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BattleTech: Dossiers - Lamenkov’s Liability
Jihad Plot SuPPlement
Lamenkov’s LiabiLity
TO: General Belle Lee, CO, Republic Armed Forces
FROM: Supervisor Elaine McCrosby, PhD
SUBJECT: Candidate Lance 5: Lamenkov’s Liability
Alright, the fifth batch.
Here’s my boilerplate. I know you hate it, but you’ll thank me some day.
The base qualifications for all candidate lances require at least five years of active
duty experience in the Jihad for all individual members, at least one year of active duty
experience of the lance as a unit, and at least two documented instances of the lance
engaging in combat without direct support from allied assets of any kind. Sufficient
documented technical expertise to support a force in the field with no additional technical
personnel is considered a plus. Lamenkov’s Liability meets these requirements, and their
‘Mechs also meet or exceed the additional operational requirements you set.
This is the fifth candidate lance for your Errant Force concept. All surveys are numbered
in descending order of qualification. Further, this is the first lance that I cannot
endorse without reservations.
First, this lance barely meets the qualifications you indicated. Second, of all surveyed
lances, they have the least amount of time together. Third, all instances where they were
engaged without support involved forces against which they were equally matched, or which
they outmatched. Other considerations can be found in the detailed brief.
Despite all this, I believe they would perform well, although my judgment may be biased
somewhat. They were the only candidate lance that I got to meet in person.
I trust my findings will assist your selection process, and stand by to offer any
clarifications or follow-up inquiries as you may require.
Project development: Herbert A. Beas II
Battletech Line developer: Herbert A. Beas II
Writing: Paul Sjardijn
Product editing: Herbert A. Beas II
Production staff
Art Direction: Brent Evans
Cover Design and Layout: Ray Arrastia
Original Illustrations: Brent Evans
Miniatures Painting & Photography:
Dave Fanoy, Joel Harwick,
David Kerber, Mark Maestas
Unit design and Record Sheets:
Joel Bancroft-Connors, Chris Smith
Factchecking/Playtesting: Joel Bancroft-Connors, Randall N. Bills, Camospecs Online, David L.
McCulloch, Ben H. Rome, Patrick Wynne.
special thanks: Paul Sjardijn would like to thank his wife, Aly, for putting up with him and
generally improving his sanity. He would like to thank his regular game group, Angela, Dave,
Duncan, Jeff, Mark and Rob for mercilessly decreasing his sanity. He would like to thank the TPC
for being horrible degenerates. He would like to thank Herb for not firing him. Yet.
©2010 The Topps Company Inc. All Rights Reserved. BattleTech Dossiers: Lamenkov’s Liability,
Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, BattleMech, and ’Mech are registered trademarks and/or trademarks
of The Topps Company Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Catalyst Game Labs and
the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Productions, LLC.
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introspective enemy
Water Station 14
Luyten’s Pan
Schedar, Republic of the Sphere
12 June 3085
“Yeah, speaking of which, diamond formation. Osprey on point, Karhu
in the rear, Prefect right. My rear’s been smacked enough for one day.”
Her lancemates chuckled even as a new volley of weapons fire struck.
The artillery blasted the surface of the Pan, but was now much more eas-
ily avoided, unlike the first encounter…
Another batch of missiles peppered Ilyena Lamenkov’s
Thunderbolt , stripping armor off its side. Lamenkov linked with her Lance
and cursed loudly, though briefly.
“I’ve had about enough of that Trebuchet ,” she snarled. “V and S, on my
mark, turn about and pound that bitch. L, you and me will turn about
and walk backwards. Looks like these poor saps didn’t bring ECM to the
party. Make it bleed from a new arsehole… Mark!
Suddenly and viciously yanking on her controls, Lamenkov expended
some of her rage on the contributions of Earthwerks’ ergonomics de-
partment. Her sixty-five ton BattleMech spun about, skidding a six-me-
ter trough through the gravel of Luyten’s Pan. As her machine turned,
she twisted its torso back towards the center, and lined up her weapons
with the enemy ’Mech. Previously, she had been twisted right, to allow
her Combine-built Heavy PPC to respond to their pursuers. This time, she
would hit back with a greater measure of the weaponry she had brought
to Schedar.
Her C 3 interface informed her that either Veronica or Syngman had
closed enough with the Trebuchet to provide an optimum firing resolu-
tion. As she began to march her Thunderbolt backwards, she selected
and launched a flight of LRMs from the versatile Doombud MML system
mounted in the ’Mech’s right shoulder, and followed it up with a triple-
blast from her heavy PPC, and a pair of two smaller particle cannons. As
almost an afterthought, she added a flash from her Diverse Optics laser.
