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Liquidity-Based Competition
for Order Flow
Christine A. Parlour
Carnegie Mellon University
Duane J. Seppi
Carnegie Mellon University
We present a microstructure model of competition for order flow between exchanges
based on liquidity provision. We find that neither a pure limit order market (PLM) nor
a hybrid specialist/limit order market (HM) structure is competition-proof. A PLM can
always be supported in equilibrium as the dominant market (i.e., where the hybrid limit
book is empty), but an HM can also be supported, for some market parameterizations,
as the dominant market. We also show the possible coexistence of competing markets.
Order preferencing—that is, decisions about where orders are routed when investors are
indifferent—is a key determinant of market viability. Welfare comparisons show that
competition between exchanges can increase as well as reduce the cost of liquidity.
Active competition between exchanges for order flow in cross-listed securi-
ties is intense in the current financial marketplace. Examples include rival-
ries between the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), crossing networks,
and ECNs and between the London Stock Exchange, the Paris Bourse, and
other continental markets for equity trading and between Eurex and London
International Financial Futures and Options Exchange (LIFFE) for futures
volume. While exchanges compete along many dimensions (e.g., “payment
for order flow,” transparency, execution speed), liquidity and “price improve-
ment” will, in our view, be the key variables driving competition in the future.
Over time, high-cost markets should be driven out of business as investors
switch to cheaper trading venues. Moreover, “market structure” is increas-
ingly singled out by regulators, exchanges, and other market participants as
a major determinant of liquidity. 1
We thank the editor, Larry Glosten, for many helpful insights and suggestions. We also benefited from
comments from Shmuel Baruch, Utpal Bhattacharya, Bruno Biais, Wolfgang Bühler, David Goldreich, Rick
Green, Burton Hollifield, Ronen Israel, Craig MacKinlay, Uday Rajan, Robert Schwartz, George Sofianos,
Tom Tallarini, Jr., Josef Zechner, as well as from seminar participants at the Catholic University of Louvain,
London Business School, Mannheim University, Stockholm School of Economics, Tilburg University, Uni-
versity of Utah, University of Vienna, Wharton School, and participants at the 1997 WFA and 1997 EFA
meetings and the 1999 RFS Price Formation conference in Toulouse. Financial support from the University of
Vienna during Seppi’s 1997 sabbatical is gratefully acknowledged. Address correspondence to: Duane Seppi,
Graduate School of Industrial Administration, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890, or
1 See Levitt (2000) and NYSE (2000) regarding the U.S. equity market and “One World, How Many Stock
Exchanges?” in the Wall Street Journal , May 15, 2000, Section C, page 1, for a summary of developments
in the global equity market. See also LIFFE (1998).
The Review of Financial Studies Summer 2003 Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 301–343, DOI: 10.1093/rfs/hhg008
© 2003 The Society for Financial Studies
The Review of Financial Studies/v16n22003
The coexistence of competing markets raises a number of questions. Do
liquidity and trading naturally concentrate in a single market? Is the cur-
rent upheaval simply a transition to a new centralized trading arrangement?
Or will competing markets continue to coexist side by side in the future?
If multiple exchanges can coexist, is the resulting fragmentation of order
flow desirable from a policy point of view? Do some market designs pro-
vide inherently greater liquidity than others on particular trade sizes? 2 If
so, which types of investors prefer which types of markets? If not, do the
observed differences in liquidity simply follow from locational cost advan-
tages (e.g., is the Frankfurt-based Eurex the natural “dominant” market for
Bundt futures)? Is there a constructive role for regulatory policy in enhancing
market liquidity?
To answer such questions the economics of both liquidity supply and
demand must be understood. In this article we study competition between
two common market structures. The first is an “order driven” pure limit
order market in which investors post price-contingent orders to buy/sell at
preset limit prices. The Paris Bourse and ECNs such as Island are examples
of this structure. The second is a hybrid structure with both a specialist and a
limit book. The NYSE is the most prominent example of this type of market.
Limit orders and specialists, we argue, play central roles in the supply of
liquidity. However, there is a timing difference which is key to modeling and
understanding these two types of liquidity provision. Limit orders, in either
a pure or a hybrid market, represent ex ante precommitments to provide liq-
uidity to market orders which may arrive sometime in the future. In contrast,
a specialist provides supplementary liquidity through ex post price improve-
ment after a market order has arrived. A pure limit order market has only
the first type of liquidity provision, whereas a hybrid market has both. This
difference in the form of liquidity provision, in turn, plays an important role
in the outcome of competition between these two types of markets.
