Vujicic - Linear Algebra Thoroughly Explained (Springer, 2008).pdf

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Linear Algebra Thoroughly Explained
Milan Vujicic
Linear Algebra Thoroughly
Milan Vujicic
Jeffrey Sanderson
Emeritus Professor,
School of Mathematics & Statistics,
University of St Andrews,
St Andrews,
ISBN: 978-3-540-74637-9
e-ISBN: 978-3-540-74639-3
Library of Congress Control Number: 2007936399
2008 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
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There are a zillion books on linear algebra, yet this one finds its own unique place
among them. It starts as an introduction at undergraduate level, covers the essen-
tial results at postgraduate level and reaches the full power of the linear algebraic
methods needed by researchers, especially those in various fields of contemporary
theoretical physics, applied mathematics and engineering. At first sight, the title of
the book may seem somewhat pretentious but it faithfully reflects its objective and,
indeed, its achievements.
Milan Vujicic started his scientific carrier in theoretical nuclear physics in which
he relied heavily in his research problems on linear algebraic and group theoretic
methods. Subsequently, he moved to the field of group theory itself and its appli-
cations in various topics in physics. In particular, he achieved, together with Fedor
Herbut, important results in the foundations of and distant correlations in quantum
mechanics, where his understanding and skill in linear algebra was precedent. He
was known as an acute and learned mathematical physicist.
At first Vujicic taught group theory at graduate level. However, his teaching ca-
reer blossomed when he moved to the Physics Faculty of the University of Belgrade,
and it continued, even after retirement, at the University of Malta, where he taught
linear algebra at the most basic level to teaching diploma students. He continuously
interested himself in the problems of teaching, and with worthy results. Indeed, his
didactic works were outstanding and he was frequently singled out by students,
in their teaching evaluation questionnaires, as a superb teacher of mathematical
This book is based on lectures that Vujicic gave to both undergraduate and post-
graduate students over a period of several decades. Its guiding principle is to de-
velop the subject rigorously but economically, with minimal prerequisites and with
plenty of geometric intuition. The book offers a practical system of studies with an
abundance of worked examples coordinated in such a way as to permit the diligent
student to progress continuously from the first easy lessons to a real mastery of the
subject. Throughout this book, the author has succeeded in maintaining rigour while
giving the reader an intuitive understanding of the subject. He has imbued the book
with the same good sense and helpfulness that characterized his teaching during
his lifetime. Sadly, having just completed the book, Milan Vujicic suddenly died in
December 2005.
Having known Milan well, as my thesis advisor, a colleague and a dear friend, I
am certain that he would wish this book to be dedicated to his wife Radmila and his
sons Boris and Andrej for their patience, support and love.
Belgrade, July 2007
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