Let's Celebrate Christmas.pdf

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Why is Christmas
so noisy?
Because of all the
'I ra p p i n g " p a p er.
Who do you
see at the beach at
Sandy Claws!
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To Martha, whose joy of life gives all year long.
P. and C. Roop
For my SCBWI critique group,
always an inspiration.
K.K. Arnsteen
“The Night Before Christmas” was written by Clement C. Moore
Li b ra r y of Congress C a ta I o g i n g- i 11 - P u b 1 i c a t i on Data
Roop, Peter.
Let’s celebrate Christmas / by Peter and Connie Roop;
illustrated by Katy Keck Arnsteen.
p. cm.
Summary: Presents some basic facts about Christmas, along with
jokes and riddles, Christmas crafts, and brief explanations of
Hanukkah and Kwanzaa.
ISBN 0-76 13-01 15-1 (lib. bdg.) ISBN 0-76 13-0283-2 (pbk.)
1. Christmas-Juvenile literature. [ 1. Christmas.] I. Roop,
Connie. 11. Arnsteen, Katy Keck, ill. Ill. Title.
GT4985.R66 1997 394.2663-dc21
97-4268 CIP AC
Published by The Millbrook Press
2 Old New Milford Road, Brookfield, CT 06804
Text copyright 0 1997 by Peter and Connie Roop
Illustrations copyright 0 1997 by Katy Keck Arnsteen
All rights reserved
Printed in the United States of America
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