Maria Candelaria [Portrait of Maria - Emilio Ferná ndez 1944]_xvid - angielskie napisy.txt

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00:00:01:/SubEdit b.3875 (
00:02:00:A love tragedy set in|an indigenous corner of Mexico.
00:02:04:Xochimilco, 1 909.
00:02:44:You see?
00:02:45:Painting a portrait isn't|as hard as people assume.
00:02:49:Master, in what themes|do you find inspiration?
00:02:53:I don't paint themes.
00:02:55:I paint my life.
00:02:56:What I see.
00:03:03:I heard somewhere, master,
00:03:07:of a portrait you|have that you won't sell.
00:03:10:Could you tell us why?
00:03:12:There are many I won't sell.
00:03:15:No, master.
00:03:17:This one is very special.
00:03:20:It's a naked portrait|of a beautiful native
00:03:23:that you painted years ago.
00:03:34:Excuse me, master.
00:03:37:But I'm writing your biography.
00:03:40:I long to write a great book.
00:03:45:it would be incomplete if you
00:03:47:don't reveal that mysterious|chapter of your life.
00:03:55:We'll talk some other day.
00:03:58:Now, I must be alone.
00:04:01:Excuse me.
00:04:02:Good afternoon.
00:04:03:See you tomorrow, master.
00:04:05:Excuse us.
00:04:10:Good afternoon, master.
00:04:30:I beg your forgiveness, master.
00:04:32:You're still here?
00:04:35:I said I have|nothing more to add.
00:04:37:I'm sorry I upset you.
00:04:39:Yes, you upset me,|and you are upsetting me now.
00:04:49:I don't know why you|journalists believe you have
00:04:51:the right to pry into|other people's lives.
00:04:54:The world likes to know what|great men have done, master.
00:04:59:everybody knows|the painting exists.
00:05:02:Everybody talks about it,|in Mexico and abroad.
00:05:07:And for my book,
00:05:08:it is indispensable|that you tell me about it.
00:05:13:Look, miss.
00:05:16:There are things that bleed|if you so much
00:05:20:as touch them.
00:05:23:Do you understand?
00:05:27:This is one of them.
00:05:34:Many years have passed|since I painted it.
00:05:38:I can't think of it|but with horror
00:05:42:because it was|the cause of a tragedy.
00:06:02:Life uses us as instruments|of other people's pain.
00:06:08:You know that we painters
00:06:11:always dream of finding the
00:06:13:materialization of what|we carry inside of us.
00:06:17:Almost nobody does.
00:06:21:I had the privilege|of finding it,
00:06:25:however it would have|been better if I hadn't.
00:07:20:What a beautiful woman!
00:07:25:Who is she?
00:07:27:A pure Mexican native woman.
00:07:32:As you can see,
00:07:35:this native has the beauty|of the ancient princesses,
00:07:39:whom the conquerors|came to oppress.
00:07:42:She was the daughter|of a streetwalker
00:07:44:who was murdered by her people.
00:07:48:Her life was always tarnished|by her mother's guilt,
00:07:53:Iike a sort of curse.
00:07:57:Her people always|kept her isolated,
00:08:00:Iike a vicious animal.
00:08:05:There is something in this story
00:08:08:so terrible and sweet|at the same time
00:08:13:that I haven't been|able to forget it.
00:08:16:And it is still a heavy|load after all this time.
00:08:21:She lived close by.
00:08:23:In Xochimilco.
00:08:25:On a floating garden,|surrounded by flowers.
00:08:30:Her name was...
00:08:33:Maria Candelaria!
00:08:41:Maria Candelaria!
00:08:49:Maria Candelaria!
00:09:05:What do you want?
00:09:07:Don't thank me for coming,
00:09:09:my boss sent me.
00:09:11:He can't wait any longer.
00:09:12:He wants you to pay your debt.
00:09:14:He said I could pay with flowers.
00:09:17:Yes, but,
00:09:17:it turns out that Mr. Damian|wants his money.
00:09:20:He's spiteful
00:09:21:because you didn't accept him.
00:09:24:How much do I owe him?
00:09:25:Here's the sum.
00:09:37:Lard, 3.20 pesos.
00:09:39:Molasses, 2.1 8 pesos.
00:09:41:Coffee, 1.20 pesos.
00:09:43:Soap, 6 pesos.
00:09:44:Candles, 2.50 pesos. Total.
00:09:49:Total, 1 5.08 pesos.
00:09:51:And the boss told me to tell you
00:09:53:you have until tomorrow to pay.
00:09:54:If you don't pay up|he'll take your sow.
00:09:57:Don't you have 1 5.08 pesos?
00:10:01:If you sold flowers you'd|get that much and more.
00:10:05:You know the townspeople|don't let me sell them.
00:10:09:That was before,|I think they've changed.
00:10:12:After what the priest told them.
00:10:16:All just because of your mother.
00:10:26:Well, it's not that I believe it,
00:10:28:but that's what they say.
00:10:30:This hurts me deeply,|Maria Candelaria,
00:10:32:because I'm Lorenzo Rafael's friend.
00:10:34:And I know he loves you.
00:10:36:You better try to pay Mr. Damian.
00:10:50:He won't take my little sow.
00:10:54:I'll sell flowers first.
00:10:56:Come what may.
00:12:15:I have my flowers|to offer
00:12:21:Did you hear that?
00:12:23:Is it Maria Candelaria's voice?
00:12:26:It sure is.
00:12:28:How dare she sell flowers?|Let's stop her.
00:12:53:My flowers bloom|early in the morning
00:15:08:Maria Candelaria!
