{1}{1}29.970 {2861}{2908}I asked Marianne to come... {2913}{2999}2 hours a day to prepare|your meaIs, okay? {3005}{3024}Okay. {3029}{3099}If you need anything,|caII her. {3105}{3136}-Have her number?|-Yes. {3141}{3189}-And our hoteI's?|-As well. {3195}{3227}Where is it? {3233}{3286}On the icebox... {3291}{3367}in red ink and big numbers. {3371}{3448}-I know them by heart.|-No wisecracks! {3453}{3531}Remember to pay Sonia|at the end of... {3536}{3631}each cIass, and study|a IittIe bit, okay? {3635}{3664}Okay. {3707}{3769}And don't touch my grass. {3774}{3856}Just water it, don't fIood it. {3861}{3904}No fIooding. {3931}{4006}-When wilI NicoIas be here?|-This afternoon. {4011}{4071}What do you want us|to bring you? {4076}{4115}A pyramid. {4893}{4951}-HeIIo.|-HeIIo. {4964}{5031}-Are you Enrique's son?|-Yes. {5036}{5109}I'm JuIian Quintana. {5114}{5149}I'm Dani. {5163}{5249}You've grown. I wouIdn't|have recognized you. {5254}{5368}-Is your Dad in?|-No, he just Ieft. {5373}{5444}Okay, I'II come back|some other day. {5449}{5507}TeII him I stopped by. {5514}{5587}-You're the writer?|-Yes. {5597}{5649}l read your book. {5655}{5711}-Is this for Dad?|-Yes. {5715}{5781}-A noveI?|-I hope so. {5786}{5864}-I'II give it to him.|-Don't worry. {5887}{5965}I'II be back.|TeII him I'm in town. {5995}{6058}Why haven't you gone? {6067}{6113}I had things to do. {6159}{6229}Anyway, it's better|to traveI aIone. {6235}{6265}Maybe. {6349}{6379}Bye. {8369}{8429}-Nico!|-Dani! {8555}{8614}-Where were you?|-Here. {8679}{8726}Give me a smoke. {8844}{8896}That's my Iighter. {8901}{8938}-This?|-Yeah. {8943}{8984}-You sure?|-Sure. {8989}{9080}-Here.|-You keep it. {9250}{9292}What a bastard! {9305}{9342}I'm glad you're here. {9347}{9394}-Sure.|-What shouId we do? {9400}{9449}Whatever you want. {9465}{9515}We couId drop|your bag off at home. {9520}{9550}Okay, Iet's go. {9555}{9611}No, Iet's pIay table footbaII. {9624}{9652}Okay. {9665}{9700}Here's what we'II do. {9705}{9764}We drop your bag off|and then go fishing. {9767}{9794}Okay. {9827}{9885}-I've got great news.|-What? {9910}{9969}My parents are away. {10005}{10049}So what will we eat? {10372}{10419}Marianne. {10429}{10503}NicoIas! {10512}{10570}What a surprise! {10575}{10642}-You're so thin.|-Yeah. {10648}{10700}Give me a kiss. {10711}{10795}-You've grown?|-Yes. {10800}{10880}Not Iike your friend,|who doesn't eat. {10894}{10951}You are handsome! {10956}{11024}I hope you'II ask me out. {11030}{11074}Why not? {11090}{11179}-How's schooI?|-Pretty bad. {11182}{11212}-Bad?|-Yes, bad. {11218}{11322}-WiII you go to university?|-Nico wants to be a mechanic. {11326}{11400}-Of motorcycles.|-Racing motorcycIes. {11405}{11507}Does that pay off?|WeII, you shouId know. {12165}{12234}Bye, Marianne. Nico! {12586}{12656}We couId go hunt|rabbits tomorrow. {12661}{12749}I'm sure there are|more than last summer. {12783}{12864}-What are you doing?|-It's grown. {12869}{12917}Don't you see|it's bigger? {12922}{12960}So what? {12984}{13042}Women love that. {13050}{13150}It means brawn, viriIity|and strength. {13154}{13238}-So?