Asassins Creed. George Washinghton notebook.pdf

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14 th Decem ber 1799,
My d eath has not yet qu ite arrived , but it is near
and as inevit able as ni ght follow s day. I h ave felt
mys elf declin e for a lon g time n ow, but
I fe ar not dea th. This i s what I t old Docto r Craik
when leaving him inst ructions to stop the vain
attem pts that can only delay the inevitabl e.
Soon , I shall join my dearest Ma rtha
The event s of my li fe have sw ept me t owards a
destiny I could ne ver have e xpected a s a young
man, whe n I was simply try ing to pr ovide for m y
family fo llowing th e death o f our fath er. I have
had the h onour of doing wh at few me n have do ne
- give birt h to a na tion. I ha ve fought , first as a
soldier, then as president, to forge this nation,
to make it strong. And strong it has become,
so strong that no force exists that could make
it disappear. Even on the brink of death, I feel
pride in this.
With the little strength I have left, I am adding
these few words to the notebook I have kept all my
life. It tells of events known by all, and others that
have remained secret. Who will read these words?
I especially think of Connor, the mysterious man
who played such a surprising role in my destiny,
and that of the nation…
Who will read my strange story?
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20 th March 1748
I enjoyed sc hool, but had to leave this autumn, just
before turnin g sixteen. Since the death of my father
four years ag o, our lives have beco me difficult, and
I must help my family.
These last two years, I have studied geometry,
trigon ometry, logarithms. I am drawn to the p recision
of nu mbers, the power the y give us to find the best
solutio n to any problem.
I was introduced to Lord Fairfax by my d ear brother
Lawrence. Lord Fair fax is an extraordina ry man, one
of the most powerfu l landowners in all of Virginia.
It seems he took a li king to me, offering me work as
a surveyor on his lan d. He told me that m y riding
skills and love of m athematics mean I am
perfectly able to do t his sort of task. The o ffer is a
good opportunity for me. I am soon to l eave for the
northern frontier of Virginia, in the val leys of the
Allegheny Mountain s. Lord Fairfax owns an enormous
amount of land the re, much of it still u nexploited.
M y work will to be ma p the region and de fine lots so
t hat new plantations can be set up.
The trip will b e rough - I must cro ss the Alleghany
Mountains an d a desert before arr iving in this
savage land, th ick with Indians wh ose hospitality is
uncertain. Thi s time, mother has agreed to let me leav e.
My Vi rginian
compatr iots. Brave,
simple folk - farmers,
wood cutters.
I admi re their tenacity.
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15 th August 1752
There are times when a man can but watch, stupefied,
as the happiness and misery of his destiny closely
intertwine. I am only twenty years of age, but in the
space of four years my reputation as a surveyor has
grown, and I have earned a comfortable amount to
provide for my family. This reputation has inspired the
government of Virginia, which knows my taste for action
and military affairs, to name me adjutant general.
It is an immense honour that I also partly owe to the
support of Lord Fairfax.
It is currently my duty to assemble and train the
militia who will defend the frontiers of our district
against both the encroachment of the French and the
ravages caused by the Indians. However, the success I
have in this domain is overshadowed by sorrow - my
brother Lawrence has just died. I loved and admired
him so much.
He was the most affectionate, upstanding and dignified
brother that anyone could have asked for. He was only 37,
and has left me his estate on Mount Vernon.
Now I must face managing Mount Vernon in addition
to my military duties. And so I ready myself for
the combat that awaits, plunging myself into books of
military strategy, training in fencing, and above all
listening to the Virginian officers that make up my
militia, men of experience who have known war.
L awrence had
th is beautiful
e ngraving of
M ount Vernon
m ade.
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