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Novus Ordum Mundi
7th Sea¦ / Swashbuckling Adventures¦ eBook
Novus Ordum Mundi
The Masters of the Great Game
becoming more and more arrogant in their right to rule.
Before the population reached breaking point something else
occurred, General Gaius Philippus
Macer staged a brilliantly successful
coup and took control of the entire
Empire as one of the greatest
Imperators in Numan history. His
obvious first act was to reduce the
power of the Senate down to an
almost advisory body. The leader of
NOM at the time was the devious
Commodus Flavius, who railed
against Macer and plotted countless
assassination attempts. For nearly
thirty years, the group opposed
Macer, but the shrewd Imperator
deflected all their challenges. That is until a single action
changed the balance of power and altered Theah in a way
that reverberates to modern day. The Bargain for the
sorcerous arts.
Contents of this eBook
This book in intended for Game
Masters to give a background to
the group known as Novus
Ordum Mundi and information
on using them in their
campaigns. There is no
information in this text for the
use of players, excepting those
that have an insatiable curiosity
to learn about the true masters of
Theah and so risk their terrible
wrath. The book is split up into
three main sections, the first details the history and structure
of the group along with its main members, the second part
details two major locations of the group and a few minor
ones along with some sample plotlines, the third and final
part is an essay detailing ways in which Novus Ordum
Mundi can be used by Game Masters in their sessions. While
a number of people appear in this book for the first time,
many are old hands from the printed book line although
most have had been advanced to reflect the time since their
The Bargain made by Senator Octavus Montanus and the
others not only overthrew the control of the Imperator, but it
also turned the balance against the other Senators that did
not enter into their pact with Legion. Montanus used his new
found abilities to destroy any who opposed their new rule,
one of the first of these being his long time nemesis
Commodus Flavius who was thrown screaming into a rift on
the very floor of the Senate. The surviving members
withdrew to assess the situation and plot how they could
regain their favoured positions of power. They knew from
FlaviusÓ example that it was almost impossible to go against
the sorcerors directly, so they fell back on their considerable
guile and intelligence. The Council of Thirteen was formed
out of this to mark the thirteen Senators, and their positions
have carried on down to the present day, although their exact
tactics and drives have changed as new members came to the
fore. Of course, the fall of Numa destroyed all chance of
retaking control of the Empire, so the Council members
moved further out into Theah and sought to control the
The villainous organisation known as Novus Ordum Mundi
dates from the Old Republic of the Numan Empire, like
many of the secret societies that it has watched and
manipulated for centuries. In AUC 385, thirteen Senators of
the Numan Senate met to discuss the corruption that they
observed in the government. Over a period of years, they
slowly gained influence and control, for instance by having
friends appointed to key positions in the government,
priesthood and military. Even in almost full control of the
Senate, they often were unable to stop the shifting of power
back to a particular capable Imperator. This alternating state
of affairs continued for centuries, with members of the group
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7th Sea¦ / Swashbuckling Adventures¦ eBook
entire continent in its new constituent parts. As one fell to
age or the plots of an adversary, another member was
selected by the group from a list that had usually been
groomed for years for such a role.
with the loss of a single figure. While some may see the
promotion of democratic ideals by the Council as laudable,
they are hardly doing it for humanitarian reasons and this
subversion of the concept may in the end stagnate the
development of true political freedoms across Theah for
centuries to come.
As mentioned above, the original purpose of NOM was to
overthrow the rule of the Senators and retake control of the
Numan Empire. This changed with the fall of the Empire,
although even before that event the Council members had
seen the decline of the power of the sprawling mass that it
had become. From this point forward, the goals of the
Council of Thirteen became split, some wanted to return to
the central control of Empire while others felt that the rise of
the new nation-states should be supported and each
controlled separately. The proponents of the latter ideal
could strongly point to the causes that lead to the fall of the
Numan Empire and the difficulties in maintaining such tight
control over a widely spaced and culturally disparate
populace. While those that longed for the romanticised glory
of the old Empire maintained a powerful hold on the Council
for centuries, their failure to move towards this played into
the hands of the more modern-thinking members who would
eventually rise to dominance. Traditionally the organisation
has maintained its influence on Theah through a three-fold
method, with infiltration of the noble elite, the Church and
the criminal underclass. This technique has proven to work
over countless generations, although in the last century
things have begun to change. The appearance of the idea of
democracy and governance in a number of nations has upset
the established orders of Theah and the Council of Thirteen
have ensured that they are in a position to best use these
changes. In the past when a single ruler proved impossible to
manipulate, NOM simply waited for a new more pliable one
to succeed him or took matters into their own hands and had
the intransigent ruler eliminated. With the emergence of the
idea of control of a nation in the hands of a body of people,
be it a parlement such as in Avalon or an organisation like
the Vendel League, there is always someone within the
structure that can either be subverted or manipulated. The
Council has therefore taken to the concept of these forms of
government with a great deal of interest, since the network of
control and influence they can create in them does not die
While NOM consists of a vast network of informants,
contacts, killers and petty villains, its true core is the Council
of Thirteen. These men would be power-brokers of Theah in
their own right, without the resources and opportunities
presented to them by the organisation. No doubt because of
this fact, while other secretive groups may have internal
squabbles, the Machiavellian plots of the Council members
against each other can lay waste to entire regions and leave
trails of bodies in their wake. The Espectro Acero, the ÒSteel
SpectorsÓ, act as a balance to the powers of the Council by
preventing the members acting directly against each other
and securing meetings between these dangerous men.