|-So that's that. {13261}{13340}A big appIe means other things... {13345}{13384}and women notice. {13448}{13499}WeII, my feet have grown. {13555}{13617}No one sees your feet. {13621}{13666}But this, yes. {13671}{13781}When you go to a bar... {13805}{13879}and have a drink,|girIs notice it. {13890}{13944}Come on, it's Iate. {13950}{14044}We can taIk tomorrow,|it's very interesting. {14059}{14129}Don't scoff at me, smarty! {14135}{14194}It is interesting. {14200}{14249}Anyway, why the hurry? {14254}{14320}We must arrive earIy|to catch some fish... {14325}{14429}-for Marianne to cook.|-I want a hamburger. {14620}{14656}Dani! {14735}{14782}-Hi.|-Hi. {14787}{14867}-You're here!|-Yes. {14945}{14990}Since when? {15009}{15064}About 2 weeks. {15114}{15207}-You hairdo's different.|-You Iike it? {15213}{15281}-It's cooI.|-It's very nice. {15291}{15351}-I'm EIena.|-Nico. {15390}{15459}-Don't you remember him?|-No. {15472}{15548}I hardIy saw you|Iast summer. {15551}{15594}Where are you going? {15599}{15641}Fishing. {15646}{15704}-At the port.|-The port? {15709}{15735}What do you fish? {15740}{15837}Everything, Iike squid,|musseIs, prawns. {15843}{15905}MainIy prawns. {15924}{16007}I'm at the bar with Berta,|my cousin, remember? {16012}{16046}Your IittIe cousin? {16059}{16114}Not so IittIe now. {16119}{16204}We're a bit short on time. {16235}{16307}We can fish another day. {16353}{16380}Let's go. {16951}{16983}Berta... {17002}{17079}-remember Dani?|-Hi, Berta. {17084}{17138}A friend from BarceIona. {17143}{17186}Where are you going? {17198}{17284}-Fishing.|-What do you fish? {17289}{17404}-Everything, squid, musseIs...|-Shrimp... {17431}{17487}-What will it be?|-Brandy. {17492}{17525}What brand? {17576}{17616}BaiIeys. {17650}{17714}-A beer.|-Two. {17799}{17895}-Are you staying aII summer?|-More or Iess. {17900}{17985}-You came Iast year.|-Yeah. {17990}{18071}-I remember you.|-I don't. {18075}{18114}I was ugIy... {18120}{18182}and aIways stayed at home. {18194}{18221}Sure. {18225}{18279}You want a smoke?|I have grass. {18404}{18446}Am I ever thirsty! {18452}{18535}-You got boyfriends?|-Not now. {18540}{18611}-EIena does.|-More or Iess. {18616}{18685}-And Manu?|-Who's Manu? {19440}{19488}Those are my brother's. {19492}{19554}He gave them to me before|going to coIIege. {19570}{19654}He'II be staying in|America another year. {19660}{19710}We couId go see him. {19715}{19808}-If I go, I won't come back.|-Why? {19813}{19903}It's the horses.|I Iove horses. {19979}{20079}-Have you finished your noveI?|-Not yet. {20084}{20173}-When can I read it?|-When I've finished. {20194}{20302}Dani, we'll have to|decide about those girIs. {20307}{20374}From experience... {20379}{20415}What experience? {20420}{20509}From experience,|we can't bIow it. {20522}{20584}They've got to know|we've got it cIear. {20590}{20680}We have to be in controI|from the beginning. {20685}{20744}You prefer EIena, right? {20749}{20804}I never thought about it. {20809}{20890}You have to think|about those things. {20895}{20984}EIena's on the make,|that's evident. {20994}{21086}Berta isn't my type... {21090}{21163}but has a nice|pair of tits. {21168}{21221}She's a chiId, though. {21226}{21279}We can't do anything. {21283}{21318}Why not? {21329}{21415}That's illegaI,|she's a minor. {21420}{21524}No, Nico, it's iIIegaI|if you're an aduIt. {21545}{21638}You and me are minors.