The energy weapons struck home first, followed a heartbeat later by the
missiles. Her attack was the last to the party; already ravaged by the com-
bined weaponry of the rest of her lance, the ancient BattleMech—shed-
ding armor in tons—shuddered as its entire right side disintegrated.
The fifty-ton war machine teetered, thoroughly off balance from the
combination of a particle cannon-powered crash diet, and the kinetic
energy added by waves of missile impacts, yet somehow its MechWarrior
kept the Trebuchet upright. Ilyena would have been impressed if she didn’t
want him to die so badly. Instead, he began to turn, as if to withdraw.
Fortunately, Syngman’s Karhu wasn’t just there to provide targeting
information through the C 3 network. He swiftly closed the few remaining
meters that separated him from the devastated hostile, and threw a wide
right hook with one metalshod fist. Just before impact, three huge claws
shot from their massive sheaths on the Karhu’s right wrist. The blades
raked straight through the Treb ’s remaining armor over its heart, and
tore through the remnants of its right flank, carrying a hunk of metal out
from deep within the machine. Fresh, black smoke immediately poured
out of the gaping wound, and the Trebuchet finally collapsed like a bro-
ken toy. Syngman raised his ’Mech’s arm, then retracted the spikes, parts
of the Trebuchet ’s ruined gyroscope raining down his arm.
Lamenkov growled in her neurohelmet. “Stop showing off and get
back over here, S! Let’s see if these village idiots learned anything!”
“Acknowledged. It appears they have learned to fire artillery. I detect
some batches of shells incoming. Less than last time. Maybe their ammu-
nition is dwindling? Good thing they did not bring Arrow IV, no? Did you
know that the first documented and successful use of missile artillery is
credited to the Hwacha almost fifteen hundred years ago? I—“
“S, one more history lesson, and you’ll be doing a holding action solo,
“Rejoining formation, ma’am.”
* * * *
The day had started pleasantly enough. Sent to Schedar to deal with a
well-armed batch of insurgents or pirates of some sort, the hostiles had
been known to do their business in singles or pairs. On the second day of
their arrival at Governor Rander’s estate, a lone Trebuchet started attack-
ing a nearby mining complex. Perfect opportunity to spread the word
that a new sheriff was in town.
Things turned sour when suddenly a brace of assorted combat ve-
hicles emerged from covered train cars, followed by several ’Mechs that
burst forth from within the mining compound itself. Even more endear-
ing was the barrage of artillery fire that fell right in line with their path
of retreat. The pre-sighted artillery savaged Sawyer’s Osprey , but since
then Lamenkov and her lance had managed to avoid significant artil-
lery damage. Not so of the Trebuchet’s companions, who fired as if they
had orders to return without any ammunition. Through sheer volume of
fire, they delivered far more damage than Lamenkov could tolerate. Her
lance nearly outgunned the bandits in the field, but had to flee for fear
of some lucky shots from the peasant arty.
No, not lucky , she corrected herself. These guys are well led, and well
trained. I’m dealing with an army, not a rabble.
This Schedar Enlightenment and Liberation Force was far more formida-
ble than the briefings implied. Taking out a prepared and well-organized
enemy was a far worse prospect for Lamenkov’s single lance than disman-
tling the small insurgent or pirate group they originally expected.
Well, not like anyone else will be doing it. But first, we have to live to fight
that other day.
“Alright, looks like they’re still with us. Let’s keep pounding them if
they stick their nose out too far. L, keep moving ahead and check the lay
of the land. We’ll need to turn pretty frequently; too much of the same
direction is asking for another surprise up ahead. V, you’re behind in kills.
Fix it.”
“Yeah, whatever.” Most Mechwarriors would’ve ended transmission
before making such remarks, but Veronica thrived on them. “How ’bout
I just ditch you losers altogether? Your plan’s obviously shot to hell; not
sure I want to give your new one a chance.”
“Well, two reasons: First, if we split up, they’ll just pick us off one at a
time. Second, if you break formation now, I’ll kill you dead myself.”
“You’re pretty spry and generous with those death threats, LT. One of
these days that’s gonna cost you.”
Lamenkov hesitated just a moment before replying. She considered
herself to be tough and deadly, generally afraid of no one. She never met
a Blakist in the Jihad that scared her, but somehow Monteiro-Montoya
got under her skin.
“I’d best be seeing some orders obeyed soon, V, or this’ll be your last
day as a MechWarrior.”