Although they are meant to be impartial, a particular
powerful Council leader has often used the Espectro Acero
to their own ends, cowling the other Council members and
even on occasion carrying out assassinations. Each Council
member usually has a particular region of control from
which they are based, although these regions often overlap
and those involving the other societies of Theah can be wide
ranging indeed. The Council members that survive the
longest are those that know which fights to pick and with the
expertise that makes them more useful to the other members
alive, rather than floating facedown in one of DionnaÓs many
canals. Strictly speaking each Council member has equal
voice in the organisation, although one is considered the
leader in order to chair the annual meetings of the entire
Council and maintain their neutral holdings in Numa. If an
issue comes to vote, each of the thirteen carries one vote.
Since any Council member worth their seat usually knows
exactly how each other member will vote, ties are very rare
but when they happen the leader decides on the outcome.
The structure underneath the Council of Thirteen depends
very much on the particular Council member, as apart from
the Espectro there is no other formal members or groups.
7th Sea¦ / Swashbuckling Adventures¦ eBook
Most Council members retain their own selection of agents
and informants, very few of which are usually aware of the
existence of the group. A handful of incredibly skilled men
have served a succession of Council members, such as the
infamous assassin Quinn who served the previous Council
leader before Alvara Archiniega. This secrecy has allowed
such as powerful and manipulative group to survive so long,
with very few outside of the circle ever aware of its
existence. After centuries, the shadowy operations that saved
the Senators from the sorcerors have become the very
identity of the group. Thousands of people across Theah are
involved in the activities of NOM in any month, almost all of
them with no knowledge that their small actions have
contributed to a wider event.
Alvara Soldano de Arciniega
The Castillian scholar centres his control of NOM from a
massive fortress deep in the Sierra de Hierro mountains,
especially after he engineered the InquisitionÓs purge on
members of the Invisible College and was forced himself to
flee. His power over the group is based on his incredible
intellect and a willingness to use deadly force against those
that oppose him. An extremely skilled duellist in his own
right, it was this ability that saved him from the fires of the
Inquisition after his publication of information of the
spectrum of light. With the Invisible College now almost
dependant on him as one of its most public figures, his
access to technology and invention is incredible. His
advances in Blood Alchemy, a field in which he is a leading
researcher, also enhance his power. He is also by far its most
vocal proponent on the Council, as he sees this new form of
sorcery as a way to redress the balance of the Bargain and
restore the members of NOM to a position of supreme
power. It is this obsession that has split the Council in
recent years, with a number of the other members
proving to be strong and vocal opponents against
what they see as an obnoxious and dangerous
discovery. While Arciniega maintains his
control and has enough of the other
Council members either agreeing with
him or afraid to act, significant
resources of NOM will continue to be
devoted to the study of Blood Alchemy.
The Council of Thirteen
The current Council is lead by the charismatic and powerful
Alvara Soldano de Archiniega, who was selected for the
group by the previous leader, Iselo Arciniega de
Aldana. The lessons of his former mentor sharpened
an already brilliant mind into a deadly
instrument. Over the last few years he has
engineered the destruction of many of his
rivals in the group and more recently has
his own daughter, Monica Allias du
Crieux, appointed as a Council member to
replace the disgraced Jean Pierre du Lac.
