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Q u ic k s t a r t G u i d e
D a R k F a n t a sy R o l e p la y i n g
Q uickstart G uide d esiGn : W alt c iechanoWski
d eveloPment : J eff t idball
e ditinG : e van s ass
a rt d irection and G raPhic d esiGn : h al m anGold
c over a rt : a lan l athWell
c artoGraPhy : t yler l ee and s ean m ac d onald
i nterior a rt : a ndreW b osley , J ason c hen , d avid k eGG , s unG k im ,
m att r hodes , m ike s ass , and f rancisco t orres
P ublisher , d raGon a Ge rPG d esiGn : c hris P ramas
G reen r onin s taff : b ill b odden , s teve k enson , J on l eitheusser ,
n icole l indroos , h al m anGold , c hris P ramas , e van s ass ,
m arc s chmalz , and J eff t idball
P laytesters : a lexander b eldan , J eb b oyt , J ason d urall , c harles f rank ,
J ohnathan G reene , e uGene G ualtieri , d ave h anlon , a lexis k ristan h einz ,
J ohn i llinGWorth , d an i lut , r obert W.b. l lWyd , a dam l udWiG , m ichael
m urPhy , n ick n uber , m ark P hilliPPi , t roy P ichelman , t homas m. r eid ,
b ob r oeh , m att r yan , G reG s chWeiGer , J esse s coble , J ason m. s troik ,
d eanna t ousiGnant , m aurice t ousiGnant , and n atalie W allace
Dragon Age RPG Quickstart Guide is copyright © 2011
Green Ronin Publishing, LLC. All rights reserved.
Reference to other copyrighted material
in no way constitutes a challenge to the
respective copyright holders of that material.
© 2011 Electronic Arts Inc. EA and EA logo are trademarks
of Electronic Arts Inc. BioWare, BioWare logo, and Dragon
Age are trademarks of EA International (Studio and
Publishing) Ltd. All other trademarks are the property of
their respective owners.
Green Ronin, Adventure Game
Engine, and their associated
logos are trademarks of
Green Ronin Publishing.
Printed in the USA .
G reen r onin P ublishinG
3815 S. Othello St. Suite 100, #304
Seattle, WA 98118
Email: custserv@greenronin.com
Web Site: greenronin.com
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Welcome to
Dragon Age!!
You hold in your hands a gateway to the tabletop, pen-
and-paper Dragon Age Roleplaying Game. It includes
everything you need—abbreviated rules, player char-
acter heroes, and a full adventure—to try this acclaimed
The Dragon Age RPG is based on BioWare’s award-
winning video game Dragon Age: Origins and its
existing and future sequels. If you don’t know anything
about Dragon Age yet, irst and foremost, welcome! We
at Green Ronin hope you have a great time giving our
roleplaying game a try.
Here’s the irst thing you should know: Dragon Age is a
dark fantasy setting. Its world of Thedas is not a place
of faeries and unicorns. It’s a grim, medieval setting
that is often brutal and at times unfair. The player char-
acters must routinely make dificult moral decisions
where there are no correct, right, or clear choices. The
setting’s heroes—the Player Characters (PCs)—start
at the bottom and must prove their mettle through
adventuring. Not every challenge can be overcome;
at times the heroes must choose discretion over valor.
Darkspawn stalk Thedas, evil creatures who sally forth
from dark, underground places. In some areas, a super-
natural Blight stains the land itself, sickening crops and
befouling the waters. Mentors and patrons sometimes
offer assistance to Dragon Age Player Characters, but
even they usually have their own agendas as well.
If you’re already familiar with the Dragon Age video
games, then what you know about its world of Thedas
will enrich your experience here. But be aware that
you’ll ind the gameplay different between the video
games and this roleplaying game. Things will not
always work exactly as you expect.