Mercifully, her insubordinate subordinate said nothing and main-
tained formation.
Lamenkov sighed, then cursed as more missiles pelted away her ar-
mor. The wire-frame on her secondary display flashed more sections
from yellow to red.
One small battle won in my lance, now a big one to win for my lance.
Unit profiLe
Ilyena lamenkov
pursuers “Wouldn’t you rather have me on your side?” Though initially
presumed a Blakist spy, Lamenkov’s story eventually checked out, and
she was assigned to Oosterhout’s lance, despite his declaration that she
was “a major liability”. Lamenkov took this epitaph as her callsign, and
eventually proved herself enough that Oosterhout accepted her apol-
ogy shortly before his death at Sydney.
Since then, Lamenkov distinguished herself in several skirmishes
against Capellan forces in the liberated Protectorate, where her lance—
Lamnkov’s Liability—was called upon to operate autonomously on sev-
eral occasions.
The traits that make Lamenkov a problem for a regular army com-
mand should make her an asset in irregular duties. She is unconvention-
al, brash, and crude, but eagerly seeks out any challenges. Given these
recent experiences as an independent commander, there is a high de-
gree of confidence that Lamenkov will rise to the kind of challenges that
the Errant Force is being specced for.
tdr-10M thunderbolt ilyena
Ilyena’s Thunderbolt has the following Vehicle Quirks: Protected Actua-
tors (see p. 195, SO ), comes with a Searchlight (see p. 196, SO ), and has
been modified to function as a Command BattleMech (see p.193, SO ),
but its new Light PPC has No Cooling Jacket (see p. 198, SO ) and the new
C 3 Master is creating Sensor Ghosts (see p. 199, SO )
rank/Position: Lieutenant / Lamenkov’s Liability CO
Born: 3042 (43 in 3085)
Affiliation: Republic of the Sphere
Home Planet: Kittery
’Mech: TDR-10M Thunderbolt Ilyena
MechWarrior Profile
While born on Kittery, Ilyena Lamenkov was not on that world when it
fell to the Word of Blake. She was a captain in the Twentieth Avalon Hus-
sars RCT, and was stationed on Mira when the Jihad broke out. Lamen-
kov served House Davion with distinction during the FedCom Civil War,
and continued to serve well during the first years of the Jihad. After she
learned of Devlin Stone and his growing success, however, she resigned
her commission and made her way to join his nascent resistance. It took
her almost two years to finally catch up to Stone’s Lament, during which
time she had to rely largely on her own abilities and scarce resources to
get by. These experiences are a key factor in determining the eligibility
for this command.
Dispossessed, Lamenkov proved herself by stealing the Dragon pilot-
ed by Captain Oosterhout, one of Stone’s command battalion company
commanders, then evading capture for the better part of the day. When
finally cornered and ordered to surrender, Lamenkov instead asked her
Unit profiLe
lawrence Sawyer
has since been discharged). While Sawyer did benefit from counseling—
and arguably needed it—his therapy could have been conducted in con-
junction with his duties. Sawyer seems to have taken the matter in stride,
even though it kept him off active duty for the better part of a year.
In Lamenkov’s Liability, Sawyer’s prior experience as a communications
officer has been put to good use. He has been deputized by Lamenkov
to take on the majority of administrative duties.
OsP-26 Osprey Lawrence
Sawyer’s Osprey has the following Vehicle Quirks: Easy to Maintain (see
p. 193, SO ) and has a Low Profile (see p.195, SO ). It also has Minimal Arms
(see p. 198, SO ) and the barrel of its main gun creates a Difficult Ejection
(see p. 196, SO ).
rank/Position: MechWarrior / Lamenkov’s Liability Comms Officer
Born: 3040 (45 in 3085)
Affiliation: Republic of the Sphere
Home Planet: Bordon
’Mech: OSP-26 Osprey Lawrence
MechWarrior Profile
Lawrence Sawyer was a MechWarrior rescued from a prison camp on
Genoa. He swiftly redeemed himself and piloted a Jenner for the resis-
tance during much of the Jihad. While his service record has been un-
impressive, it has also lacked any major demerits, marking Sawyer as
a reliable asset. Shortly after the formation of the Republic, Sawyer—
then serving as a company communications officer—found himself
red-flagged by a medical officer who cited numerous “unresolved and
unaddressed traumatic stress factors” from the Jihad and recommended
intense psychotherapy. As this was a common occurrence at the time,
it regrettably took some time to determine that this extreme prognosis
actually stemmed from the agenda of a disgruntled medical officer (who
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