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Triplet Threat
A Free Star Wars
Miniadventure For Any Era
By Jason Fry
“Triplet Threat” is a Star Wars Roleplaying Game mini-
adventure for four heroes of 9th level. The adventure is set
during the Rebellion Era, but can be modified to work in
any time period.
The scenario can be modified for heroes of higher level by
increasing the number of underlings in the combats and by
giving the named characters extra vitality points. In addi-
tion, raise the DCs of any skill checks by 1 point for each
level the average character level in the party exceeds 10th.
The scenario can be modified for heroes of lower level by
reducing the number of underlings in the combats, lowering
the Osajis’ vitality points and reducing all skill check DCs.
The Osaji Syndicate has done business on the Perlemian
Trade Route for generations and is little different from
hundreds of other such family-run operations, making cred-
its from legal cut-rate shipping operations and illegal
activities such as smuggling and gun-running. While the
family isn’t well known, Osajis have made the HoloNet of
late: Clan patriarch Osaji Shimka was assassinated on a
buying trip to Axum three years ago.
With Shimka’s death, control of the syndicate passed to
his three eldest children, who are fraternal triplets. The most
visible is Osaji Varane, who has set himself up as a major
importer-exporter on Tirahnn, where he oversees most legit-
imate Osaji affairs. Illegal Osaji endeavors are supposedly
directed by Osaji Uhares, said to be an engineer by training.
It’s said the new family boss is Osaji Hux, a recluse who
prefers to communicate through Uhares.
A shadowy figure hires the characters to perform a
straightforward task: Kill the triplets. Uhares is in hiding
after a shady deal went bad, but Varane should know his
whereabouts—and Uhares, in turn, should be able to lead
the characters to Hux. Two things will complicate the char-
acters’ mission, however. A unit of stormtroopers is seeking
to bring the triplets in for questioning. And just who hired
the characters, anyway?
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Getting the Heroes Involved
Serving as contract killers isn’t a job for the squeaky clean
of galactic society. If the characters are rogues used to life
in the shadows, such employment may be natural for them.
Or perhaps some misadventure on the Perlemian has left
them with a need for quick credits outweighing any anxi-
eties about where those credits come from.
More upright citizens could be on assignment from an
intelligence agency, or on a clandestine military mission.
While the Osajis aren’t Hutt-level crime lords, they’re
certainly guilty of any number of illegalities up and down
the Perlemian—reason enough for some government entity
to target them. The Alliance also might be gunning for the
Osajis: Fear of detection was always a concern for Rebel
cells, and some were aggressive in moving against any who
threatened to sell out their secrets. Or perhaps the charac-
ters have some personal score to settle with the Osajis.
In any event, the characters find themselves conducting a
clandestine rendezvous in a shadowport cantina in the
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Colonies, with the thrum of departing starships loud
enough to drown out any number of dirty deals and
double-crosses going down over the mugs of Lomin ale.
Prologue: Meeting on Shulstine V
Don’t read the italicized text below out loud to the players
word for word. Instead, use it as a reference. During the
cantina meeting, the heroes need to learn the information
given by their mysterious employer, but they should be
allowed to interact with the scene as well.
Planet Type: Terrestrial
Climate: Warm
Terrain: Plains, forests, mountains
Atmosphere: Breathable
Gravity: Standard
Diameter: 22,100 km
Length of Day: 28 standard hours
Length of Year: 272 standard days
Sentient Species: Human, many alien species
Languages: Basic
Population: 9 billion
Species Mix: 60% Human, 40% other
Government: Mercantile oligarchy
Major Exports: Luxury items, agricultural goods
Major Imports: Many
System/Star: Tirahnn
Across the table, in the dim light of what may be
Shulstine V’s sleaziest cantina, a hand hidden by a long,
cracked leather glove emerges from the voluminous cloak
shrouding the man who’s hired you. The hand holds a
holoprojector: a twist to the base and three small columns
of blue-tinged light flicker into existence, the figures
within them rotating slowly.