If you’re already familiar with the Dragon Age RPG—
perhaps you own the boxed Set 1, and maybe you’ve
even played before—you can still take advantage of the
adventure included here. It’s an excellent scenario for
introducing new players to the game. The quickstart’s
summary of the RPG’s rules is also a convenient refer-
W hat s I ncluded
There are three parts to this quickstart. The irst is a
condensed guide to the rules of the Dragon Age RPG,
including a reference sheet the players can keep handy
during play. The second is an adventure called An Arl’s
Ransom. The third is a set of ive pre-generated Player
Welcome to Dragon Age!
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W hat e lse
Y ou ll n eed
As with most roleplaying games, to play this quickstart
you’ll need at least two people, though four to six is
best. One will be the Game Master (GM) and the others
will be players. You’ll also need at least three regular,
six-sided dice. Ideally, one of the dice should be a
different color from the others. You’ll also need some
copies of various portions of this quickstart, but more
on that later.
About the Condensed Rules
The condensed rules presented in the Dragon Age Quick-
start Guide cover all of the basics, but you should be
aware that many rules included in the full game have
been left out here. None of the character generation
rules are included, for example. In addition, many rules
have been simpliied or narrowed for use in a single
context here.
If you are running An Arl’s Ransom with the full
Dragon Age RPG rules then you should treat them as the
deinitive ruleset. Some tests in the adventure do not list
otherwise relevant focuses simply because none of the
pre-generated PCs have them. Other areas, particularly
in spellcasting, have been streamlined here.
I f Y ou ve n ever
r oleplaYed B efore
If you’re interested in giving this thing a try but you
have no idea what tabletop roleplaying is all about,
that’s great. Roleplaying is some of the most fun you’ll
ever have with your friends. But to teach the basics of
roleplaying is a bit beyond this quickstart. Grab your
computer, ire up your web browser, and search for
some basic info. The Wikipedia page “role-playing
game (pen and paper)” is a little dry, but as good a
starting point as any. Or better yet, track down a friend
who’s done this kind of thing before and rope them into
showing you how it’s done. Trust us, you’re going to
love it.
• c unninG is a measure of your character’s
intelligence, knowledge, and education.
• d exterity encompasses agility, hand-eye
coordination, and quickness.
• m aGic determines your character’s innate arcane
• P ercePtion covers all the senses and the ability to
interpret sensory data.
• s trenGth is your character’s physical brawn.
• W illPoWer encompasses mental toughness,
discipline, and conidence.
B efore Y ou p laY
Before the group gets together to play, the Game Master
should read this whole quickstart, print out one copy
of each pre-generated Player Character, and print out
enough copies of the reference sheet so each player can
have one. Other players can read the rules section of
the quickstart if they want to, but shouldn’t read An
Arl’s Ransom. It may also help the players get into the
world if you print or copy the page that describes the
kingdom of Ferelden (immediately following) so each
player can read that, too.
The Character
Each of the eight abilities is described by a single
number, which can be negative or positive. A score of
zero is the average for an average person—that is, a
non-hero!—in Thedas.
Some abilities have one or more words in their box.
These are focuses, which are areas of particular exper-
tise that fall under that ability. These focuses are gener-
ally self-explanatory. For example, characters with the
Persuasion focus are especially good at using their
Communication ability to persuade someone.
It’s important to note that characters don’t need to
have a focus to try something. For example, characters
without Persuasion can still try to persuade people.
They simply use their Communication score without
an additional bonus. A focus is just an added beneit for
characters with special aptitude or training.
When abilities and focuses are written out in the rules,
or an adventure, the focus follows its ability. You might
read “Communication (Persuasion)” or “Perception
(Seeing),” for example.
Next, you’ll also notice some other numbers on your
character sheet.
All of the information that a player needs can be found
on his character sheet. We’ll start a tour of the Dragon
Age character sheet by looking at its backbone, the
eight abilities.
• c ommunication describes your character’s social
skills, personal interactions, and ability to deal
with others.
• c onstitution is your character’s fortitude and
resistance to harm.
continued on page 5
Welcome to Dragon Age!
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