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2009 Windhammer Prize for Short Gamebook Fiction
By Andrew Wright
RAMPAGE! by Andrew Wright
2009 Windhammer Prize for Short Gamebook Fiction
Are you tough enough to go on a RAMPAGE!
In this brutal adventure, set in the fantasy world of Gallansia, you play a ferocious monster
intend on wiping the town of Boulder Ford off the map. Pick one of the three monsters below
and copy their details onto your Rampage Sheet on page 6.
Hilga Hagsnot
Female Troll
Weapon: Stone Axe (HURT 2)
Hilga is a Troll baker who had set up a pastry operation in her cave in the woods.
However, the Gnomish subjects of the nearby town of Boulder Ford have proven
remarkably resistant to being used as pie filling, and her business gradually
collapsed. Now, being poor, hungry, and angry, she has been planning this surprise
attack on Boulder Ford for some time!
Tor the Terrible
Male Ogre
Weapon: Steel Cleaver (HURT 3)
Tor is an Ogre who escaped from the catacombs beneath Smokeypeak Mountain to
wander the world above ground in wonder and amazement. However, he has been
beaten and harassed by the legionaries of King Yalamon, and has sworn bloody
vengeance against all supposedly Good folk as a result. Boulder Ford unfortunately
happens to be the first town in his way following his recent dark mood swing…
Male Giant
Weapon: Spiked Club (HURT 1)
Brindlebeard is a tall giant from the Bloodstone Hills, and more specifically, the
independent Dwarf mines of Bloodstone Pass. Having preyed on these settlements
for years, he has finally exhausted most of their livestock supplies and has been
forced to move into new territory in search of food and loot. Brindlebeard has long
heard the rumours of the rich lands around Boulder Ford and has wandered over in
this direction to see for himself if they are true…
RAMPAGE! by Andrew Wright
2 Sacks
Sack and Boulder
Sack and Boulder
2009 Windhammer Prize for Short Gamebook Fiction
It is not necessary to read all the rules before play. If you wish you may just pick a character
and start reading, referring back to the relevant rules section as needed. Alternatively, you
could read all the rules beforehand to get a clearer idea of how to play RAMPAGE! Note that
there is also a section of Optional Rules at the back of the adventure, including rules for
creating your own characters.
Your character is defined by three scores:
STRENGF: This is a measure of how brawny and strong you are. You test this score
when you’re trying to smash something into small pieces. It can have a
minimum value of 2 and a maximum value of 6.
This represents how much damage you can take before dying. It will change
a lot during RAMPAGE! and can even go as low as 1. If it reaches zero, you
have died, and must turn to 13.
You can replenish lost TUFF points by eating food. Each item of food has a
Food Point score that converts directly into TUFF points. So, if you found a
Roast Ox (2 Food Points) and decided to eat it, you could restore 2 points to
your TUFF score if wounded.
SMARTS: This shows how quick-witted and dexterous your character is. You test this
score when you throw a Boulder at an enemy. It can have a minimum value
of 2 and a maximum value of 6.
Lastly, every weapon you use has a given HURT value. This is the number of points deducted
from the TUFF score of a creature wounded by this weapon.
Testing Your Scores
You will often be told to roll one die and compare the result to one of your scores. The simple
rule is that:
_ If you roll under your score, you have succeeded.
_ If you roll equal to, or over your score, you have failed.
Sometimes you will be told to add a number to the die roll due to the increased difficulty of
what your character is attempting.
Example: Your character is uprooting a gigantic tree and you are told to roll one die and add
one to the result, and compare it to your STRENGF score (which is 6). You roll a five, which
would normally be a success. However, adding 1 takes it to 6, which is the same as your
STRENGF score, and thus you fail in your attempt to pull the tree up.
RAMPAGE! by Andrew Wright
2009 Windhammer Prize for Short Gamebook Fiction
Throwing Boulders
At the start of a battle, you will often be told “You may throw a Boulder at your opponent if
you have one”. To do this, roll one die and compare the result to your SMARTS score, then:
_ If you roll under your SMARTS score, your Boulder has hit your opponent. Deduct 1
point from their TUFF score, and then start the battle (or if this kills them outright,
turn to the next paragraph number indicated).
