Statistical Mechanics Made Simple - D. Mattis (World, 2003).pdf

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Mattis, Daniel Charles, 1932–
Statistical mechanics made simple : a guide for students and researchers / Daniel C. Mattis.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 981-238-165-1 -- ISBN 981-238-166-X (pbk.)
1. Statistical mechanics. I. Title.
QC174.8.M365 2003
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Introduction: Theories of Thermodynamics, Kinetic Theory and
Statistical Mechanics
Chapter 1 Elementary Concepts in Statistics
and Probability 1
1.1. TheBinomialDistribution..................... 1
1.2. LengthofaWinningStreak.................... 3
1.3. BrownianMotionandtheRandomWalk............. 4
1.4. PoissonversusNormal(Gaussian)Distributions......... 5
1.5. CentralLimitTheorem(CLT)................... 9
1.6. MultinomialDistributions,StatisticalThermodynamics..... 12
1.7. TheBarometerEquation...................... 14
1.8. OtherDistributions......................... 14
Chapter 2 The Ising Model and the Lattice Gas 17
2.1. SomeBackgroundandMotivation................. 17
2.2. First-PrinciplesStatisticalTheoryofParamagnetism...... 18
2.3. MoreonEntropyandEnergy ................... 21
2.4. SomeOtherRelevantThermodynamicFunctions ........ 21
2.5. Mean-FieldTheory,StableandMetastableSolutions...... 23
2.6. TheLatticeGas........................... 26
2.7. TheNearest-NeighborChain:Thermodynamicsin1D ..... 26
2.8. TheDisorderedIsingChain .................... 28
2.9. OtherMagneticSystemsinOneDimension ........... 28
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Statistical Mechanics Made Simple
Chapter 3 Elements of Thermodynamics 31
3.1. TheScopeofThermodynamics .................. 31
3.2. EquationsofStateandSomeDefinitions............. 32
3.3. MaxwellRelations ......................... 35
3.4. ThreeImportantLawsofThermodynamics ........... 35
3.5. TheSecondDerivativesoftheFreeEnergy............ 38
3.6. PhaseDiagramsforthevanderWaalsGas............ 39
3.7. Clausius–ClapeyronEquation................... 43
3.8. PhaseTransitions.......................... 46
3.9. TheCarnotCycle.......................... 49
3.10. Superconductivity . . . . ...................... 51
Chapter 4Statistical Mechanics 55
4.1. TheFormalism—andaFalseStart ............... 55
4.2. Gibbs’ParadoxandItsRemedy.................. 58
4.3. TheGibbsFactor.......................... 59
4.4. TheGrandEnsemble........................ 60
4.5. Non-IdealGasandthe2-BodyCorrelationFunction ...... 62
4.6. TheVirialEquationofState.................... 64
4.7. WeaklyNon-IdealGas....................... 65
4.8. Two-bodyCorrelations....................... 68
4.9. ConfigurationalPartitionFunctionin1D............. 73
4.10. OneDimensionversusTwo .................... 75
4.11. Two Dimensions versus Three: The Debye–Waller Factors . . . 77
Chapter 5 The World of Bosons 83
5.1. TwoTypesofBosonsandTheirOperators............ 83
5.2. NumberRepresentationandtheMany-BodyProblem ..... 86
5.3. TheAdiabaticProcessandConservationofEntropy ...... 88
5.4. Many-BodyPerturbations..................... 89
5.5. Photons ............................... 90
5.6. Phonons............................... 93
5.7. Ferromagnons............................ 96
5.8. ConservedBosonsandtheIdealBoseGas............ 99
5.9. Natureof“Ideal”Bose–EinsteinCondensation..........101
5.10. IdealBose-EinsteinCondensationinLowDimensions......104
5.11. ConsequencesofaHardCoreRepulsionin1D..........106
5.12. Bosonsin3DSubjecttoWeakTwo-BodyForces ........109
5.13. SuperfluidHelium(HeII) .....................114
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Chapter 6 All About Fermions: Theories of Metals,
Superconductors, Semiconductors 119
6.1. Fermi–DiracParticles........................119
6.2. SlaterDeterminant:TheGroundState..............120
6.3. IdealFermi–DiracGas.......................121
6.4. IdealFermi–DiracGaswithSpin .................123
6.5. FermiIntegrals ...........................124
6.6. ThermodynamicFunctionsofanIdealMetal...........125
6.7. QuasiparticlesandElementaryExcitations............128
6.8. Semiconductor Physics: Electrons and Holes . . . . . . .....130
6.9. n-Type Semiconductor Physics: The Statistics . . . . . .....131
6.10. CorrelationsandtheCoulombRepulsion.............132
6.11. Miscellaneous Properties of Semiconductors . . . . . . .....135
6.12. Aspects of Superconductivity: Cooper Pairs . . . . . . .....137
6.13. AspectsofBCSTheory ......................140
6.14. Contemporary Developments in Superconductivity . . .....146
Chapter 7 Kinetic Theory 149
7.1. ScopeofThisChapter.......................149
7.2. Quasi-Equilibrium Flows and the Second Law . . . . . .....150
7.3. The Collision Integral . ......................151
7.4. Approach to Equilibrium of a “Classical” Non-Ideal Gas . . . . 154
7.5. ANewLookat“QuantumStatistics” ..............156
7.6. MasterEquation:ApplicationtoRadioactiveDecay.......158
7.7. BoltzmannEquation........................160
7.8. ElectricalCurrentsinaLow-DensityElectronGas .......162
7.9. DiffusionandtheEinsteinRelation................165
7.10. Electrical Conductivity of Metals . . . . . ............165
7.11. ExactlySolved“Backscattering”Model .............166
7.12. Electron-PhononScattering ....................169
7.13. ApproximatingtheBoltzmannEquation.............170
7.14. CrossedElectricandMagneticFields...............171
7.15. Propagation of Sound Waves in Fluids . . ............173
7.16. TheCalculationsandTheirResult ................178
Chapter 8 The Transfer Matrix 183
8.1. TheTransferMatrixandtheThermalZipper..........183
8.2. OpeningandClosinga“ZipperLadder”orPolymer ......186
8.3. The Full Zipper ( N> 2)......................190
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