00:15:13:Go back to your floating garden.
00:15:24:I said go back.
00:15:54:Look who you left me for.
00:15:57:Maria Candelaria|will bring you bad luck.
00:16:00:You'll be very unhappy.
00:16:02:Because she's not a good woman.
00:16:04:She'll be like her mother.
00:16:06:Just remember who|her mother was.
00:16:19:You'll pay for this.
00:16:55:Why are you selling flowers?
00:16:58:Mr. Damian wants us to pay him.
00:17:01:Or he'll take the sow.
00:17:03:Aren't you mad at me?
00:17:06:- Really?|- I'm not mad.
00:17:07:But I don't want people|to insult you anymore.
00:17:11:You know, Maria Candelaria,|we should really go away.
00:17:15:To Santa Anita, lztacalco|or further.
00:17:19:Where nobody can hurt us.
00:17:21:Where we can live in peace.
00:17:23:What about our gardens?
00:17:25:And our flowers?
00:17:27:Both of us were born here.
00:17:30:We have always lived here.
00:17:48:This is our land.
00:17:50:Look how dark.
00:17:52:And how soft.
00:17:55:How can we go away?
00:18:03:These people don't like you.
00:18:05:Mr. Damian doesn't like me.
00:18:07:No, they don't like us.
00:18:10:But outsiders are worse.
00:18:13:What hurts is that because of me
00:18:16:the townsfolk|are mad at you, too.
00:18:19:I'll never leave you,|Maria Candelaria.
00:18:24:How much do you owe Mr. Damian?
00:18:27:1 5.08 pesos.
00:18:30:We have to pay,|we won't leave it at that.
00:18:33:- With the sow?|- No, not the sow.
00:18:36:That's all we have.
00:18:37:We'll get married|thanks to her.
00:18:40:I'll go see Mr. Damian to ask
00:18:41:if we can pay with|vegetables from my garden.
00:18:44:God willing.
00:18:46:My vegetables|are worth much more.
00:19:11:My beloved Virgin.
00:20:21:Why are you so angry?
00:20:23:Because I'm more worthy|of Lorenzo Rafael than you?
00:20:30:It's not my fault|you are what you are.
00:21:06:Come on, hurry up.
00:21:41:Good morning, Mr. Damian.
00:21:42:Good morning to you, doctor.
00:21:44:Here is the week's quinine.
00:21:46:Did the people heed you?
00:21:48:Not much.
00:21:50:But I told them to|drop by for their quinine,
00:21:53:and I'll make sure they|take it right here.
00:21:57:These damn lndians|are like the devil.
00:22:01:If I don't watch them,|they'd throw the medicine out.
00:22:04:Has there been more malaria?
00:22:06:A few cases, doctor.
00:22:08:Some have kicked the bucket.
00:22:11:It's strange that the female|is the one who bites
00:22:14:and makes people sick.
00:22:15:Strange? Why?
00:22:17:Women are the root of all evil.
00:22:19:Oh, doctor.
00:22:21:Well, see you, Mr. Damian.
00:22:23:Make sure all those bums|take their quinine.
00:22:26:I'll give it to them myself.
00:22:33:It's true, women are|the root of all evil.
00:22:40:Go on, go on.
00:22:46:I'll talk to him, it may work.
00:22:48:Thank you very much, Jos� Alfonso.
00:22:55:There's Lorenzo Rafael,|all loaded with vegetables.
00:22:58:He wants to talk to you,|he's got problems.
00:23:08:Good morning, Mr. Damian.
00:23:16:Good morning, Mr. Damian.
00:23:30:Jos� Alfonso.
00:23:31:Bring water for the lndians.
00:23:38:I wanted to ask you, boss...
00:23:45:Come take your quinine.|Line up.
00:24:16:This starving lndian|is the pits.
00:24:19:After stealing my favorite|lndian girl, now he's begging.
00:24:23:Who does he think he is?
00:25:20:Did you see Mr. Damian?
00:25:22:I'll have to go far away
00:25:23:to sell my vegetables.
00:25:28:I'll go with you,|I don't want to be alone.
00:25:31:You're better off alone.
00:25:33:You know outsiders have|never had any respect for us.
00:25:37:They take advantage of you|because you're pretty.
00:25:41:Trouble is,|only they buy our flowers.
00:25:45:I don't want to be alone.
00:25:50:I'll smear mud all over my face
00:25:53:so nobody looks at me|and we can go together.
00:26:00:Let's go, then.
00:26:02:I'll take the prettiest flowers.
00:26:04:God willing, we'll sell them all.
00:27:22:Flowers from Xochimilco, mister.
00:27:24:How much for everything?
00:27:28:Yes, all of them.
00:27:32:Three reales, sir.
00:27:41:Do you want to make some pesos?
00:27:42:I want to paint your wife.
00:28:06:Jos� Maria, follow them|and see where they live.
00:28:09:Hurry, they're leaving.|I'll take care of that.
00:28:12:I can't leave my pots here.
00:28:14:You people are so untrusting.
00:28:15:Here. Follow them, go on.|Hurry.
00:28:23:This is the model I need.
00:29:33:The Virgin won't let|her get away.
00:29:38:I'm going to make tortillas.
00:29:40:I'm not hungry.
00:29:42:I'll see you tomorrow.
00:29:45:All right.
00:30:19:- Good afternoon, father.|- Hello, Lorenzo Rafael.
00:30:23:You never come to these parts.
00:30:25:How is Maria Candelaria?
00:30:28:Fine, father.
00:30:30:I came to pray to the Virgin.
00:30:32:So we...
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