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M.F. Reiser · W. Semmler · H. Hricak (Eds.)
Magnetic Resonance Tomography
M.F. Reiser · W. Semmler · H. Hricak (Eds.)
With 1260 Figures and 175 Tables
Maximilian F. Reiser, Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Dr. h.c.
Institute for Clinical Radiology
University Hospitals Grosshadern
Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich
Marchioninistr. 15
81377 Munich
Wolhard Semmler, Univ.-Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dr. med.
Division of Medical Physics in Radiology
German Cancer Research Center
Im Neuenheimer Feld 280
69120 Heidelberg
Hedvig Hricak, MD, PhD, Dr. h. c.
Professor of Diagnostic Radiology and Chairman
Department of Radiology
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
1275 York Ave.
New York, NY 10065
Parts of this book have been translated from the German original: M. Reiser, W. Semmler (eds)
Magnetresonanztomographie 3rd ed. Springer 2002
ISBN 978-3-540-29354-5 e-ISBN 978-3-540- 29355-2
DOI 10.1007/b135693
Library of Congress Control Number: 2007933311
© 2008 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
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Cover design: Frido Steinen-Broo, eStudio Calamar, Spain
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his textbook—which describes the entirety of MRI in a
single volume—is now a more than iteen-year-old tra-
dition. First published in German in 1992, it was updated
every ive years to keep up with the rapid advancement
of the technology and clinical applications of MR tomog-
raphy. Because it covered its subject in great breadth and
detail, it became one of the most popular textbooks on
MR tomography in German-speaking parts of the world.
Each subsequent edition not only summarized well-es-
tablished facts about MR tomography for practical ap-
plication, but also discussed new procedures and insights
acquired during the years since the previous edition. he
present, 4th edition maintains this tradition—only it does
so in the English language.
Today, experts in science and medicine are distributed
throughout the world, and English is gaining acceptance
as the “lingua franca” of these ields. he idea of publish-
ing the book in English was discussed multiple times
over the years and was actively supported by Springer as
represented by Dr. Ute Heilmann. Our goal was not sim-
ply to produce an English translation of a German book,
but to produce a volume geared to the interests of an in-
ternational community. We could not have reached this
goal without the collaboration of Dr. Hedvig Hricak, who
agreed to come on board as an editor from an English-
speaking country. Dr. Hricak introduced new ideas and
topics, recruited additional authors who are experts in
their ields of study, and with her enthusiasm and persis-
tence substantially enriched and advanced this project.
We are now extremely pleased to be able to present
this English-language volume covering all aspects of MR
imaging. We hope that this book, like the German edi-
tions preceding it, will become a daily companion and
adviser to medical students, practicing radiologists and
other physicians, and that it will give them an even stron-
ger sense of the vast potential of MR imaging as it is be-
ing developed around the world.
We want to take this opportunity to thank the authors,
who generously contributed their knowledge and insights
to this book. Special thanks go to Ms. Ada Muellner for
her language editing. Finally, we are grateful to Springer
Publishing—and particularly Dr. Ute Heilmann and Ms.
Wilma McHugh—for supporting this project.
Maximilian F. Reiser
Wolhard Semmler
Hedvig Hricak
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