“The Osaji triplets,” the man says. Actually, the speaker
might not be a man—a vocoder distorts the voice into an
electronic buzz. But even through that buzz, you’re certain
you recognize hatred.
The fingers dance over the holoprojector’s controls and
one column of light expands as the others dissipate into
nothingness. The man rendered by the hologram is tall and
thin, his head bald and pale above a black military jump-
“Osaji Varane,” the voice buzzes. “Your first target. An
Imperial sniper in his youth, or so they say. Today he
fancies himself a merchant prince on Tirahnn. Usually
never leaves The Heights, but my agents say he’ll be at
street level. Apparently, he doesn’t trust his employees to
keep the credit chips honest at the Great Tirahnn Fair. I
expect you to make that a fatal mistake.”
Another flick of the leather-clad fingers, and Varane is
replaced by a hulk of a man in a simple white shift, his
dark hair tied back in a ponytail. One of his hands is a
cylinder of metal ringed with a halo of spinning tools.
“Osaji Uhares,” the voice says. “Droid researcher. He’s
dropped out of sight, but Varane will know where he is.
Make sure he tells you before he dies.”
A third twist of the fingers and Uhares disappears, only
to be replaced by a blank outline of a man.
“Osaji Hux,” the voice mutters. “No one knows what he
looks like, or where he is, but they say he’s the boss since
the old man wound up looking down a DL-44. Hux and
Varane don’t get along, they say, and communicate only
through Uhares. Find Uhares and you’ll find Hux. When
you find Hux, kill him.”
A last snap of the wrist and the holoprojector goes
dark. The hand slaps it and a credit chip down on the
table between you before vanishing back into the cloak.
“Each of the brothers wears a pendant with a green
stone around his neck—a hideous family affectation. Bring
the three pendants here in a month’s time and you’ll be
paid. Sixty thousand credits—10,000 up front on that
chip, and the rest on delivery.
“Cross me, and there’s no rock in the galaxy I won’t
turn over to find you.”
Gas giant
Frozen rock
Tirahnn is the sector capital of the Zeemacht Cluster, a knot of stars
that is home to a number of ancient spacefaring species. Tirahnn’s
bazaars have been famous for millennia, and the summer-long
Great Tirahnn Fair draws crowds from throughout the galaxy. (Both
“summer” and “fair” are relative terms on Tirahnn, where the
weather is mild year-round and even the smallest village is built
around a bazaar.)
The precincts of the planet’s largest city, also known as Tirahnn,
stretch for hundreds of miles in all directions and are divided into a
multitude of levels. Street level is a lively place of endless bazaars
separated by warrens given over to craftsbeings’ shops and neigh-
borhoods. The higher you go in Tirahnn’s emerald skies, the richer
the residents get: The merchant princes who rule the planet work
in skyscrapers rising kilometers above the ground and, after work,
descend only slightly to their palatial home towers in the Heights.
Some of Tirahnn’s elite boast that their feet haven’t touched the
ground in decades.
Despite having been inhabited for eons, large swaths of Tirahnn
remain countryside, with forests and farmers’ fields alternating
with small settlements.
Scene 1: Osaji Varane
Tirahnn is a trade world on the Perlemian where dealmaking
is an ancient art. Osaji Varane is one of the planet’s elite,
and he normally conducts his business from Tirahnn’s
vertiginous spires. But the Great Tirahnn Fair—and his
reflexive distrust of his own employees—leads Varane down
to the rough-and-tumble precincts of street level.
The characters really have two missions on Tirahnn: kill
Varane and find out the location of Uhares. If the characters
act precipitously, they may succeed at the first only to fail
at the second.
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Varane can be found from early morning until late evening
within a crowded casbah of stalls run by Osaji-backed
merchants. Seemingly everything—greelwood, pirisi sepul-
cher stones, mardinu hides, succulent gufta roots, and
more—is for sale in the casbah, and Varane likes to wander
the stalls quizzing merchants about their wares and
performing spot checks on their books. He is attended by
five bodyguards (treat each as Thug 2), but they’re more
used to fending off supplicants than assailants and aren’t
particularly wary.
