run)
B. Paid circulation
1. Sales throu g h dealers and carriers, street
vendors and counter sales
2. Mail Subscriptions
d workers Supply Co., Dept. F.W .
MN. 55374
o Send
$6.98 each kit.
. Rogers.
$6.98 each set.
$9.95 each.
(Enclose check with order. Make check payable to Minnesota Wood­
workers. Complete catalog will automatically be included free with any
merchandise order.) Minnesota residents add
C. Total p aid circulation (sum of lOBI and IOB2)
D. Free distribution by mail, carrier or other means
samples, complimentary, and other free copies
set(s) of four porcelain casters at
drum sander kit(s) at
E. Total Distribution (Sum of C and D)
F. Copies not distributed
1. Office use, left over, unaccounted, spoiled
after printing
2. Returns from news agents
G. Total (Sum of E, F1 and 2-
4% Sales Tax.
o Send
Coffee Mill Mechanism(s) at
catalog(s) at SOc each.
should equal net press run shown in A) 46,868 69,366
11. I certify that the statements made by me above are correct and complete. Signature
and title of editor, publisher, business manager, or owner: Paul F. Roman, President
and Publisher. 12. For completion by publishers mailing at the regular rates (Section
132.121, Postal Service Manual) In accor dance with the provisions of this statute, I
hereby request permission to mail the publication named in Item 1 ar the phased
postage rates presently authorized by 39 U.S.c. 3626. Signature and title of Editor,
Publisher, Business Manager, or Owner: Paul F. Roman, President and P ublisher
___ 5
5 drums,S coarse sleeves. 5 fine
o Send
o Send
Minneota W
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