Wakacje - Holiday 1938 ENG.txt

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{2230}{2301}-Wait a minute, will you? I'll be right out.|-All right.
{2476}{2507}The doorbell's ringing.
{2510}{2542}Yes, I know.
{2686}{2734}Well, I'm not expecting anybody.
{2737}{2760}Neither am l.
{2763}{2825}Come on, open up.
{2828}{2874}Why, that's Johnny Case.
{2889}{2963}Open up. Open up or I'll break it down.
{2993}{3030}-Johnny.|-Hello, Susan.
{3033}{3075}-How are you? Good to see you.|-Nick.
{3078}{3163}Get out of Johnny's arms and|let him come in. When did you get back?
{3166}{3219}Few minutes ago.|I didn't have time to go home.
{3222}{3255}-Mind if I leave my grips here?|-No.
{3258}{3332}-You both look fine. So long.|-Wait, we haven't seen you in two weeks.
{3335}{3404}-You can't run away.|-I've got a date. There's a cab waiting.
{3407}{3448}-What of it?|-Have some breakfast.
{3451}{3524}-How was your vacation?|-Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful.
{3527}{3557}Guess he liked it.
{3560}{3628}I must go. She's waiting.|I haven't seen her since Wednesday.
{3631}{3665}-She? Who?|-My wife.
{3668}{3777}-Nick, did you hear the man?|-The room is going round and round.
{3783}{3867}She's not exactly my wife yet.|But she's going to be. It's all arranged.
{3878}{3955}Take it easy, now.|Everything will be all right.
{3958}{4014}-Lie down right there.|-Wait a minute.
{4033}{4103}That's it now.|Tell us all about it from the beginning.
{4106}{4135}-Who is she?|-What's her name?
{4138}{4179}-Why marry her?|-How'd you meet?
{4182}{4224}-What does she do?|-Come, boy.
{4296}{4358}It's love, fellows. I've met the girl.
{4375}{4402}She is....
{4407}{4500}I can't describe her, but the first thing|you notice are her dimples when she smiles.
{4503}{4601}-Why didn't you say so in the first place?|-That's going to make her the perfect wife.
{4604}{4681}I've found her.|I didn't think they came that way anymore.
{4684}{4741}She's sweet, intelligent,|the perfect playmate.
{4744}{4797}Listen, you haven't told us anything yet.
{4800}{4868}We're not letting any wench|snag you without a struggle.
{4871}{4956}-Who is this girl? What does she do?|-I don't know. What do most girls do?
{4959}{5023}Don't tell me|you didn't find out anything about her?
{5025}{5108}Sure. She wants me, the life I want,|the home I want, the fun I want.
{5111}{5168}-What about her family?|-What about her family?
{5171}{5201}What about her family?
{5204}{5258}-Didn't you find out anything about them?|-No.
{5275}{5356}Sure, I did. She's got a brother,|a sister and a father.
{5359}{5436}Now is that good enough?|Come on, Nick, really, I've got to go.
{5439}{5478}Come on, fellow, up.
{5485}{5560}Thanks. I'll be late. Where's my hat?
{5610}{5693}-Well, what do you make of it?|-I can see the whole thing.
{5698}{5768}Father, too old to work.|Brother, a pool shark.
{5771}{5837}Sister can't keep a job|on account of she's too pretty.
{5840}{5926}Poor little Dimples has to work her fingers|to the bone to support them.
{5929}{5965}Wouldn't that be marvellous?
{5968}{6029}Johnny Case comes into her life|and takes her away.
{6032}{6076}-Here's your hat. I give up.|-Thanks.
{6079}{6160}'Bye, Susan. 'Bye, Nick. I'll drop in later|and tell you all about her.
{6237}{6361}Listen, when you find yourself with a family|to support and things get tough....
{6364}{6440}Teaching at the university|doesn't pay me very much, but....
{6443}{6561}That's sweet, but when things get tough,|when I feel a worry coming on...
{6564}{6605}...you know what I do.
{6663}{6712}There. And then the worries are over.
{6715}{6752}Good-bye, you comics.
{6755}{6785}Good luck, Johnny.
{7016}{7080}-What's this?|-You said 843, didn't you?
{7082}{7111}Yeah, but....
{7293}{7349}I guess she must work here.
{7387}{7414}Thanks, bud.
{7828}{7874}It's the ice-cream man.
{7919}{7986}Excuse me.|Does a Miss Julia Seton live here?
{8046}{8088}Miss Seton gave me this address.
{8091}{8141}My name is Case, John Case.
{8155}{8216}Miss Julia is expecting you, Mr. Case.
{8219}{8255}Then she does live here?
{8297}{8391}I beg your pardon,|but it's the usual custom...
{8394}{8476}...for Miss Julia's callers|to arrive at the front door.
{8509}{8532}I'm sorry.
{8535}{8617}-lf you'll come this way, Mr. Case.|-Thanks.
{8620}{8643}Excuse me.
{9229}{9268}I beg your pardon?
{9287}{9340}I just said, "Judas."|It didn't mean anything.
{9343}{9407}If you'll leave your hat and coat here, sir.
{9584}{9615}Thank you.
{9792}{9822}Good morning, Mr. Ned.
{9825}{9911}Your father has just left for church.|He said he couldn't wait for you.
{9914}{9999}-Did I get home all right last night?|-Everything is perfectly all right, sir.
{10002}{10124}-How did I get this bump on my forehead?|-You slipped in your bathroom.
