Battlestar Galactica Survivors of the Fleet Part 3.pdf

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he supporting characters below are
additional survivors available for quick
reference and use, expanding the list of those
provided on pages 204-209 of the Battlestar
Galactica rulebook. hey can be used as-is, or
customized to meet the needs of a particular
scene, adventure, or campaign.
arranged of-the-books operations that
range from government intervention in
private industry, strikebreaking, and even
assassinations. he morality of these issues
never bothered him: he always assumed that
they were for the greater good and that his role
was merely an expeditor for the inevitable.
he diplomatic courier has a locked attaché
case in his possession, containing a number of
papers, a small data reader, and a Viktor CPI
semi-automatic pistol, fully loaded. Inside the
case (no longer attached to his wrist) is also
a manacle lock. he case is shielded against
x-rays, and under the laws of the Twelve
Colonies, it is unlawful to search or open the
case without the express consent of the owner
or a member of the Quorum of Twelve.
Plot Hooks Here are a few plot hooks
involving the diplomatic courier in a Battlestar
Galactica campaign:
Haunted: he diplomatic courier has in his
memory (and his attaché case) incontrovertible
and damning evidence regarding past actions
by one of the Quorum of Twelve. Unfortunately,
this member of the Quorum is one of President
Roslin’s most staunch supporters, and this
information has become known to her at a
time when an extremely important vote is
at a near-stalemate. If the contents of this
ile are revealed, her ally on the Quorum
will sufer irreparable damage, perhaps even
impeachment. President Roslin tells you that
the diplomat has disappeared, and that you are
to recover the case. No questions asked.
Bloody Hands: Several members of the
Quorum of Twelve have been sent messages
that a somewhere in the Fleet, a man has
information that will be of great interest and
signiicance in the right hands. he messages
state that the owner wishes to bring this
information forward and have it discussed
openly in the Quorum under the full protection
of Articles of the Colonies. he player characters
are assigned by Adama to bring this man into
protective custody. When they ind him, the
diplomatic courier is dead and his case has
been cut from his wrist. Who has taken it?
What secrets from the past could provoke a
Even before the Cylon attack, these
supporting characters operated outside society
and followed their own rules. Each moved
behind a veil of political secrecy, anonymity,
or criminality. hey were utterly unaware of
one another’s existence, but now they’re side-
by-side in the ragtag fugitive leet representing
the last of the human race. hey may need to
rely upon one another for survival. At the Game
Master’s discretion any of these survivors could
potentially be used as a player character.
Agi d6 Str d6 Vit d6 Ale d10 Int d10 Wil d10
LP 16; Init d6+d10
Traits Dutyd6,Overweightd4,Photographic
Memory d2, Political Pull d6, Uncommon
Knowledge d6
Skills Covert d6/Forgery d8, Discipline d6/
Concentration d8, Inluence d6/Conversation
d10/Persuasion d12/Politics d12, Knowledge
d6/Appraisal d10/Culture d10, Perception d6/
Empathy d8/Read Lips d8, Performance d6/
Oratory d8
Description he diplomatic courier is used
to moving amongst the corridors of power
in Caprica. An envoy, information broker,
negotiator, and occasional spy, he has a
lifetime of experience dealing in messy political
situations. He is overweight and balding, yet
has a rich speaking voice that belies his upper-
crust background. hough he has long been
close to the seat of power, he’s now without
Colonies, he had an extensive network of allies
and contacts; now he’s alone, cut of from his
information sources. Beneath his deceptively
placid, bemused exterior is an archive of dirty
secrets held by those once in power. He has
Stolen Secrets: he diplomatic courier
demands an audience with someone
involved in leet security. He claims that he
was mugged while using the lavatory. Beaten
up and knocked unconscious, his diplomatic
case was unlocked from his wrist and taken.
Inside the case, he admits, was a fully-loaded
pistol. hat’s the least of the issues, however.
he real weapon was a smoking gun, a series of
data iles implicating a highly-placed member
of President Roslin’s cabinet. Was the theft a
random crime, or was it part of a conspiracy?
Agi d6 Str d6 Vit d6 Ale d8 Int d10 Wil d6
LP 12; Init d6+d8
Traits Addiction d6, Friends in Strange
Places d6, Liar d6, Shadow d6
Skills Athletics d6/Running d8, Covert d6/
Forgery d10/Streetwise d10, Guns d4, Medical
Expertise d6/Pharmaceuticals d10/Toxicology
d10, Perception d4, Planetary Vehicles d4,
Scientiic Expertise d6/Chemistry d12
Description Born in the slums of one of
Scorpia’s worse cities, she had few chances to
escape the cycle of crime and poverty. If she’d
been born in a better part of town, gone to a
better school, had parents who cared . . . she’d
have had a career as a promising chemist for one
of the planet’s major pharmaceutical giants,
or she’d be an academic presenting papers
on cutting-edge bio-chem research. Instead,
her gift manifested itself in criminal activities,
particularly the lucrative business of synthetic
narcotic and barbiturate development. hough
she’s covered herself with a spread of tattoos
that mark her as a criminal, she wasn’t street-
level in her business. Her expertise was in
research and development, working behind the
scenes to devise a variety of highly-addictive,
cheaply-made illegal drugs.