The characters can spend hours tailing Varane and
observing him at relative close quarters. The Osaji merchants
will certainly notice them if they’re around for more than a
day or so, but the natives are busy and will accept any half-
decent cover story. Even cursory observations (DC 10 Spot
check) will reveal that Varane is never more than a few
meters from a thin Duro taking notes on a datapad. This is
Harn, his personal secretary and keeper of his secrets—
including where Uhares is hiding.
27/17; Atk +6 melee (2d10+3, vibro-ax or 1d8+3, claw/bite)
or +2 ranged (3d8, heavy blaster); SQ Fearless, scent; SV
Fort +6, Ref +0, Will +0, +4 against fear; SZ L; Face/Reach
2 m by 2 m/4 m; FP 0; DSP 0; Rep +1; Str 16, Dex 9, Con
17, Int 11, Wis 8, Cha 8. Challenge Code C.
Equipment: Heavy blaster, vibro-ax.
Skills: Intimidate +9, Knowledge (Ragna III) +6, Repair
+6, Read/Write Yuzz, Speak Basic, Speak Yuzz, Treat
Injury +5.
Feats: Armor Proficiency (Light), Cleave, Improved
Initiative, Point Blank Shot, Power Attack, Weapon Group
Proficiency (blaster pistols, blaster rifles, heavy weapons,
simple weapons, vibro weapons).
Stormtroopers? Here?
One sight at street level will startle everyone: A sextet of
white-armored stormtroopers and a black-clad Imperial
lieutenant moving briskly and confidently through the
crowd, pulling shoppers and merchants aside for hurried
interrogations. The Empire’s hand usually rests lightly on
Tirahnn, with Imperials making occasional visits to what-
ever merchant prince bears the honorary title of governor.
At this point in the adventure, the stormtroopers should be
used for dramatic effect, perhaps showing up just as the
characters make their getaway. The heroes will run into
them again.
Eyes in the Sky
Law enforcement on Tirahnn is somewhat casual: It’s
impossible to prevent petty crimes in a bazaar the size of
some countries, and no rich Tirahnnite goes far without
armed retainers. The credit-strapped district prefects rely on
airborne spy eyes to track suspects, but the drones are old
and frequently malfunction—something any Tirahnnite
knows. A DC 25 Computer Use check from any public termi-
nal will allow the characters to tap into the spy-eye net, and
a DC 30 Computer Use check will let them take control of
an individual unit.
Bagging Varane
Most anything except serious military hardware is for sale
in Tirahnn’s precincts: Allow the characters access to most
anything they want in crafting a plan to hit Varane. While
even a frontal assault may work on Varane’s ill-prepared
guards, the key is to capture Harn alive and spirit him
away. Ten rounds after an assault begins on Varane and his
party, 12 more Osaji toughs (treat each as Thug 2) rush to
the scene.
Harn is a competent employee, but not particularly brave:
If he fears bodily harm, he quickly surrenders the codes to
his encrypted datapad. (Otherwise, a DC 30 Computer Use
check is needed.) It may not take much: Harn knows that
Uhares is holed up on Centares, having paid the fixer Merl
to find him a hidey-hole. If the characters kill his boss, Harn
sees little reason to risk his life keeping secrets.
“Stand Thou Aside, Grubbers!”
Tirahnn is a popular stop for rich offworlders seeking
bargains and the thrill of rubbing elbows at street level. Tan
Dicium is one of them, except that this jaded princeling
from Sifuchi can think of few things more horrifying than
rubbing elbows with anybody. Dicium is attended by four
Yuzzem who bark a single warning at anyone in their
master’s path before shouldering the unwary aside.
Objections bring forth axes, which Dicium loves to see
employed. The characters may run into Dicium and his
muscle at the worst possible time.
