Daniel C. Dennett - Kinds of Minds - Toward an Understanding of Consciousness.pdf

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Toward an Understanding of Consciousness
A Member of the Perseus Books Group
The Science Masters Series is a global publishing venture consisting of original
science books written by leading scientists and published by a worldwide team of
twenty-six publishers assembled by John Brockman. The series was conceived by
Anthony Cheetham of Orion Publishers and John Brockman of Brockman Inc., a
New York literary agency, and developed in coordination with BasicBooks.
The Science Masters name and marks are owned by and licensed to the publisher by
Brockman Inc.
Copyright © 1996 by Daniel Dennett.
Published by BasicBooks A Member of the Perseus Books Group
All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this book
may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission
except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. For
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Designed by Joan Greenfield
ISBN 0-465-07351-4 (pbk.)
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1 What Kinds of Minds Are There?
Knowing Your Own Mind
We Mind-Havers, We Minders
Words and Minds
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The Problem of Incommunicative Minds
2 Intentionality: The Intentional Systems Approach
Simple Beginnings: The Birth of Agency
Adopting the Intentional Stance
The Misguided Goal of Propositional Precision
Original and Derived Intentionality
3 The Body and Its Minds
From Sensitivity to Sentience?
The Media and the Messages
"My Body Has a Mind of Its Own!"
4 How Intentionality Came into Focus
The Tower of Generate-and-Test
The Search for Sentience: A Progress Report
From Phototaxis to Metaphysics
5 The Creation of Thinking
Unthinking Natural Psychologists
Making Things to Think With
Talking to Ourselves
6 Our Minds and Other Minds
Our Consciousness, Their Minds
Pain and Suffering: What Matters
Further Reading
I am a philosopher, not a scientist, and we philosophers are better at questions than
answers. I haven't begun by insulting myself and my discipline, in spite of first
appearances. Finding better questions to ask, and breaking old habits and traditions
of asking, is a very difficult part of the grand human project of understanding
ourselves and our world. Philosophers can make a fine contribution to this
investigation, exploiting their professionally honed talents as question critics,
provided they keep an open mind and restrain themselves from trying to answer all
the questions from "obvious" first principles. There are many ways of asking
questions about different kinds of minds, and my way--the way I will introduce in
this book--changes almost daily, get. ting refined and enlarged, corrected and
revised, as I learn of new discoveries, new theories, new problems. I will introduce
the set of fundamental assumptions that hold my way together and give it a stable
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and recognizable pattern, but the most exciting parts of this way are at the
changeable fringes of the pattern, where the action is. The main point of this book is
to present the questions I'm asking right now --and some of them will probably lead
nowhere, so let the reader beware. But my way of asking questions has a pretty good
track record over the years, evolving quite smoothly to incorporate new discoveries,
some of which were provoked by
my earlier questions. Other philosophers have offered rival ways of asking the
questions about minds, but the most influential of these ways, in spite of their initial
attractiveness, lead to self-contradictions, quandaries, or blank walls of mystery, as I
will demonstrate. So it is with confidence that I recommend my current candidates
for the good questions.
Our minds are complex fabrics, woven from many different strands and
incorporating many different designs. Some of these elements are as old as life itself,
and others are as new as today's technology. Our minds are just like the minds of
other animals in many respects and utterly unlike them in others. An evolutionary
perspective can help us see how and why these elements of minds came to take on
the shapes they have, but no single straight run through time, "from microbes to
man," will reveal the moment of arrival of each new thread. So in what follows I
have had to weave back and forth between simple and complex minds, reaching back
again and again for themes that must be added, until eventually we arrive at
something that is recognizably a human mind. Then we can look back, one more
time, to survey the differences encountered and assess some of their implications.
Early drafts of this book were presented as the Agnes Cuming Lectures at University
College, Dublin, and in my public lectures as Erskine Fellow at Canterbury
University, Christchurch, New Zealand, in May and June of 1995. I want to thank the
faculty and students at those institutions, whose constructive discussions helped
make the final draft almost unrecognizably different, and (I trust) better. I also want
to thank Marc Hauser, Alva Noë, Wei Cui, Shannon Densmore, Tom Schuman,
Pascal Buckley, Jerry Lyons, Sara Lippincott, and my students in "Language and
Mind" at Tufts, who read and vigorously criticized the penultimate draft.