|You're a minor too. {21657}{21711}We can fuck whoever. {21716}{21754}Whoever? {21879}{21905}Look. {22000}{22039}Me too. {22075}{22121}How about a Krampack? {22142}{22201}These days, when I|needed a Krampack... {22205}{22250}I found a trick. {22268}{22335}Put your hand|under your ass. {22420}{22501}-We Iook Iike jerks.|-Just wait a bit. {22671}{22733}You have to wait a whiIe. {22737}{22797}If not, it doesn't work. {22843}{22879}Now! {22890}{22939}Don't you feeI a tingIing? {22954}{23006}Like pins and needIes? {23026}{23060}Yeah. {23070}{23139}No circuIation in your hand. {23159}{23194}If you wait... {23200}{23244}it's as if it weren't yours. {23249}{23312}As if someone else|were jerking you off. {23317}{23367}Berta, for exampIe. {23389}{23443}lt's Iike a Krampack. {23491}{23529}Ready? {23574}{23604}Now. {23895}{23988}I tried to suck mine,|and aImost made it. {24067}{24133}I'm reaIIy gIad|you're here. {24199}{24270}Who do you think's doing it? {24296}{24331}I don't know. {24349}{24408}For me, it's the TV|anchorwoman. {24529}{24571}I'II turn the Iight off. {24590}{24666}Can we sIeep in the|trailer tomorrow? {24709}{24809}There are too many mosquitoes. {24906}{24973}Dani, here's some advice. {25003}{25057}Shut up, you distract me. {25069}{25177}When you order brandy,|don't order BaiIeys... {25183}{25225}it Iooks stupid. {25507}{25823}Nico:|Not so fast, it hurts. {26304}{26337}Dani? {27914}{27964}-Hi.|-Hi. {28071}{28108}-Hi.|-Hi. {28112}{28180}-SmeIIs nice.|-The motorcycIe. {28185}{28264}-You can fix motorcycIes?|-Yeah, sure. {28284}{28360}We've come to pick you|up for the beach. {28365}{28424}-ReaIIy?|-We made sandwiches. {28429}{28502}-There's a party tonight.|-A party? {28554}{28620}Wait here, I'II go get Dani. {28625}{28660}Don't move. {28684}{28720}A party! {29054}{29112}Don't Iaugh, Dani. {29236}{29290}Dani... Hi... {29295}{29341}Can you come out? {29539}{29591}EIena and Berta are here. {29595}{29645}They're going to the beach... {29650}{29730}-and have sandwiches.|-What kind? {29735}{29813}I don't know. {29818}{29891}I'II go Iater, after cIass. {29895}{29989}Hurry up or I'II have|to make both of them... {30006}{30036}Come on... {30594}{30659}We can't swim too much. {30662}{30738}-Why?|-We've got our period. {30743}{30804}-Both?|-Yeah, both. {30822}{30870}And you know what? {30880}{30990}Sea water isn't good|when you have your period. {31002}{31061}-Didn't you know?|-No. {31074}{31170}-And why not?|-Too much saIt. {31313}{31389}Then why come to the beach? {31394}{31447}Let's not exaggerate. {31464}{31558}We just have to be careful,|we're more sensitive. {31561}{31681}We cry more and can't|make Iove, for exampIe. {31691}{31741}-No?|-No. {31788}{31853}Have you had many girIfriends? {31969}{32034}-Yeah.|-How many? {32119}{32190}I don't know.|I'm going for a swim. {32195}{32236}Are you coming? {32424}{32494}I'II show you something,|okay? {32736}{32805}-I'II have a swim.|-Me too. {32810}{32861}Not you, here comes Dani. {33847}{33890}What time is it? {34014}{34079}-What's wrong?|-Nothing. {34150}{34264}It's 9:30. Why,|where are you going? {34269}{34381}-To a party.|-Whose party? {34386}{34424}On the beach. {34460}{34523}Why don't you invite me? {34528}{34594}I prepare your food. {34614}{34683}-That's yourjob.|-So what? {34709}{34...