Managing Your Multiple Sclerosis - I. Robinson, F. Rose (Class, 2004) WW.pdf

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Managing Your Multiple Sclerosis : Practical Advice to Help You Manage Your Multiple Sclerosis
Practical advice to help you
manage your multiple sclerosis
This book is well written, clear
and accurate – it will be a good
reference book for people with MS
Dr Alexander Burnfield, Trustee, MS Trust
Prof Ian Robinson and
Dr Frank Clifford Rose
Managing your Multiple Sclerosis
Comments on Managing your Multiple Sclerosis
‘The book is well written, clear and accurate – it will be a good
reference book for people with MS.’
D R S ANDY B URNFIELD , Stockbridge
your Multiple
Practical advice to help you
manage your multiple sclerosis
Ian Robinson MA
Director of the Brunel MS Research Unit,
Department of Human Sciences,
Brunel University, West London
Dr F Clifford Rose FRCP
Director of the London Neurological Centre
Text © Ian Robinson and F Clifford Rose 2004
© Class Publishing (London) Ltd 2004
All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved
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made or based upon this work.
Printing history
First published 2004
Reprinted 2004
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The information presented in this book is accurate and current to the best
of the authors’ knowledge. The authors and publisher, however, make no
guarantee as to, and assume no responsibility for, the correctness, sufficiency
or completeness of such information or recommendation. The reader is
advised to consult a doctor regarding all aspects of individual health care.
A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
ISBN 1 85959 071 3
Edited by Michèle Clarke
Designed and typeset by Martin Bristow
Illustrations by David Woodroffe
Indexed by Val Elliston
Printed and bound in Finland by WS Bookwell, Juva
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