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(Understanding the Power of the New Millennium)
Lee Carroll
Free translation by Anita M., Susan P., Jamie N. - Group Lightworkers
Channelor Lee Carrol
Lee Carroll .....
Welcome to the Kryon book number eight! Like so many books being published at this time, this work has
been devoted to the new millennium. The title Passing the Marker , Is the description of Kryon of our movement
towards this new energy of 2000 and has been a subject of discussion by Kryon for almost 11 years. If you pick
up this book after 2000, you can be sure will still be relevant with respect to events taking place.
Since the initial period of writing the Book No. 1 Kryon The end of time In 1989, all the material taught by Kryon
has pointed to what is happening now, and it will be over the next 12 years (until 2012). While not normally edit a
Kryon book a year, incoming information is profoundly different, and almost demands to be released at this time.
There is much joy in this book! If you are new to lor with respect to pipes or Kryon, might find this information
far less spooky than I thought. The pipeline is being considered much more human, as we begin to merge with
what Kryon calls "Higher Self" or "the divinity within us." I presume this means that as we move closer to our
divine part, actually began feel information reaching the other side. Becomes closerto us - we are more familiar,
and seems much more like a phone call that a supernatural visitation from beyond.
Happiness, honor and congratulations that you can feel emanating from this book is due to the fact that we
have now passed an energy that was the main message of Kryon back in 1989. Eleven years ago informed us
that the prophecies of disaster and destruction does not necessarily have to happen. He told us we were sitting
on the edge of human evolution, and potential what we see in everyday life - in the news, in time and in
Following is an article I wrote for a magazine in 1999 called "Did you notice?" Same tells a story with an
important message.
Have you noticed?
I can remember very clearly the feeling I had to start my dissertation in 1995. Those who had gathered in the
living room No. 7 of the UN committee were there to hear a message, but I was about to give is probably not
what they had anticipated. How could receive my message of new hope in this prestigious organization, but
worried that he was in constant turmoil and unresolved conflicts? On this question, what is it that a metaphysical
channeling California was doing talking to diplomats on the state of the world?
I began my speech by saying: "In the Middle East, where the prophecies had told us that the sands were to to
be stained red with blood now, however there are two enemies prior water rights to develop together! "I kept
telling them that the" naysayers "can have the airwaves and popular film this week, but the overall picture the
reality of the condition of the world was much more hopeful and was moving in a new direction. It is much more
dramatic and commercial the scare that the rest, and traders were giving j Nosust what they knew we were
going to create fear.
While only ten years ago, cries in the Middle East were "revenge" and "land deserved," today were deciding
what lands to deliver, what areas removed, and they're saying, "How can we make that work?" Do you have
While only ten years ago we had a Cold War that kept us constantly wondering if our kids achieve, today we
are sending 1500 million tonnes of wheat to the concerned Russia, where the "evil empire" before the enemy,
used to be. Have you noticed?
While only ten years ago there was a raging civil war that took 30 years in Guatemala, which had already
claimed the lives of more than 50.0000 citizens, each of them family members, today there is peace. Ended their
war in 1997. Have you noticed?
While only ten years ago there were no hints of anything but hatred and killing of two Christian religions in
Ireland today both bantwo are still trying to proclaim that peace is better than war, and are working together to
change the paradigm of how to handle their differences. Have you noticed?
Ten years ago we had vast armies and vast caches of weapons even more. Today we have less than a third
of the armed forces and are mulling how to conceal a weapons buildup that is rusty and useless. The issue of
funds in exchange for "How can we afford to build bigger guns?" A "How can we destroy the old ones? "Did you
While only ten years ago we tambaleábamos in the horrible predictions for the next millennium prophecies that
were given by old and new prophets, today we find that none of them happened in the time frame they told us
they would. Have you noticed?
Something is happening. The conscience of humanity is beginning to change - slowly but surely. The proof is,
if they choose to look around. The theme is peace, not "Who is right or wrong." Communism has almost
disappeared by mutual demand of the people, and now most of the world is tribal conflict. Much of the
disagreement is how to bring back to the negotiating table to many opponents. Have you noticed?
He returned twice to the United Nations by invitation, the last in late 1998. Now they wait to hear the "Good
News" and often I have a room full of smiling faces. They have seen themselvessynthesis as well. In the building
in New York where there never seems to agreement or resolution, are seeing an elevation of consciousness.
Human beings on Earth are beginning to hate less and love more. There are more patient. There is more hope.