Tan Dicium: Male Human Noble 4; Init 0; Defense 13 (+3
class); Spd 10 m; VP/WP 17/10; Atk +3 melee (1d4, knife)
or +3 ranged (3d4, hold-out blaster); SQ Coordinate +1,
favor +2, inspire confidence, resource access; SV Fort +1,
Ref +2, Will +3; SZ M; FP 0; DSP 3; Rep +5; Str 10, Dex 10,
Con 10, Int 13, Wis 9, Cha 13. Challenge Code C.
Equipment: Hold-out blaster, knife, comlink, encrypted
datapad (DC 30), credit chip (17,250 credits), space yacht
( Ryntail ).
Skills: Appraise +8, Diplomacy +8, Entertain (ode) +8,
Gamble +8, Knowledge (Core Worlds) +8, Ride +7, Sense
Motive +6.
Feats: Fame, Trick, Weapon Group Proficiency (blaster
pistols, simple weapons).
Osaji Varane: Male Human Noble 3/Scoundrel 4; Init +1;
Defense 15 (+6 class, +1 Dex, -2 multiclass); Spd 10 m;
VP/WP 24/11; Atk +5 melee (1d4, knife) or +6/+1 ranged
(3d6, blaster pistol); SQ Favor +4, illicit barter, inspire confi-
dence, lucky 1/day, precise attack, resource access; SV Fort
+2, Ref +7, Will +5; SZ M; FP 0; DSP 0; Rep +6; Str 11, Dex
12, Con 11, Int 15, Wis 12, Cha 15. Challenge Code D.
Equipment: Blaster pistol, knife, comlink, credit chip
(7,110 credits).
Skills: Appraise +11, Bluff +15, Computer Use +8,
Diplomacy +14, Gather Information +15, Knowledge
(Tirahnn) +11, Profession (Trader) +12, Sense Motive +8,
Speak Duro, Speak Herglic, Speak Huttese, Speak Twi’lek,
Spot +11.
Feats: Influence, Skill Emphasis (Bluff), Skill Emphasis
(Sense Motive), Trustworthy, Weapon Group Proficiency
(blaster pistols, simple weapons).
4 Yuzzem Guards: Male Yuzzem Soldier 3; Init +4;
Defense 12 (+4 class, -1 Dex, -1 size); Spd 10 m; VP/WP
Scene 2: Osaji Uhares
The characters’ next stop is Centares, in the Maldrood sector on
the outer edge of the Mid Rim. Centares’ largest city and
biggest spaceport is Muracie; Merl’s cantina is a dive in Old
Town, an ancient, largely lawless welter of narrow streets and
stone buildings that hunkers in the shadow of the docking bays.
Planet Type: Terrestrial
Climate: Temperate
Terrain: Plains, mountains, urban
Atmosphere: Breathable
Gravity: Standard
Diameter: 17,900 km
Length of Day: 22 standard hours
Length of Year: 402 standard days
Sentient Species: Human
Languages: Basic
Population: 1 billion
Species Mix: 85% Human, 15% other
Government: Imperial Governor
Major Exports: Industrial goods
Major Imports: Luxury items, foodstuffs
System/Star: Centares
Meeting at Merl’s
Merl is a bearded Human who favors garish robes and
matching skullcaps; he can generally be found behind the
bar, serving drinks and making shadowy deals. (If desired,
use the cantina floor plan in the Galactic Campaign Guide .)
Merl’s enforcers, Uri and Glocken, are quick to draw blasters
if anyone threatens their boss.
Despite such protection, Merl hasn’t lived as long as he has
by taking unnecessary risks. The cantina owner makes a good
business arranging hiding places for the desperate, delivering
rations to them, and keeping his mouth shut. But if anyone
shows up making pointed inquiries, it’s not his fault—and the
Osajis’ instructions about who may or may not come calling
for Uhares were decidedly vague. A good enough perform-
ance (DC 20 Bluff check) will convince him that one of the
characters is an Osaji emissary. Lower the DC to 15 if the
character has Harn’s datapad, with its entries about Merl and
expenditures approved for “the Centares unit.”