With Quinn and many of the Espectro Acero
under his control, he exercises more control
over the group than any one man in
centuries. Many of the other members are
very concerned about this shift in power, but
as yet none of them have been able to
counter it and by their very nature are
unlikely to work together enough to
succeed in such a task. The other eleven
members of the group represent some of the
most powerful people in Theah. A total of
eleven of the Council are detailed here,
the other two are left for the GM to use
major villains from their campaign or to tailor to their
While he has had to abandon his position at
the Universidad de Altamira, Archiniega is
still in effective control of the Invisible
College through its network system known as
the ÐChain of KnowledgeÑ. The vast
majority of his agents operate in Castille
and Vodacce, although he make sure that he
has resources available in other nations
should he need them. His collaborators among
the Blood Alchemists give him some
leverage in Kirk, where the science is
perhaps finding its strongest footing.
The ultimate goals of Archiniega are the realisation of the
founding of NOM, to retake control of the continent from the
7th Sea¦ / Swashbuckling Adventures¦ eBook
corrupted descendants of the sorcerous Senators. Secretly an
atheist, he also seeks to undermine the Church, although he
does certainly realise that it is a useful instrument for the
control of the masses. The greatest weakness of the master
manipulator is that his arrogance is starting to allow him to
believe in his supposed invulnerability, leading over the last
few years to his actions getting more blatant and his
treatment of rivals more severe. While few could oppose his
destruction of Jean Pierre du Lac, the treatment of another
Council member in this way has galvanised quite a bit more
opposition to him among the other members which may
swing the balance of power should the opportunity present
Menial Tasks 3, Unobtrusive 5
Spy: Bribery 3, Conceal 4, Disguise 3, Forgery 3, Poison 3,
Shadowing 5, Sincerity 4, Stealth 4
Athlete: Climbing 3, Footwork 5, Leaping 3, Side-step 5,
Sprinting 4, Throwing 3
Fencing: Attack 5, Parry 5
Soldano ( Master ): Double-parry 5, Exploit Weakness 5,
Tagging 5, Whirl 5
Valroux ( Journeyman ): Double-parry 5, Exploit Weakness 4,
Feint 4, Tagging 5
Knife: Attack 5, Parry 5, Throw 4
Alvaro Arciniega ( d20© )
Castillian Male Wanderer 4 / Swashbuckler 1 / Blood
Scientist 5 / Soldano Swordsman 5 / Valroux Swordsman 3:
CR 18; HD 14d8+3d10+d6; hp 82; Init+6; Spd 30ft; AC 25; Atk:
rapier +16/+11/+6 melee (d8+3; 18-20/x2); SA A Trail of
Destruction, Knacks, Marshal the Strength, Raise the Stakes, The
Unstopping Blades, Whirling Blades; SQ Brew Cordial, Evasion,
Extracts, Fast Healing, Side Effects: 1-3, Uncanny Dodge, Ward
of the Albatross; AL LE; SV Fort +9, Ref +14, Will +11; Str 12,
Dex 14, Con 11, Int 18, Wis 14, Cha 12; Skills: Appraise+8,
Bluff+7, Climb+13, Craft (alchemy)+22, Craft (poison)+8,
Diplomacy+7, Disguise+12, Hide+21, Intimidate+10, Jump+13,
Knowledge (arcana)+15, Knowledge (economics)+15,
Knowledge (Mathematics)+22, Knowledge (natural sciences)+25,
Knowledge (nobility)+10, Knowledge (philosophy)+17,
Knowledge (religion)+18, Listen+5, Move Silently+21,
Profession (housekeeping)+9, Sense Motive+7, Speak Language
(Castillian, Montaigne, Thean, Vendel, Vodacce), Spot+5,
Tumble+7; Feats: Castillian Education, Cleave, Expertise, Great
Cleave, Improved Initiative, Parry, Power Attack, Run, Secret
Society Membership (Invisible College, NOM), Tagging, Two
Weapon Fighting, Unarmored Defence Proficiency (Beginner),
University, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (main gauche,
rapier), Weapon Specialization (main gauche, rapier); Reputation
11; Knacks (6/4/4/2/2 save DC 12+level): 0-level: detect illness,
detect poison; 1-level: cure light wounds, endure poison; 2-level:
delay poison, catÓs grace; 3-level: contagion, remove disease; 4-
level: inflict critical wounds, ignore injury
Allies and Enemies: Alvara Archiniega is the currently
undisputed leader of the Council of Thirteen and so has
quite an ability to shape the direction of the organisation to
his goals. He is the foremost proponent of the pursuit of
Blood Science, and counts Boli Kollsson and Aleksi
vÓNovgorov as supporters in this arena. With the succession
of his daughter Monica to the Council, he can also count on
her vote on all occasions so far where the Council has had
call to debate.