There are more compassionate. Are changing their desires and passions of "what we can get" to "how can we
compromise so that everyone wins."
Of course, the old guard of the past is still trying to get back to the way it was before, with car bombs and acts
terroristas desperate, but the leaders keep coming back to the table to smoke that pipe again. Of course,
merchants are inflating destruction programs and films to ask ourselves if we are to succeed, but their scripts are
now outdated and are trivial compared with the real miracles within our reach.
Those who were formerly political prisoners are now heads of state. Despots and tyrants have long been
overthrown by their own people. Our PaCurrent pa is preaching forgiveness and not surprisingly outspoken in
areas that have never before been seen by the Catholic Church. High awareness people are working on a
Council of Elders, a council of wisdom made by indigenous peoples of the world - one could even give advice to
the United Nations! Have you noticed?
I looked up the word millennium in the dictionary. There are two definitions: (1) A thousand-year period, (2) an
expected period of such, serenead, prosperity and justice. Did know?
In December 1999 some of us gathered to watch the world pass the new millennium. We welcome the fact that
while others chose to worry, we chose to be at peace, relying on a much larger force than fear. Actively choose
to trust in the God within us - that spark of greatness that will always choose love rather than hate, peace rather
than war, forgiveness rather than vengeance. Hope a new class of People - one we're currently seeing
worldwide - representing a true evolution of the Human Spirit.
What's in these pages?
Again, most of this book was transcribed from live channels throughout the world. The difference this time is
that these channels are updated for you and represent an alignment of energy that follows a sequence. This
means that as we approach the millennium can be seen that the pipes pass the markdor and enter the new
Also, as before, we want to mention the style of Kryon. Often provides a loving message, congratulatory in the
first ten minutes of each pipe. It is extremely powerful. Some of these messages are for new listeners every
time, but it would be redundant to repeat them over and over time in these pages. As before, I removed some of
the comments similar to conserve space. Sometimes information nuclear spiritual settled from city to city. Once
more, left part of this duplication and we need to hear repeated again and again.
Chapter 1 An explanation and description of some very confusing and difficult topics, but are those that Kryon
is over this book. The discussion of reality, time and multidimensional issues are difficult concepts. These
concepts are needed, however, before the start of the pipeline. Do not spend long in this chapter. It is a treaty
that must be addressed and simplifiedChart some very basic concepts, but in which not we move normally.
As the new millennium energy working with us, we will have to capture the fact that what we see as our old and
constant reality is now changing into something else. How does this work? How could the same time variable?
This chapter is my attempt to explain things that are almost inexplicable, but which have attributes that we use
on a daily basis.
LChapters 2 to 7 years pipes present before the change of the millennium.
Chapters 8 to 12 have given pipes after passing the marked, During June 2000.
Chapter 13 Kryon contains two concepts that are widely discussed by Jan Tober (Co-authored the book The
Indigo Children, and a partner in the work of Kryon). Many have heard of the Phantom of Death (The Shadow of
Termination is the name given by Kryon), and Jan explained from their experiencingat first hand. Below is a very
good interview by Rick Martin The Espectrum, A newspaper in Las Vegas, where Jan presents additional
information on Indigo Children, one of our most popular items.
Chapter 14 characterized writings of three individuals who are doing a thorough monitoring of information
channeled Kryon at the United Nations in 1998: Marc ValléeAnd Woody and CATIE Vaspra. Kryon spoke about
the creation of a Council of Elders on the planet - a indigenous group of tribal leaders who could provide
knowledge about our times to the world - information we need right now.
Sometimes people wonder if the best ideas ever manifest. Well, here you'll read about people who are really
putting in motion what Kryon suggested. It's pretty amazing to think that many of the world's indigenous leaders
are really hoping that we contact you! Why? Because her prophecies said that haríamos!
Chapter 15 is a scientific update on some of the issues that Kryon may have spoken in previous books and in
this Kryon. Generally these are concepts that have been validated channeled from the last publication of Kryon.
It also contains a discussion about my continuing search for evidence of the magnetic properties of DNA ...
something that is becoming a real possibility. Always fun to see how official science checks parte of creepy older
material and we have in this chapter!
Chapter 16 is a collection of some of the news of Kryon, ways to contact us by phone or mail. And a section
describing the products and how to get Kryon.
Following that there is something for some time wanted to give readers Kryon - complete an overall index of
the whole Kryon books! This book is included in it as well. For those who have all liKryon members finally have a
general index that bridges the gap between them. This makes it much easier to find topics throughout Kryon
Series One through Eight.
