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SS Race Theory
and Mate Selection Guidelines
Translated from Original SS Publications
SS Race Theory and Mate Selection Guidelines is translated directly from the original SS
publication Glauben und Kampfen ("Faith and Struggle"), whose subtitle states that it
was published for the SS-men from the ethnic German communities in southeastern
The original SS book contained four chapters. The first chapter was entitled "The
Fundamental Laws of Life of Our World View" (Die lebensgesetzlichen Grundlagen
unserer Weltanschauung"). The second chapter covered the life of Adolf Hitler and the
history of the National Socialist movement, the third chapter German history, and the
fourth chapter the history of the SS.
The German word "Volk" is translated as "folk" instead of the more common, but less
precise, term "people,"even when it does not refer to the Germans. After all, "folk" is
indeed something special; it is an ethnic community extending across many generations; a
modern equivalent might be the term "ethnoculture," as "folk" implies a community
unified by common culture and ethnicity more than political boundaries.
"Reich" is used only for the German Reich and "empire" for non-German ones. The
subraces are translated as follows: "Nordisch" as "Nordic," "Fillisch" as "Falish,"
"Dinarisch" as "Dinaric," "Westisch" as "Mediterranean," "Ostisch" as "Alpine" and
"Ostbaltisch" as "East Baltic." All the illustrations come from the original SS publication.
The sole exception is the cover, Josef Thorak's "Two People" ("Zwei Menschen").
"Erbgut" and "Erbanlagen" have generally been translated here as "hereditary makeup"
and "hereditary factors" respectively.
Publisher's note: There is a public view of the National Socialist view of race, and the
truth as expressed by National Socialist writers themselves. In our view it was too
valuable as information for National Socialist scholars and detractors alike for this to be
anything but a public domain, freeware document. While this document was written for
people of Germanic descent outside Germany, its principles apply to all races who wish
to preserve themselves in an increasingly conformist, monochromatic globalist world.
You and the Question of Blood
In this period of struggle for the future of our folk you will become conscious – through
the family and clan and beyond – of the bond that unites us all in an inseparable and
sworn community of striving. Furthermore you know that your life, your essence, all
abilities and characteristics stem from your ancestors, and that you must take over the
same role for the generations which come after you. You cannot shake it off; rather, you
have the obligation and duty to adjust your life and live it accordingly.
Consider for once what a tremendous revolutionary change has taken place in the thought
and action of our folk in such a short time. After years of decline new life-courage, life-
will and confidence broke through in the German folk on a wide front. National
Socialism has pulled up our folk from threatened annihilation not only economically and
politically, but also biologically. The answer to the question of how the Fuehrer and his
following could achieve such accomplishments is very simple: Adolf Hitler has again
made the laws of life of our kind – whose observance is the prerequisite for any further
development – the foundation of our thought, action and feeling.
What our ancestors, who were firmly rooted in the soil, instinctually recognized as right
through the feeling of their kid, has through the course of history been partially erased
and covered over by foreign intellectual and racial influence.
The knowledge of the laws of life and awakened consciousness of our kind are today a
certain signpost for our entire action. So we want to look at the following described
foundations of the laws of life of our world view from the perspective of the great
community of the entire folk and make the resultant duties of the individual a principle of
our entire life.
What is Race?
What is not of good race in the world is chaff.
(Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf)
The great number of life forms shows groups which more or less resemble one another
and show common physical characteristics. They have the same nature. We call such
groups of life forms "species."
The mankind living today forms a "species," for humans are fertile among each other. By
the observation and comparison of a White, Negro or Mongolian it becomes immediately
clear to us that it is not enough to only speak of the "human" species; rather, that for a
more precise analysis a further subdivision must be made. This leads to the concept of
human races.
The individual races can be distinguished by differences which they have in respect to the
uniqueness of their hereditary, intellectual-psychological and physical features, tendencies
and characteristics. Each race has certain characteristics and features which are unique to
it. These RACIAL FEATURES are passed on to the offspring.
Race is hence a group of life forms which distinguishes itself by the common possession
of certain hereditary features. It always produces only its own kind.
Or shorter: race is a characterized community of hereditary factors (Stengel v.
As long as a race remains pure its hereditary essence is passed on unadulterated from one
generation to the next. It is hence necessary for the racial consciousness of humans of the
same race to be raised and the dangers correctly recognized which lead to a mixing,
alteration, degeneration and hence annihilation of the races affected. The predominant
race determines the folkish character and continues its influence in it as a hereditary
factor. As in the Germanic peoples, the predominant Nordic race gives the German folk,
too, the predisposition of our kind.
What is a Folk?
Each folk represents a visible community to the outside world. The same blood, the same
soil, the same language, customs, culture and history are an inseparable bond. For a
population to become a folk, race as well as history and culture are necessary. The
generation alive at any one time is only one link in the chain which begins with the
earliest ancestors and continues with the following generations into the future. All of
them together form the folk community. The existence of the individual is only then
purposeful if it is innerly bound with the entirety of the folk.
The presently living blood-carriers of this community bear the responsibility for the
shaping of the coming generations.
Each folk has its own unique folkish character. The roots of this unique folkish character
lie in the racial composition of the folk.
Folk is a community of descent and of fate. As a hereditary community it is large able to
create and shape its own environment.
The Meaning of Race
The common heredity determines the physical and intellectual-psychological abilities of a
race. "Race" as a practical concept relates not only to the specially formed and working
life force within us, but beyond that also to the highest value, to the concept of value, to
the world view.
There are races which can create high cultures and those which can never elevate
themselves on their own strength. There are races with heroic bearing and those without
the courage to fight. Cultural accomplishments are exclusively the creation of higher
races. The elevation of mankind continues or ceases with the preservation of the purity
and of the strength of the culture-bearing races.
The racial composition of a folk is unique. Its alteration always has a transformation of its
nature and culture as a consequence. Each racial mixing always means a lowering of the
worth of the higher race.
Related Race – Foreign Race –
Same Breed – Foreign Breed
Mankind displays strictly separated racial groups. Very roughly expressed, we distinguish
between: White, Black and Yellow. Each of these groups in turn contains a number of
subraces with certain common features. In this case one speaks of related races. Opposed
to these stand the foreign races. Folks which in regard to their racial composition show
the same elements as the German folk are of "related race" ("artverwandt"). To these
belong the majority of European folks.
Since the racial core of our racially related folks is often very diverse, one must look
quantitatively at the racial elements for the foundation of a distinction. In the Germanic
folks Nordic blood predominates in their racial composition. Their relationship to the
German folk is hence referred to as being of the "same breed" ("stammesgleich"). Other
folks which also show a small amount of Nordic blood, but which in their substance are
not Nordic, are referred to as being of "foreign breed" ("stammesfremd").
The existign positive racial composition of the German folk rests on the fusion of related
races and the large predominant portion of Nordic blood.
The Origin of the Nordic Race
The main territory of the Nordic race encompasses the area of southern Scandinavia,
Jutland, the North and Baltic Seas and reaches into central Germany.
Already in the earliest period the Nordic man was a settled farmer. He invented the plow,
which other folks later adopted, cultivated crops and breed pets. The explosive population
growth of this Nordic mankind led to a new, necessary acquisition of space and caused
wave after wave to stream down into bordering areas: into the European area and into the
wide parts of Asia. The previous original inhabitants – even if often for only a short time
– were imprinted with the mark of Nordic culture.
Not: "From the East came the light!", as was claimed by science earlier; rather, "From the
North came the strength!"
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