She was on her way from a meeting with
a new client—a criminal organization on
Virgon—when the Cylons struck, rendering her
homeless and adrift with the rest of the human
race. It would have been time for a clean break,
to try to turn her skills to use helping people.
Instead, she followed her instincts and sought
out the most powerful merchant in the black
market, ofering him her service in return
for protection and a level of comfort beyond
the cramped quarters in the Fleet.
Plot Hooks Here are a few plot hooks
Galactica campaign:
Galactica Vice: A cheap and powerful
new narcotic has appeared within the
Fleet, dispensed within the black market.
Highly-addictive, the drug has spread like a
cancer throughout the civilian population.
he problems are evident and the potential
for damage to the leet immeasurable. he
President is demanding answers, and a stop
to this trade. he Colonial Military has put the
player characters on the job.
A Long Strange Trip: A disturbing report has
emerged from within the black market, and
Doc Cottle wants an answer. While there have
been many synthetic drugs manufactured
within the Fleet, this one seems diferent.
Users report bizarre, almost prophetic dreams
and a profound sense of invincibility. One
user claims to have felt “reborn” while using
it, awakening in a frothy liquid bath in a
darkened room surrounded by friends and
family. hen she saw the Centurions standing
behind them, and woke up screaming. Have
the Cylons introduced this new drug into the
civilian population? he orders are simple: ind
out where it’s coming from, and end it.
Alchemy and Prophecy: he President
contacts the player characters outside the chain
of command. She’s heard that they’re reliable
and can be trusted in matters of discretion. It’s
come to her attention that somewhere in the
Fleet, perhaps in the black market itself, is a
drug chemist capable of some cutting-edge
work, despite the lack of supplies and less-
than-ideal working conditions. For reasons she
won’t disclose, she asks the player characters
to ind this chemist and speak to him, ofering a
pardon for any crimes committed, in return for
lending expertise to the creation of a synthetic
version of chamalla extract.
Agi d6 Str d6 Vit d6 Ale d10 Int d10 Wil d10
LP 16; Init d6+d10
Traits Coward d4, Greedy d4, Hideout d6,
Lady Luck d10, Lazy d4, Overconident d6, Rival
d6, Shadow d6, Sixth Sense d6, Superstitious
d4, Talented (Gambling, Empathy) d4
Skills Artistry d6/Forgery d10, Covert
d6/Sleight of Hand d10/Streetwise d8,
Inluence d6/Conversation d8/Persuasion
d10, Knowledge d6/Sports d8, Perception d6/
Empathy d10/Gambling d12, Performance d6/
Dancing d10
Description Before the Cylon attack, the
gambler was a fringe-dweller, someone
who made his living at games of chance.
Some gamblers were well known, playing in
broadcast tournaments, honored guests at
casinos; this man was the opposite. Not many
knew of him, and he utilized a series of false
identities and travel papers. He was invited to
the highest-stakes games with people whose
wealth was not the sort they advertised, and
even the celebrity players talked him with some
uncertainty. Despite his skill, he often found
himself without funds, bobbing up and down
upon the steep peaks and valleys of chance.
He’s an average-looking man, beardless
and dark-haired with short slightly-curled
iron-grey hair. He has pale eyes and fastidious,
dressing in simple but well-tailored clothing.
His movements are precise, and his manner
is cautious. He has a melodious, comfortable
voice, and when he smiles he appears like a
favorite older uncle. he gambler is taking
no chances with his safety: he keeps a pistol
hidden in his belongings (a Stallion with a
small box of ammo). Most of the time, he’s
relied on his considerable charm to get him out
of trouble.
Plot Hooks Following are a few plot hooks
involving the gambler in a Battlestar Galactica
Fleeced: here are rumors about a secretive,
high-stakes game of Triad that moves
throughout the Fleet. Several Galactica pilots
found out about it, got invited, and were lucky
to return with their uniforms. hey told the
player characters about one of the gamblers,
an older guy . . . unbeatable. If one of the
player characters has any skill in gambling
(or is perceptive enough to spot a cheat), the
losing pilots have drummed up enough money
to get another invite to the game. hey want
to win their money back, and if they’ve
been cheated—they want revenge.
No Man’s Land: Witnesses onboard Cloud
Nine report about a ight between a single man
and a reclusive group of religious pilgrims
from Aerelon, apparently over a gambling
debt. Death-threats were shouted, and a
small (apparently jury-rigged) explosive
device was detonated in the fracas. he man
has disappeared, and the Aerelonians are
claiming that they’ve been cheated. he player
characters are given the unfortunate task of
inding this man.
Pater Familias: he Game Master should
determine an appropriate player character
(based on background) and present this scene
to him: while of-duty relaxing, a strangely
familiar man (the gambler) approaches. He
knows the character’s name, and some details
about his background from early childhood,
too early for the player to remember clearly.
Additional details reveal detailed knowledge
about the character’s mother and extended
family. he man claims that he’s the player
character’s long-missing father, and that
any actual father he may have known was a
stepfather. his reunion can’t be real, can it?
And why does the man seem so nervous about
some people he had a “disagreement” with
Jason Durall
eDiting & Development
Cam Banks, Jamie Chambers
graphiC Design
sean macdonald
layout & typesetting
Digger hayes
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entertainment llC. licensed by universal
studios licensing lllp. all rights reserved.
margaret Weis productions and the mW logo
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