_ If you roll equal to or over your SMARTS score, your Boulder has missed the target.
You must fight them as normal. After the battle, assuming you do not die or flee, you
may retrieve your Boulder and use it again in your next conflict.
You can only carry one Boulder at a time.
Fighting is something you will do a lot of in the world of RAMPAGE! It takes place using a
sequence of events called Battle Turns. Whenever you are told to fight an opponent, use the
following instructions for each Battle Turn:
1. Roll one die and add your STRENGF score. This is your total Battle Strength for this
Battle Turn.
2. Roll one die and add your opponents STRENGF score. This is your opponent’s total
Battle Strength for this Battle Turn.
3. If both Battle Strengths are the same, your blows have cancelled each other out.
Return to step 1 and start the next Battle Turn.
4. If your Battle Strength is higher than your opponents, you have wounded them.
Deduct the HURT value of your weapon from their TUFF score. If their TUFF score is
zero, you have slain them, turn to the paragraph number indicated. If their TUFF
score is greater than zero, they are still alive, return to step 1 and start the next Battle
5. If their Battle Strength is higher than yours, you have been wounded. Deduct your
opponent’s HURT value from your TUFF score. If your TUFF score is zero, you have
been slain, turn to 13. If your TUFF score is greater than zero, you are still alive,
return to step 1 and start the next Battle Turn.
Should the battle be going badly for you, you may wish to flee the fight. Unlike other
gamebook systems, there is no penalty for fleeing a battle in RAMPAGE! This is because you
are too big and too impervious to minor amounts of pain to suffer much when you decide to
turn your back and wander away. Also, your opponent will likely be so relieved at you
fleeing that they do not want to press an advantage. So, if you wish to flee a fight, simply turn
to the new paragraph number indicated when fleeing is given as an option.
RAMPAGE! by Andrew Wright
2009 Windhammer Prize for Short Gamebook Fiction
You start this game with the bare minimum of equipment, known here as Stuff. Your
character has one of the following weapons (see their descriptions above to see which one):
_ Spiked Club (HURT 1)
_ Stone Axe (HURT 2)
_ Steel Cleaver (HURT 3)
The higher the HURT value of a weapon the better! You can only carry one weapon at a time.
Your character also has a Sack, and either a Boulder or an additional Sack. Boulders are for
throwing (see above) and you can only carry one Boulder at a time.
Sacks are for holding Stuff. You can fit 6 items into one Sack (so if you start with 2 Sacks, you
can carry 12 items). You will find many items during the course of play. A lot of items will
either have Food Points or Loot Points. Food Point items can be consumed immediately to
restore TUFF points (see above) or kept for later. Loot Point items are generally kept for later.
Both Food and Loot Points add to your Rampage Points total at the end of the adventure.
Chaos Points
Chaos Points are a measure of how much devastation and destruction you are causing in the
town of Boulder Ford during your RAMPAGE! Keep a careful tally of your Chaos Points on
your Rampage Sheet.
Rampage Points
Rampage Points are the sum of your Chaos Points, plus Loot Points from all the items in your
Sack, plus Food Points from all the items in your Sack. You calculate your Rampage Points
total only at the end of the adventure, to see how good you are.
Example: Hilga Hagsnot finishes her RAMPAGE! and has 5 Chaos Points, a Keg of Beer (1
Food Point), a Barrel of Sausages (1 Food Point), and a Fire Sword (2 Loot Points). Her
Rampage Points total is 5 + 1 + 1 + 2 = 9 Rampage Points.
Time Boxes
At certain points in the adventure you will be instructed to tick off a Time Box. This
represents how much time you have before you decide to stop sacking Boulder Ford in case
the legions of King Yalamon of the Southlands turn up to save the town. As soon as you tick 5
Time Boxes, turn to 50.
There are suggestions for changing this in the Optional Rules section at the back of this
Been Here Before
At other points in the adventure you will check whether you have “Been Here Before” by
consulting tick boxes next to the paragraph number (and turning to a new paragraph number
if you have). Make sure you keep a scrupulous record of which boxes you have ticked,
because the continuity of your adventure will be compromised otherwise.
RAMPAGE! by Andrew Wright
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