Joseph McMoneagle - Remote Viewing Secrets.pdf

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Remote Viewing Secrets
Remote viewing is not simply using psychic ability to
obtain information. It is using scientific protocol to
develop and extend that ability, so that ordinary people
can learn to do what "psychics" do.
This book teaches you how to teach yourself.
Joseph McMoneagle learned remote viewing in the U.S. Army - he was
Remote Viewer #001 in the Army's Stargate program - and was awarded
the Legion of Merit for his contribution to various intelligence opera-
tions. In Remote Viewing Secrets, the author of Mind Trek and The
Ultimate Time Machine uses examples, exercises, and anecdotes to share
what he learned and how he learned it, and gives you everything you
need to begin developing your own abilities.
Remote Viewing Secrets is easily the most complete, authentic, and
informative guide to remote viewing published to date.
"There is a lot of new information here. Recommended."
- Library Journal
"An insider's perspective. McMoneagle bypasses the hype . . . and focuses
on how remote viewing is practiced. There is a wealth of insight here that
anyone could benefit from."
- Richard S. Broughton, Ph.D., Director, Institute for
Parapsychology, J.B. Rhine Center, Durham, NC
"Required reading for anyone seriously interested in understanding -
or doing - remote viewing. McMoneagle not only has the best possible
practical and theoretical understanding of it that anyone can have at this
stage of our knowledge; he is so refreshingly sensible about it!"
- Dr. Charles T. Tart, Ph.D., editor of Altered States
of Consciousness, and Professor, Institute of
Transpersonal Psychology. Palo Alto. CA
New Science/Parapsychology
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Also by Joseph McMoneagle
Mind Trek
The Ultimate Time Machine
Joseph McMoneagle
Copyright © 2000
by Joseph McMoneagle
All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this
work in any form whatsoever, without permission
in writing from the publisher, except for brief passages
in connection with a review.
Cover design by Mayapriya Long
Background cover image by Digital Stock
For information write:
Hampton Roads Publishing Company, Inc.
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Charlottesville, VA 22902
Or call: 434-296-2772
FAX: 434-296-5096
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Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 99-95410
ISBN 1-57174-159-3
10 9 8 765
Printed on acid-free paper in the United States
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