In this article we adapt the limit order model of Seppi (1997) to inves-
tigate interexchange competition for order flow. 3 In particular, we jointly
model both liquidity demand (via market orders) and liquidity supply (via
limit orders, the specialist, etc.). Briefly, this is a single-period model in
which limit orders are first submitted by competitive value traders (who do
not need to trade per se) to the two rival markets. An active trader then arrives
2 Blume and Goldstein (1992), Lee (1993), Peterson and Fialkowski (1994), Lee and Myers (1995), and Barclay,
Hendershott, and McCormick (2001) find significant price impact differences of several cents across different
U.S. markets. For international evidence see de Jong, Nijman, and Röell (1995) and Frino and McCorry
3 Other equilibrium models of limit orders, with and without specialists, are in Byrne (1993), Glosten (1994),
Kumar and Seppi (1994), Chakravarty and Holden (1995), Rock (1996), Parlour (1998), Foucault (1999),
Viswanathan and Wang (1999), and Biais, Martimort, and Rochet (2000). Cohen et al. (1981), Angel (1992),
and Harris (1994) describe optimal limit order strategies in partial equilibrium settings. In addition, Biais,
Hillion, and Spatt (1995), Greene (1996), Handa and Schwartz (1996), Harris and Hasbrouck (1996), and
Kavajecz (1999) describe the basic empirical properties of limit orders and Hollifield, Miller, and Sandas
(2002) and Sandas (2001) carry out structural estimations.
Liquidity-Based Competition for Order Flow
and submits market orders. In the pure market, the limit and market orders
are then mechanically crossed, while in the hybrid market, they are executed
with the intervention of a strategic specialist. As a way of minimizing her
total cost of trading, the active trader can split her orders between the two
competing exchanges. Limit order execution is governed by local price, pub-
lic order, and time priority rules on each exchange. Order submission costs
are symmetric across markets. This lets us assess the competitive viability of
different microstructures on a “level playing field.” 4
Order splitting between markets appears in two guises in our article. The
first is cost-minimizing splits which strictly reduce the active investor’s trad-
ing costs. These involve trade-offs between equalizing marginal prices across
competing limit order books and avoiding discontinuities in the specialist’s
pricing strategy. The second type of order splitting is a “tie-breaking” rule
used when the cost-minimizing split between the two markets is not unique.
This second type of splitting—which we call order preferencing —is contro-
versial. For example, the ability of brokers on the Nasdaq to direct order flow
to the dealer of their choice so long as the best prevailing quote is matched
(i.e., to ignore time priority) has been criticized as potentially collusive.
Similarly the NYSE is critical of the ability of retail brokers to direct cus-
tomer orders to regional markets so long as the NYSE quotes are matched. 5
Our analysis below shows that concerns about order preferencing are well
founded since “tie-breaking” rules play a key role in equilibrium selection.
Our analysis follows the lead of Glosten (1994) in that we study the opti-
mal design of markets in terms of their competitive viability. In his article
Glosten specifically argues that a pure limit order market is competition-
proof in the sense that rival markets earn negative expected profits when
competing against an equilibrium pure limit order book. We show, however,
that multiple equilibria exist if liquidity providers have heterogeneous costs.
In some of these equilibria the competing exchanges can coexist, while in
others the hybrid market may actually dominate the pure limit order market.
Our main results are
Multiple equilibria can be supported by different preferencing rules.
Neither the pure limit order market nor the hybrid market is exclusively
Competition between exchanges—as new markets open or as firms
cross-list their stock—can increase or decrease aggregate liquidity rel-
ative to a single market environment.
4 While actual order submission costs may still differ across exchanges, technological innovation and falling
regulatory barriers have dramatically reduced the scope of any natural (i.e., captive) investor clienteles.
5 Much of the controversy revolves around the possibility of forgone price improvement due to unposted
liquidity inside the NYSE spread. However, even when all unposted liquidity is optimally exploited, order
preferencing still has a significant impact on intermarket competition in our model.
The Review of Financial Studies/v16n22003
“Best execution” regulations limiting intermarket price differences to
one tick greatly improve the competitive viability of a hybrid market
relative to a pure limit order market.
