Mutants & Masterminds Captain America.pdf

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“It doesn’t have to be this
way, we can find another
more peaceful resolution”.
Power Level: 16 Concept: America’s Iconic Hero Occupation: Former Artist, Crimefighter
Atk Bonus
Atk Bonus
Acrobatics (Dex) +9, Diplomacy (Cha) +8, Drive (Dex) +7, Gather
Information (Int) +7, Jump (Str) +8, Knowledge—Military (Int) +7, Search
(Int) +7, Sense Motive (Wis) +10, Spot (Wis) +8, Listen (Wis) +8
Dmg Bonus
Fists & Shield
Accurate Attack, All out attack, Attractive, Connected, Attack Focus—
Shield, Fame, Great Fortitude, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Heroic
Surge, Heroes Luck, Improved Disarm, Expertise, Inspire, Leadership,
Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Ricochet Attack, Toughness, Sidekick
(Bucky, Now Deceased)
Real Name: Steve Rogers
Height: 6’ 2”
Weight: 240 lb.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Birthplace: New York City
Group Affiliation: Avengers, S.H.I.E.L.D
Headquarters: Avengers Mansion
Relatives: Joseph (father, deceased), Sara (mother,
Other Aliases: Nomad, Cap, The Captain
Flat Footed
Super Soldier Serum +5: The Super-Soldier serum. Given part of the compound intravenously
and another part orally, The recipient is then bombarded by "vita-rays," a special combination of
exotic (in 1941) wavelengths of radiation designed to accelerate and stabilize the serum's effect
on the body. The effect of the Serum is to provide Power rank bonus to Melee Damage, Damage,
Fortitude and Will saves, all Strength, Wisdom and Constitution skill and ability checks. And also
doubles the recipients carrying capacity for each rank. [Effects: Super Strength, Super
Constitution, Super Wisdom; Extra: Permanent; Flaws: Triggered—Vita Rays activate
Permanency, Device; Source: Super Science; Cost: 8 pp per rank].
Marital Status: Single
First Appeared: Captain America Comics #1
Steve Rogers was born during the Depression and grew up a
frail youth in a poor family. His father died when he was a child,
his mother when he was in his late teens. Horrified by newsreel
footage of the Nazis in Europe, Rogers was inspired to try to
enlist in the Army. However, because of his frailty and sickness,
he was rejected. Overhearing the boy's earnest plea to be
accepted, General Chester Phillips of the U.S. Army offered
Rogers the opportunity to take part in a special experiment
called Operation: Rebirth. Rogers agreed and was taken to a
secret laboratory in Washington, D.C. where he was introduced
to Dr. Abrahan Erskine (code named: Prof. Reinstein), the
creator to the Super-Soldier formula. After weeks of tests,
Rogers was at last administered the Super-Soldier serum. Given
part of the compound intravenously and another part orally,
Rogers was then bombarded by "vita-rays," a special
combination of exotic (in 1941) wavelengths of radiation
designed to accelerate and stabilize the serum's effect on his
body. Steve Rogers emerged from the vita-ray chamber with a
body as perfect as a body can be and still be human. A Nazi spy
who observed the experiment murdered Dr. Erskine mere
Quirk—Patriotism: Captain America is driven by his patritoism, his belief and love of
Democracy and Personal Freedom. He always acts in the best interest of his country and those
innocents most in need of his help, he will not break the laws of his country, which he upholds to
a point, though is not blindly patriotic. Truth, Justice and Librerty for all, the American Dream
is what he seeks to idealise. He can however use a hero point to not act this way.
Steve Rogers is a patriotic individual who believes in the best ideals of the United States and
struggles to protect them. He is not blindly patriotic or willing to obey any government
directive; Rogers strives to protect what he believes is the American dream: truth, liberty and
justice. Steve Rogers sometimes comes off as old fashioned and stuffed shirt (since his culture
was chiefly that of the late 1930’s and early 1940’s America). Although Caps turbulent love life
and his dedication to his duty along with the sorrow at recent terrorist attacks has required him
to come more into line with mainstream modern day american thinking relatively quickly. Cpatain
America announced recently his identity as Steve Rogers also.
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minutes after its conclusion. Erskine died without fully
committing the Super-Soldier formula to paper, leaving Steve
Rogers the Sole beneficiary of his genius. Roger was then put
through an intensive physical and tactical training
program,teaching him gymnastics, hand-to-hand combat and
military strategy. Three months later, he was given his first
assignment, to stop the Nazi agent called the Red Skull. To help
him become a symbolic counterpart to the Red Skull, Rogers
was given the red, white, and blue costume of Captain America.
During the war, he served as both a symbol of freedom and
America's most effective special operative. Then, during the
final days of the war, he was trying to stop a bomb-loaded
drone-plane launched by Nazi technician Baron Heinrich Zemo
when the plane exploded, killing his partner Bucky; and throwing
him unhurt into icy Arctic waters. The Super-Soldier formula
prevented crystallization of Captain America's bodily fluid,
allowing him to enter a state of suspended animation. Decades
later, he was rescued by the newly-formed Avengers and
became a cornerstone of the team. His might undiminished.
Captain America remains a symbol of liberty and justice.
Vehicle Type: Size: Movement: Hardness:
Armour Bonus: Cost: Features:
Armour (Chain mail) +4: Captain America wears his trademark red, white and blue costume,
which is largely made up of blue coloured chain mail, which allows him to reduce any damage by
power rank before making a Damage save. [Source: Super Science; Cost: 1 pp].
Shield +10: Caps Shield a concave disk 2.5 feet in diameter, weighing 12 pounds. It is made of
a unique Vibranium-Adimantium alloy that has never been duplicated. The Shield was cast by
American metallurgist Dr. Myron MacLain, who was contracted by the U.S. government to create
an impenetrable substance to use for tanks during World War II. During his experiments,
MacLain combined Vibranium with an Adamantium-steel alloy he was working with and created
the disc-shaped shield. MacLain was never able to duplicate the process due to his inability
identify a still unknown factor that played a role in it. The shield was awarded to Captain
America by the government several months after the beginning of his career. The shield has
great aerodynamic properties: it is able to slice through the air with minimal wind resistance and
deflection of path. Its great overall resilience, combined with its natural concentric stiffness,
enables it to rebound from objects with minimal loss of angular momentum. It is virtually
indestructible: it is resistant to penetration, temperature extremes, and the entire
electromagnetic spectrum of radiation. The only way it can be damaged in any way is by
tampering with its molecular bonding. The Shield is primarily used to Deflect incoming attacks
made against either Cap himself or anyone within reach, effectively allowing him to make a power
check (also add Caps Dex modifier) opposed by his opponents attack roll, if the check is equal to
or higher than the attack roll he successfully deflects the attack. Cap can deflect even attacks
he does not expect (including Surprise attacks) but still needs to make the deflection check. He
can only deflect one attack per round, but if he spends his entire round, taking no other actions
he can deflect any number of attacks, but is at –2 to his Deflection check per attack beyond the
first. Captain America can also use his shield as a weapon either wielded manually or thrown
doing power rank damage that can be either Stun or Lethal. [Power Stunt: Weapon, Dual
Damage; Extras: Deflect Others, Automatic; Flaws: Device; Source: Super Science; Cost: 3 pp].
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