Should subtlety fail the characters, there’s always the
physical route. If the characters have the presence of mind to
ask and Merl fears for his life, he reveals that messages from
Uhares are sent to Tirahnn and to a planetoid in the
Colundra sector. Note that if Merl believes the characters are
Osaji emissaries, such questions alert him that he’s been had.
He knows nothing of the feud between Varane and Hux.
Gas giant
Toxic ocean
Asteroid belt
Gas giant
Far Qasqi
Gas giant
In the last days of the Old Republic, Centares billed itself as “the
jewel of the Mid Rim” and was a common destination for traders
and tourists alike. But that was before the Empire remade it into a
factory world, tapping its plentiful lava beds and strip-mining its
verdant prairies. A decade of exploitation left Centares polluted and
disheveled; with its resources finally exhausted, the Empire moved
on and left behind a dingy trade world, distinguished from dozens
of others on the Perlemian only by a once-proud history.
Centares has struggled to rebound, and now calls itself the last
civilized stop before the wild and woolly Outer Rim. The planet still
has teeming cities and busy spaceports, none more so than
Muracie, but it’s been a generation since tourists came to the
world. Perhaps no spot is sadder than Rubyflame Lake, once
famous for shallow, crystalline waters warmed by subterranean
lava beds and tinged red by suspended silica. Those waters retain
their color, but are now clouded by foul-smelling pollutants strong
enough to dissolve flesh in minutes, and the lake’s elegant guest
towers are abandoned.
Merl: Male Human Diplomat 6; Init 0; Defense 12 (+2
class); Spd 10 m; VP/WP 0/11; Atk +3 melee (1d4, knife) or
+3 ranged (3d6, blaster pistol); SV Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +6;
SZ M; FP 0; DSP 0; Rep +2; Str 10, Dex 10, Con 11, Int 14,
Wis 13, Cha 11. Challenge Code B.
Equipment: Blaster pistol, knife, comlink, credit chip (550
credits). Mobquet Overracer speeder bike.
Skills: Bluff +9, Computer Use +5, Diplomacy +14,
Gather Information +13, Knowledge (Centares) +9, Sense
Motive +10, Speak Duro, Speak Gotal, Speak Twi’lek.
Feats: Skill Emphasis (Diplomacy), Skill Emphasis (Gather
Information), Trustworthy, Weapon Group Proficiency
(blaster pistols).
Uri: Male Gotal Thug 5; Init +5; Defense 13 (+2 class, +1
Dex); Spd 10 m; VP/WP 0/13; Atk +4 melee (2d6+1, vibrob-
lade) or +4 ranged (3d8, heavy blaster pistol); SQ Energy
reading, low-light vision, uncanny dodge; SV Fort +5, Ref
+2, Will +1; SZ M; FP 0; DSP 0; Rep +1; Str 12, Dex 13,
Con 13, Int 11, Wis 10, Cha 12. Challenge Code B.
Equipment: Heavy blaster pistol, vibroblade, comlink,
credit chip (350 credits).
Skills: Climb +2, Intimidate +10, Knowledge (Centares)
+2, Profession (Bodyguard) +5, Read/Write Gotal, Speak
Gotal, Speak Sakiyan.
Feats: Improved Initiative, Weapon Group Proficiency
(blaster pistols, simple weapons, vibro weapons).
Glocken: Male Sakiyan Scoundrel 7; Init +3; Defense 18
(+5 class, +3 Dex); Spd 10 m; VP/WP 29/10; Atk +6 melee
(1d6+1, baton) or +8 ranged (3d8, heavy blaster pistol), +9
ranged within 10 m (3d8+1, heavy blaster pistol); SQ
Darkvision, illicit barter, lightning reflexes, lucky 2/day,
precise attack +1; SV Fort +2, Ref +10, Will +2; SZ M; FP 0;
DSP 2; Rep +2; Str 12, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 11, Wis 10, Cha
11. Challenge Code D.
Equipment: Heavy blaster pistol, baton, comlink, data-
pad, credit chip (2,310 credits), all-temperature clock,
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