Resources and Strongholds: Arciniega bases his work out of
his hidden fortress in eastern Castille. His primary power-
base is through the Invisible College and its wealth of
knowledge and inventions, although this is also
complimented by the extensive network of agents that Iselo
left in his control and his influence over the Espectro Acero
through Quinn.
Alvara Arciniega - Villain ( 7th Sea© )
Brawn 4, Finesse 5, Wits 5, Resolve 4, Panache 4
Reputation: -61
Arcana: Overzealous
Advantages: Castillian (R/W), Montaigne (R/W), Than (R/W),
Vendel (R/W), Vodacce (R/W), Castillian Accent (Soldano),
Alchemist, Castillian Education, Connections (many), Extended
Family, Grandmaster, Linguist, Membership (Invisible College,
NOM), Noble, Research Library, Secret Laboratory, Spark of
Genius, Toughness, University
Scholar: Astronomy 5, History 3, Mathematics 5, Natural
Philosophy 6, Occult 4, Philosophy 4, Research 5, Theology 4
Servant: Accounting 3, Etiquette 3, Fashion 2, Haggling 3,
Monica Allais du Crieux
While many of the other members have decried the
appointment of ArchiniegaÓs daughter to the Council, her
aptitude in politics and diplomacy cannot be denied.
Growing up as the adoptive daughter of a cousin to the Duke
of Crieux in Montaigne, she wanted for nothing and was
trained by one of the harshest environments in Theah, the
7th Sea¦ / Swashbuckling Adventures¦ eBook
Montaigne court of lÓEmpereur. Rescued by Quinn from the
deprivations of the Revolution, she was united with her real
father and since then has become his most loyal and able
student. It remains to be seen if she will hold her own in
such as powerful group and become more independent of her
powerful father, or merely act as an extra vote for him in
important matters.
Monica grew up a pampered life in Montaigne and
demonstrates that most dangerous of combinations, a sharp
mind and a striking appearance. Immediately following the
Revolution, Monica shed the haute-couture style that was
the lifeblood of the Montaigne courts for a more restrained
appearance. However, over time and as she has become
accustomed to the new level of power that her position
allows, she has started to return to her more decadent ways.
Her fathers contacts allow her to buy expensive jewellery
from exotic locations, although her style reflects a more
mature and even sombre look than the gaudiness of the
Montaigne court.
a young noble who had spurned her for his betrothed at a
dance. The young man seeing his future ruined by the fickle
interests of the court took his own life, something that would
have shocked many into reforming their actions, but to
Monica only demonstrated the power that she had over those
around her. Now with the resources and backing of NOM,
Monica does not have to reign in these darker impulses and
has taken to the lessons of her father with a zeal that has
surprised even him.
Although Monica was born into a minor branch of
Montaigne nobility, her wit and intelligence allowed her to
work the local courts as well as more powerful members of
her family. The Revolution killed much of the former noble
class, including the Duke of Crieux, which meant that many
of her former rivals have been conveniently taken out of the
picture. With the restoration of the monarchy under King
Montegue, Montaigne is once again relatively safe for the
gentry and she has taken full advantage of this fact. As one
of a steady stream of emirgs returning to Charouse and the
other main cities, she uses her adoptive name to restore and
expand her power in the region. Her father encourages her
actions, as they both consolidate her position on the Council
but also expand his influence in an area in which he had
little prior interest. However, Monica has learned from a
master manipulator over the last few years and for every new
contact that she discusses with her father, there are two more
that do not get mentioned. While acting quiet and demure in
most company, especially when in the presence of her father,
MonicaÓs upbringing has led her to be rather vindictive
towards those that have hurt or annoyed her. This is not a
new thing, one of the first acts in the Montaigne court during
the height of the rule of lÓEmpereur was to utterly humiliate
In the recent months, with the gentle murmurings of her
advisors, Monica has come to realise that the other Council
members are becoming more and more opposed to the rule
and actions of her father. While for the moment she is
completely devoted to him, she is quietly deciding whether it
is worth lending some assistance to one of the other
powerful Council members in order to secure her position
following what she sees as her fatherÓs unavoidable fall. Of
all the other men, she is the most attracted to her fellow
countryman Hughes Sices du Sices or the dangerous beauty
of Giovanni Villanova. Time will tell if she is able to exert
any influence on these men and will go through with the
betrayal of her father. If Alvara had any concept of what his
daughter is thinking, it is likely that she would not survive
although she might take comfort that it would be the first
killing that he would regret.
Allies and Enemies: As the newest member of the Council of
Thirteen, Monica would be expected to have her abilities
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