A few other articles also look at competition between exchanges. The
work most closely related to ours is Glosten (1998), which looks at compe-
tition with multiple pure limit order markets and different precedence rules.
Hendershott and Mendelson (2000) model competition between call mar-
kets and dealer markets. Santos and Scheinkman (2001) study competition
in margin requirements and Foucault and Parlour (2000) look at competi-
tion in listing fees. Otherwise, market research has largely taken a regulatory
approach in which the pros and cons of different possible structures for a
single market are contrasted. Glosten (1989) shows that monopolistic market
making is more robust than competitive markets to extreme adverse selec-
tion. Madhavan (1992) finds that periodic batch markets are viable when
continuous markets would close. Biais (1993) shows that spreads are more
volatile in centralized markets (i.e., exchanges) than in fragmented markets
(e.g., over-the-counter [OTC] telephone markets). Seppi (1997) finds that
large institutional and small retail investors get better execution on hybrid
markets, while investors trading intermediate-size orders may prefer a pure
limit order market. His result suggests that competing exchanges may cater
to specific order size clienteles. Viswanathan and Wang (2002) contrast pure
and hybrid market equilibria with risk-averse market makers.
This article is organized as follows. Section 1 describes the basic model of
competition between a pure limit order market and a hybrid specialist/limit
order market, and Section 2 presents our results. Section 3 compares trading
and liquidity across other institutional arrangements. Section 4 summarizes
our findings. All proofs are in the appendix.
1. Competition Between Pure and Hybrid Markets
We consider a liquidity provision game along the lines of Seppi (1997) in
which two exchanges—a pure limit order market (PLM) and a hybrid market
(HM) with both a specialist and a limit order book—compete for order flow.
In the model, both the supply and demand for liquidity in each market are
endogenous. A timeline of events is shown in Figure 1.
Liquidity is demanded by an active trader who arrives at time 2 and sub-
mits market orders to the two exchanges. The total number of shares x which
she trades is random and exogenous. With probability she wants to buy
and with probability 1
she must sell. The distribution over the random
is a continuous strictly increasing function F . Since
the model is symmetric, we focus expositionally on trading when she must
buy x> 0 shares. As in Bernhardt and Hughson (1997), the active trader
minimizes her total trading cost by splitting her order across the two mar-
kets. In particular, let B h denote the number of shares she sends as a market
(unsigned) volume
Liquidity-Based Competition for Order Flow
Figure 1
Timeline for sequence of events
buy to the hybrid market and let B p
B h be the market buy sent to the
pure market.
Liquidity is supplied by three types of investors. At time 1, competitive
risk-neutral value traders post limit orders in the pure and hybrid markets’
respective limit order books. At time 3, additional liquidity is provided by
trading crowds —competitive groups of dealers who stand ready to trade
whenever the profit in either market exceeds a hurdle level r . In addition, a
single strategic specialist with a cost advantage over both the value traders
and the crowd provides further liquidity on the hybrid market. All of the
liquidity providers have a common valuation v for the traded stock. Thus the
main issue is how much of a premium over v the active trader must pay for
immediacy so as to execute her trades.
Collectively the actions of the various liquidity providers—described in
greater detail below—lead to competing liquidity supply schedules, T h and
T p , in the two exchanges. In particular, T h B h is the cost of liquidity in
the hybrid market when buying B h shares (i.e., the premium in excess of
the shares’ underlying value vB h ) and T p B p is the corresponding price
of liquidity in the pure limit order market. Given the two liquidity supply
schedules and the total number of shares x to be bought, the active trader
chooses market orders, B h and B p , to minimize her trading costs:
B h B p s t B h
T h B h
T p B p
B p
Solving the active trader’s optimization [Problem (1)] for each possible
volume x> 0 lets us construct order submission policy functions, B p x
and B h x . These two policy functions, together with the distribution F over
x , induce endogenous probability distributions F p and F h over the arriv-
ing market orders B p and B h in the pure and hybrid markets and, hence,
over the random payoffs to liquidity providers. In equilibrium, the demand
for liquidity in the two markets, as given by F p and F h , and the liquid-
ity supply schedules, T p and T h , must be consistent with each other. One
goal of this article is to describe the equilibrium relation between the market
order arrival distributions and the liquidity supply schedules. What types of
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