Finally, I thank the Index for this book only.
As I write this Foreword, Jan Tober and I just returned from a trip to French Canada and Europe (May 2000)
Robert Coxon (The artist record label of Canada's best-selling New Age) and Gregg Braden (Geologist, lecturer
and author.) In a span of diez day, collectively we made presentations before more than 5,300 people (in
Montreal, Canada; Brussels, Belgium, and Paris, France). The meetings were surprising in their energy and we
were all overwhelmed by the love we receive.
For years I wondered who else could have the message of Kryon - one that said we had the ability to change
the future through awareness and human compassion - one that
said that the real power of the divine is within us. Now hand received a gift: the search and deep information
Gregg Braden demonstrates that the divine message that I have been receiving for the past 11 years is also
present in the ancient texts of writings recently discovered lost!
The Isaiah Effect (decoding the lost science of prayer and prophecy) of Gregg Braden, Is one of the best
spiritual books published in the year 20000. In its pages there is evidence that the information given by Kryon,
which allowed us to switchar our reality, we also filed long ago in the writings of the prophets. In the book Gregg
find the poignant proof that the compassion of a human being can change the reality of the Earth - and that this
was a lost sacred message!
While Gregg,Jan and I were presenting together, we realized that we were completely different perspectives
giving exactly the same message. Gregg, Geologist and computer systems designer and Jan and yor,
spiritualists and canals, were offering all a profound truth, That you are full of power and hid much about it. We
are here to discover the love and compassion that resides within the divine spark of humanism, something that
has been hidden as part of our test.
Dear reader, I am filled with joy of being able to give back what has become my contract on Earth: trying to
pass the information on love and compassion of an angel called wonderfuldo Kryon ... their eyes and hearts.
Lee Carroll
Lee Carroll
I consider my life as a channel has to do mostly with translations. The translation of what Kryon has been
called "The Third Language" is the translation of the voice of the Spirit to a human language. In my case, is
English. I know some of you are reading this book one of the thirteen other languages that have been authorized
to publish these writings,yes you are reading a translation of the translation.
In recent years he has continually channeling Kryon concepts that are very difficult to understand in any
language. I wanted to start this book by giving my impression and explanation of some of the most difficult
concepts Kryon ever transmitted. In doing so, I hope to get some of the pipelines that will follow more
understandable and decipherable.
I speak now of different concepts, and alsoalso a metaphor that Kryon has presented over and over again. In
this discussion I will comment the following ideas that were channeled Kryon: (1) time of "now" (and time
variable), (2) human reality (3) dimensionality and the metaphor of the train, and (4) the human soul eternal - all
very minor issues, right?
The Time of the "Now"
Okay, time is the time. I look at the clock and always goes the same speed. Moreover, those scientists timing
as a way of life, gives usdo atomic clocks - calibrated to physics and accurate finite the second for thousands of
years. So you could say that time is absolute and that science has shown, is not it?
In fact, the opposite is true. The weather is variable and science also tried. Kryon says we live in 4D. Scientists
currently referred to as the "three plus one", but I'm getting ahead of myself, because exposure on the
dimensionality is yet to come. Dentber of this conversation I have to tell you that Kryon believes that time is one
of the four dimensions that we, as humans, we recognize as our reality. Physicists have recently consisted.
Kryon also stipulates that each of these four dimensions are conceptual in nature and variables: height, width,
depth and time. These are the four. Also note that none of them identified things - Are concepts. Later we will
see about it.
Although ourwatches you work at a precise speed, apparently only in one direction (forward), one of our
greatest scientists set up a different theory. In 1917, Albert Einstein gave us the Theory of Relativity, which
explained the time variable. Now I'll try to explain E = MC ² in these pages. I am the channel, not the scientist
(are not you glad?). But I would like to convey the main question of what Einstein gave us.
He said the weather was variable (Or on) depending on how fast we were us. We gave the clock paradox. This
is a fun fictional example on space travelers leaving Earth and traveling at nearly the same speed as light to a
distant place, and then return. When they return from their trip, each one of those left behind on Earth aged
considerably! Apparently the weather had accelerated to those on Earth, or perhaps they had moved more
slowly for travelros. However, in each case, the watches they were carrying seemed to remain constant for each
of the groups. What happened (according to Einstein) is that the speed variation had an effect on the fabric of
time. Therefore, time was on the speed front. This sounded good to physicists, but could not be tested until the
acceleration of a small particle showed that Einstein was right. Around the same time, astronomers showed that
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