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Changes to windows.h from 3.0 to           Message cracker examples  . . 26
3.1  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1       Message handler function
Catching coding errors at                  signatures  . . . . . . . . . 28
compile-time: STRICT . . . . . . . 1       Improving reusability:
  Why STRICT?  . . . . . . . . . . 2       Template_DefProc  . . . . . . 28
  Compiling 3.0 applications . . . 3       Private and registered window
  New typedefs, constants, and             messages  . . . . . . . . . . 29
  helper macros  . . . . . . . . . 4       Message crackers and window
    COMSTAT structure change . . . 5       instance data . . . . . . . . 30
  Making your code STRICT                  Message crackers and dialog
  compliant  . . . . . . . . . . . 6       procedures  . . . . . . . . . 33
  STRICT conversion hints  . . .  10       Message crackers and window
  Common compiler warnings and             subclassing . . . . . . . . . 34
  errors . . . . . . . . . . . .  11       Dialog procedures: A better
Macro APIs and message crackers . 14       way . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
  Macro APIs . . . . . . . . . .  15         Executing default dialog
      3.1-only macro APIs  . . .  18         procedure functionality . . 37
  Control message APIs . . . . .  18         Returning message results from
    Control API Examples . . . .  18         dialog procedures . . . . . 37
  Message cracker macros . . . .  22         How it works  . . . . . . . 37
    Using message crackers and               A simplified example using
    forwarders . . . . . . . . .  23         predefined macro APIs . . . 39
    Saving time and improving              Converting existing code to use
    readability with HANDLE_MSG . 24       message crackers  . . . . . . 41
    How message crackers work  .  25



1: New handle types  . . . . . . . 5


Changes to windows.h from 3.0 to 3.1

                    The windows.h header file included with Borland C++ 3.1
                    contains various features that make application
                    development faster and easier by helping you find
                    problems as you compile your code. These improvements

                    o STRICT option provides stricter type checking,
                      helping you find type mismatch errors quickly.

                    o windows.h has been completely reorganized so that
                      related functions, types, structures, and constants
                      are grouped together.

                    o New UINT type used for 32-bit Windows upward

                    o New unique typedefs for all handle types, such as
                      HINSTANCE and HMODULE.

                    o Various constants and typedefs missing in the 3.0
                      windows.h have been added.

                    o Windows 3.0 compatibility: windows.h can be used to
                      compile applications that run under Windows 3.0.

                    o Proper use of "const" for API pointer parameters and
                      structure fields where pointer is read-only.

                    If you have ObjectWindows, also see OWL31.DOC in your
                    OWL\DOC directory for details about how these changes
                    affect ObjectWindows and your ObjectWindows

Catching coding errors at compile-time: STRICT

                    The new windows.h supports an option called STRICT that
                    enables the strictest possible compiler error checking.
                    Strict compile-time checking helps you find programming
                    errors when you compile your application, rather than
                    at runtime.

                    The idea is that you define STRICT before including
                    windows.h, which causes the various types and function
                    prototypes in windows.h to be declared in a way that
                    enforces very strict type checking. For example,
                    without STRICT, it is possible to pass an HWND to a
                    function that requires an HDC without any kind of
                    compiler warning: with STRICT defined, this results in
                    a compiler error.

                    Specific features provided by the STRICT option

                    o Strict handle type checking (you can't pass an HWND
                      where an HDC is declared).

                    o Correct and more consistent declaration of certain
                      parameter and return value types (for example,
                      GlobalLock returns void FAR* instead of LPSTR).

                    o Fully prototyped typedefs for all callback function
                      types (for example, dialog procedures, hook
                      procedures, and window procedures)

                    o Windows 3.0 backward compatible: STRICT can be used
                      with the 3.1 windows.h for creating applications that
                      will run under Windows 3.0.

                    o The COMM DCB and COMSTAT structures are now declared
                      in an ANSI compatible way.

       Why STRICT?  =======================================================

                    The best way to think of STRICT is as a way for you to
                    get the most out of the error checking capabilities
                    built into Borland C++. STRICT is of great benefit
                    especially with code under development, because it
                    helps you catch bugs right away when you compile your
                    code, rather than having to track it down at runtime
                    with a debugger. By catching certain kinds of bugs
                    right away, it's less likely that you'll ship your
                    applications with bugs that weren't encountered in

                    STRICT also makes it easier to migrate your code to the
                    32-bit Windows platform later, because it will help you
                    locate and deal with type incompatibilities that will
                    arise when migrating to 32 bits.

                                   - 2 -

                    It's not very difficult to convert your application to
                    use STRICT, and it can be done in stages if needed.

                    In order to take advantage of the STRICT option, you
                    will probably have to make some simple changes to your
                    source code (described in detail later).

                    We think you'll find that STRICT makes modifying,
                    maintaining, and even reading your code much easier,
                    and well worth the effort to convert your application.

     Compiling 3.0  =======================================================
                    Unless you define STRICT, your 3.0 applications will
                    compile with windows.h without serious modifications.
                    The type declarations for many of the Windows APIs and
                    callback functions have changed; those changes are
                    backward compatible for C code, but not for C++ code.
                    If you use C++, you'll notice compile- and link-time
                    errors in many Windows API functions because of changes
                    to types like WORD to UINT. See the following sections
                    for more information.

                    All of the features of Borland C++ 3.1 can be used to
                    develop applications that will run under Windows 3.0.
                    There are two things you must do:

                    1. Define WINVER to 0x0300 before including windows.h

                       This ensures that only 3.0 compatible functions,
                       structures, and definitions are available for use.
                       You can do this in your makefile with
                       -DWINVER=0x0300 in the compiler command line, in the
                       IDE in the Options|Compiler|Code Generation|Defines
                       input box, or in your code by adding "#define WINVER
                       0x0300" before you include windows.h.

                    2. Use the -30 parameter to BRC or RC.

                       This marks your executable as a 3.0 application, so
                       that Windows 3.0 won't prevent it from running with
                       a "This application requires a later version of
                       Windows" message. You will typically run RC twice in
                       your makefile: Once to produce the .res file (with
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