Tufts University
December 20, 1995
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Can we ever really know what is going on in someone else's mind? Can a woman
ever know what it is like to be a man? What experiences does a baby have during
childbirth? What experiences, if any, does a fetus have in its mother's womb? And
what of nonhuman minds? What do horses think about? Why aren't vultures
nauseated by the rotting carcasses they eat? When a fish has a hook sticking through
its lip, does it hurt the fish as much as it would hurt you, if you had a hook sticking
through your lip? Can spiders think, or are they just tiny robots, mindlessly making
their elegant webs? For that matter, why couldn't a robot--if it was fancy enough--be
conscious? There are robots that can move around and manipulate things almost as
adeptly as spiders; could a more complicated robot feel pain, and worry about its
future, the way a person can? Or is there some unbridgeable chasm separating the
robots (and maybe the spiders and insects and other "clever" but mindless creatures)
from those animals that have minds? Could it be that all animals except human
beings are really mindless robots? René Descartes notoriously
maintained this in the seventeenth century. Might he have been dead wrong? Could it
be that all animals, and even plants--and even bacteria--have minds?
Or, to swing to the other extreme, are we so sure that all human beings have minds?
Maybe (to take the most extreme case of all) you're the only mind in the universe;
maybe everything else, including the apparent author of this book, is a mere mindless
machine. This strange idea first occurred to me when I was a young child, and
perhaps it did to you as well. Roughly a third of my students claim that they, too,
invented it on their own and mulled it over when they were children. They are often
amused to learn that it's such a common philosophical hypothesis that it has a name--
solipsism (from Latin for "myself alone"). Nobody ever takes solipsism seriously for
long, as far as we know, but it does raise an important challenge: if we know that
solipsism is silly-- if we know that there are other minds--how do we know?
What kinds of minds are there? And how do we know? The first question is about
what exists--about ontology , in philosophical parlance; the second question is about
our knowledge--about epistemology . The goal of this book is not to answer these two
questions once and for all, but rather to show why these questions have to be
answered together. Philosophers often warn against confusing ontological questions
with epistemological questions. What exists is one thing, they say, and what we can
know about it is something else. There may be things that are completely
unknowable to us, so we must be careful not to treat the limits of our knowledge as
sure guides to the limits of what there is. I agree that this is good general advice, but
I will argue that we already know enough about minds to know that one of the things
that makes them different from everything else in the universe is the way we know
about them. For instance, you know you have a mind and you know you have a
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brain, but
these are different kinds of knowledge. You know you have a brain the way you
know you have a spleen: by hearsay. You've never seen your spleen or your brain (I
would bet), but since the textbooks tell you that all normal human beings have one of
each, you conclude that you almost certainly have one of each as well. You are more
intimately acquainted with your mind--so intimately that you might even say that you
are your mind. (That's what Descartes said: he said he was a mind, a res cogitans , or
thinking thing.) A book or a teacher might tell you what a mind is, but you wouldn't
have to take anybody's word for the claim that you had one. If it occurred to you to
wonder whether you were normal and had a mind as other people do, you would
immediately realize, as Descartes pointed out, that your very wondering this wonder
demonstrated beyond all doubt that you did indeed have a mind.
This suggests that each of us knows exactly one mind from the inside, and no two of
us know the same mind from the inside. No other kind of thing is known about in
that way. And yet this whole discussion so far has been conducted in terms of how
we know--you and I. It presupposes that solipsism is false. The more we--we--reflect
on this presupposition, the more unavoidable it appears. There couldn't be just one
mind--or at least not just one mind like our minds.
If we want to consider the question of whether nonhuman animals have minds, we
have to start by asking whether they have minds in some regards like ours, since
these are the only minds we know anything about--at this point. (Try asking yourself
whether nonhuman animals have flurbs. You
can't even know what the question is, if you don't know what a flurb is supposed to
be. Whatever else a mind is, it is supposed to be something like our minds; otherwise
we wouldn't call it a mind.) So our minds, the only minds we know from the outset,
are the standard with which we must begin. Without this agreement, we'll just be
fooling ourselves, talking rubbish without knowing it.
When I address you , I include us both in the class of mind-havers. This unavoidable
starting point creates, or acknowledges, an in-group, a class of privileged characters,
set off against everything else in the universe. This is almost too obvious to notice,
so deeply enshrined is it in our thinking and talking, but I must dwell on it. When
there's a we , you are not alone; solipsism is false; there's company present. This
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