
(30 KB) Pobierz
*=                                                                        *=
=*                     VirusZ III 1.02 Documentation                      =*
*=                Copyright ゥ 2002-2004 by Georg Hmann                  *=
=*                                                                        =*
Last updated: 14-Aug-2004

                                LEGAL STUFF

The  VirusZ software package is FREEWARE and copyright ゥ 1991-1999/2002-2004
by  Georg  Hmann and ゥ 1999-2001 by Dirk Stker.  The installation script
is ゥ by David Crawford and the MorphOS icon is ゥ by Christian Rosentreter.

No parts of this package may be altered by any means (this includes editing,
reprogramming, crunching, resourcing etc.), except archiving.  The author is
in  no  way  liable  for  any  changes  made  to any part of the package, or
consequences  thereof  as he is in no way liable for damages or loss of data
directly or indirectly caused by this software.

Neither  fees  may  be  charged nor profits may be made by distributing this
software package.  Outside a single machine environment, you are not allowed
to  reproduce  single  parts  of  the  package,  but  you  have  to  copy it

                             CONTACT ADDRESSES

For  any  comments, bug reports, snapshots or if you have found a new virus,
contact the author at the following addresses:

snail-mail: Georg Hmann
            Martinswinkelstra゚e 16c
            82467 Garmisch-Partenkirchen


You  will  always find the latest updates of VirusZ and related files in the
Aminet (util/virus) or at the following places:

Virus Help Team Denmark homepage:
Dirk Stker's homepage:  

                            SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS

VirusZ  will  run  on  any (emulated or real) Amiga that comes with at least
AmigaOS 2.04 (Kickstart v37) or MorphOS.  The following disk-based libraries
are required:

- commodities.library v37+ (part of AmigaOS)
- rexxsyslib.library v33+ (part of AmigaOS, for ARexx features)
- reqtools.library v38+
- xfdmaster.library v37+
- xvs.library v33+
- xadmaster.library v8+ (optional, for scanning inside archives)
- disassembler.library v40+ (optional, for disassembling bootblocks/memory)

None  of  these  libraries  will  be distributed with the VirusZ package any
longer (because of copyright reasons and the exploding size of the archive),
get them from Aminet or the homepages mentioned above.


Installation  requires nothing more than either clicking on the install icon
or  dragging VirusZ to your WBStartup drawer by hand or adding the following
line to your 'S:User-Startup' file:

[Path]VirusZ [Option(s)]

To  make sure that you have received an original version of VirusZ and not a
fake, you can use my PGP key added at the end of this documentation together
with  the  signatures  included in the archive to verify the files.  You can
also  download  a  100% safe copy of my PGP key from the homepages mentioned

Additionally,  you should compare the file size of your VirusZ copy with the
one  displayed  in  the  'About' information.  They MUST match if you didn't
crunch VirusZ with a file compressor.

                     KNOWN PROBLEMS & THIRD PARTY BUGS

VirusZ  might  crash  if  both disassembler.library and mmu.library exist in
your LIBS:  drawer, but the mmu.library setup is incorrect.  In those cases,
either  configure  your mmu.library environment correctly (read the manuals)
or delete/rename mmu.library, so that disassembler.library cannot find it at
startup.  Thanks to Harry Sintonen for this report.

Sometimes when a device gets Inhibit()ed by the sector check, the filesystem
in  ROM  causes  a hit.  It then releases less memory than it has allocated.
This is not a bug in VirusZ!

These  device  drivers cannot handle NSD-commands correctly and crashed with
pre-1.00  releases  of  VirusZ.   Due to a changed behaviour of VirusZ since
v1.00, there shouldn't be any more problems.

                               SHELL TEMPLATE

VirusZ currently supports the following Shell template:


For more detailed information about Shell syntax, commodity usage and hotkey
definitions, please consult the manuals shipped with your Amiga.

Please note that the ARexx interface commands described below require VirusZ
to  be  active already.  If it is not, it will first be started, the starter
process  will  wait  until  the ARexx port appears and then the commands are
sent to the port.

Specifies  the commodity priority of VirusZ's broker.  Values may range from
-128 to 127, default is 0.

Defines the hotkey used to pop up the main window.

Tells VirusZ whether to pop up on startup or not.

Tells VirusZ to open its windows on the defined public screen instead of the
Workbench screen.

The  argument  given  to this option will be directly sent to VirusZ's ARexx
port  as  a  command and the return code in the Shell will correspond to the
return code of the ARexx command.

Sends the ARexx command "QUIT" to an already running copy of VirusZ and thus
terminates it.

                               ICON TOOLTYPES

For  more  detailed  information about tooltypes, commodity usage and hotkey
definitions, please consult the manuals shipped with your Amiga.

VirusZ currently supports the following tooltypes:

Specifies  the commodity priority of VirusZ's broker.  Values may range from
-128 to 127, default is 0.

Defines the hotkey used to pop up the main window.

Tells VirusZ whether to pop up on startup or not.

Tells VirusZ to open its windows on the defined public screen instead of the

                               AREXX COMMANDS

VirusZ  has an ARexx port called 'VIRUSZ_III.REXX' that currently offers the
following commands:

This  command makes VirusZ close its main window and work in the background.
To get the interface back you have to use the defined hotkey or the Exchange

This command terminates VirusZ.

As  you  can  see,  there  are  no really useful commands implemented at the
moment that can help you with virus scanning.  This only might change in the
near future if *YOU* have any suggestions...


VirusZ will perform a system scan at startup-time and afterwards survey your
computer for suspicious activities.  You can tell VirusZ what exactly should
happen on startup via the 'Startup' preferences and control the surveillance
mode via the 'Surveillance' preferences.

The following options appear in the 'Startup' preferences only:

'Perform Self-Test':
If  enabled, the hunk structure of VirusZ will be checked.  An alert appears
if there is something wrong (might be a link virus).  Disable this option if
you  intend  to crunch VirusZ with a file packer because most of them modify
the hunks.

'Load Bootblock Brain':
If  this option is enabled, the default bootblock brain (see 'Bootblock Lab'
preferences) will be loaded automatically.

'Pop Up Main Window':
If enabled, VirusZ opens the main window, otherwise it can be controlled via
the Exchange commodity or the ARexx port only.

'Activate Main Window':
This  option  tells  VirusZ to activate the main window.  This is useful for
all  users that don't have VirusZ running in the background all the time and
want to start a scan without activating the window by hand first.

The  following  options  appear in both the 'Startup' and the 'Surveillance'
preferences (introduced by 'Check...' or 'Survey...'):

System pointers used by viruses (but also by useful utilities) to keep their
code  reset  resistant.   Only disable these options if you really know what
you are doing.

'...CPU Interrupts/Exec Interrupts/Library Vectors/Process Fields':
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