{10194}{10265}I'll want a drink in my room|as soon as I get home from church.
{10268}{10291}Yes, sir.
{10334}{10366}Say, this....
{10381}{10422}What do people....
{10429}{10482}If you'll come this way, sir.
{11032}{11091}If you'll wait in the living room, sir.
{11095}{11134}The second button.
{11204}{11270}I shall notify Miss Julia that you are here.
{11899}{11946}I could have walked that.
{12979}{13033}-Hello, sweet.|-Hello.
{13114}{13150}Johnny, mind your manners.
{13327}{13398}-Darling, where are we?|-Where I live.
{13404}{13468}You promised to change that tie.
{13475}{13505}That hair.
{13509}{13577}Julia, seriously, what is all this?
{13582}{13615}I told you, where I live.
{13618}{13677}I wrote it down|on the back of an envelope for you.
{13703}{13802}But it's enormous. I'm overcome.|It's the Grand Central Station.
{13901}{13925}Bad echo.
{13928}{13994}Stop criticizing this house|or I'll send for the bouncer.
{13997}{14061}-Stop. Now I'm off to church.|-Wait.
{14070}{14112}Do you want to know what happened?
{14115}{14189}-I went to the kitchen door to ask for you.|-You didn't.
{14192}{14259}I figured you were a secretary|or an old lady's companion.
{14262}{14314}-You sure you aren't?|-Cross my heart.
{14334}{14418}-What's that silly thing? Look at that.|-Stop it, Johnny.
{14454}{14500}You must all be so rich.
{14511}{14555}Well, we aren't exactly poor.
{14558}{14615}You should have told me, you really should.
{14618}{14672}-Would it have made any difference?|-Certainly.
{14675}{14753}I'd have asked you to marry me|in two days instead of ten.
{14756}{14813}-Aren't you funny?|-Funny, why?
{14816}{14852}Well, to talk about it.
{14855}{14934}-Money? Why, is it so sacred?|-No, of course not.
{14937}{14980}I'm simply delighted. That's all.
{14983}{15056}If I suddenly discovered|you could play piano, I'd be delighted.
{15059}{15118}Having money|is like knowing how to play the piano?
{15121}{15193}Well, they're both|very pleasant accomplishments for a girl.
{15196}{15294}Don't worry, if I'm stuck with a rich girl|I'll grit my teeth and make the best of it.
{15297}{15376}-But you're going to make millions yourself.|-But, no, I'm not.
{15379}{15427}-Yes, you are.|-No.
{15430}{15498}-Yes.|-No, not Mr. Case's little boy.
{15501}{15585}I'm a plain man of the people.|I began life with these two bare hands.
{15588}{15673}So did the gentleman over the fireplace.|Take heart from Grandfather.
{15749}{15869}-Don't tell me you're one of those Setons?|-Yes, Johnny. Forgive us, but we are.
{15884}{15919}This is too much.
{15922}{16004}What man has done, man can do,|or words to that effect.
{16015}{16155}Now see here, if you think I'm going to be|any young wizard of finance, you're....
{16158}{16214}Cheer up, it's not at all that serious.
{16219}{16310}If you don't think breaking the news|of this engagement to Father is serious....
{16313}{16390}-You said you were going to church?|-I am. That's why I'm clever.
{16393}{16460}Because Father's in church|and in church Father can't talk.
{16467}{16542}-Are you that afraid of him?|-No. But this is the best way.
{16545}{16630}You know, Father is a wonderful man,|but he has to be handled just right.
{16633}{16670}You leave that to me.
{16673}{16755}Your job is to drop me off at church|and be back before 1:00 for lunch...
{16758}{16791}...and don't be late.
{16794}{16858}His first impression of you|is terribly important.
{16860}{16938}What if I crawled in on my hands|and knees? Would he like that?
{16945}{16984}Now don't jest, boy.
{17004}{17085}Now, come on, darling.|Let's not let the fun get out of it.
{17088}{17159}-ls it likely to?|-No, but....
{17162}{17190}Say it.
{17227}{17302}Well, what's the idea of spilling it|so quickly?
{17307}{17381}Well, I have to tell Father.|He'd never forgive me.
{17390}{17474}Yeah, but it could be|such a swell guilty secret for a while.
{17490}{17566}I can't see what particular fun|a secret would be.
{17601}{17652}-Can't you, dear?|-No.
{17707}{17738}All right.
{17847}{17960}-It's getting pretty complicated, isn't it?|-You didn't think it'd be simple, did you?
{17963}{18037}-I suppose I just didn't think.|-You couldn't have.
{18078}{18150}Johnny, what's the matter with you?
{18234}{18301}I just hate the thought of sitting down|with another man...
{18304}{18349}...and being practical about you.
{18562}{18628}Look, darling, it's got to be done though.
{18652}{18717}-I love you, Julia.|-I love you, Johnny.
{18722}{18804}-That's the main thing, isn't it?|-Darling, that's everything.
{18834}{18895}-Kiss?|-With pleasure.
{18988}{19066}Why, Julia, for shame.|Is this the way to spend Sunday morning?
{19069}{19119}Who's your partner, anyone I know?
{19131}{19189}Johnny, my sister, Linda.|This is Johnny Case.
{19192}{19239}-How do you do?|-Well, thanks, and you?
{19242}{19277}-Couldn't be better.|-Good.
{19280}{19359}-He's Johnny Case. I'll marry him.|-That makes it all right then.
{19362}{19411}In about one month I'll marry him, Linda....
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