Neiyar Corebook.pdf

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Neiyar: Land of Heaven and the Abyss, Revised
Designed and Written by
Julie Ann Dawson
With additional materials
from Dani Ben-Ari
Original Artwork by
Chris L. Kimball, Chris Guldin, Ryan Hoeger,
Omercan Cirit, Morrigana, Melissa Piper, and Cyrus Rua
© 2004/2008 Bards and Sages
ISBN: 978-1-4357-3126-4
Additional artwork by Claudio Pozas, Dee Dreslough ,
Peter Szabor Gabor, Shaman’s Stockart, Skortched Urf’Studios
Damon shook sand out of his hair and wiped the salt water from his eyes. He
heard Marlena’s whining voice complain about being nipped by a crab and
prayed she was not the only survivor. He would need SOMEONE to keep him
from killing her.
He caught sight of Cecil from the corner of his eye. He was helping Jervis to
his feet. Maybe Marlena would live long enough for them to find a way home
after all.
“My spell book is ruined! I shall be useless without it!” cried Marlena.
“I have been saying you were useless for months, but…”
“Enough, Damon,” said Cecil. “Instead of creating more tension, we should
all take a moment to thank the gods that we are alive and together. It would
appear the rest of the crew was not so fortunate.”
“Forgive me, Cecil. As usual, you are correct.”
The cleric surveyed the beach for a moment with a confused look upon his
face. “I do not recall an island at this location from any of the ship’s maps,” said
“Nor do I recall the captain informing us of any potential threats like
that…that thing that bit through the ship. Have you an idea, Jervis?…Jervis?”
Jervis was staring at Marlena as she picked seaweed from her clothes.
Damon looked from Jervis to Marlena a few times before he realized Jervis’ eyes
were fixated on her breasts. Damon laughed.
“Something amusing you would like to share with the group?” asked Marlena.
“Only that it never occurred to any of us how thin your blouse actually was
until just now.”
“You fiend!” screamed Marlena as she tried covering up with her arms. “You
wretched, cruel, heartless…”
“Yell at Jervis! He is the one that was staring!”
“Silence!” commanded Cecil. “Listen…”
Everyone stopped arguing long enough to here the high-pitched cries for help.
The group quickly headed up the beach until they came upon a sight they were
not expecting.
“Murderers! Cannibals! Give me my egg!” yelled the flying humanoid from
the air. With the exception of a pronounced beak, the facial features were female.
It possessed claws at both the end of its legs and it swanlike wings. Bright red
and blue plumage covered the entire body. It wore several bright, clanging
copper and brass necklaces and rings, and a silver headband around its head with
dangling jewels of various colors.
It screamed at three large lizard-like humanoids that seemed to be playing a
game of keep-a-way with the flying creature’s egg. When the flyer got too close
in an attempt to retrieve her egg, one of the reptilian folk took a bite out of her
wing with its massive jaws.
“In the name of all that is good and honorable, I beseech you to return that
being’s…property to her,” declared Cecil. The strength of his voice was enough
to bring pause to the game as all three lizard creatures turned their attention to the
“Shouldn’t you be hiding behind your woman, Zaruu’krish?” hissed the
creature in possession on the egg. He tossed it up and down in his clawed hand,
all the while threatening to drop it completely.
“I have no need to hide behind anyone. I have the strength of my faith to guide
my path.”
As Cecil spoke, Marlena stepped behind Damon to stay out of the creatures’
views. She pulled a small leather loop from her sash, made a strange gesture with
her hands, and mumbled something incoherent under her breath. When the
creature tossed the egg again, it continued levitating upward. Before it could jump
to retrieve it, the flying creature swooped down and snatched it away.
“Krup’tha! Now you all surely die!” hissed the creature.
Jervis and Damon grabbed the nearest pieces of washed up plank they could
find. Marlena began to ready a more aggressive spell. Cecil smiled. He gripped
his holy symbol in one hand and waved the other hand in front of him. “Calm
yourselves, friends. There is no need for violence on this day.”
The three creatures stood confused for a moment, and then looked at each
other. Cecil concentrated his thoughts on the three opponents as their aggression
melted away.
“Another time, then,” hissed the leader. “When the numbers favor us.” The
three creatures rushed off.
“Oh Deva, Deva, will she be alright?” wailed the bird person as she flew over
the party’s heads and landing in front of what appeared to be a band of female
warriors not more than 60 paces behind them. The creature cradled the egg gently
in her claws as she held it toward the one who seemed to be the leader.
“Worry not, Shava, your child is well. She will hatch just fine.” She looked
toward the party and smiled. “But surely you must thank our new friends, who
without thought to their own safety sought to save a stranger’s child.”
Shava hopped over to the party and licked Marlena. Marlena jumped back in
shock at the apparent sign of gratitude.
“What is your name, Madame Wizard?” Shava asked.
“I am Marlena.”
“That is such a beautiful name. I shall name my hatchling after you in your
honor.” Shava held the egg above her head. “By the grace of the Swan Princess,
I shall name this hatchling Marlena.” Shava clutched her egg in her feet and flew
The woman approached Marlena and bowed. “I am Deva Lajin, the Voice of
the Great Mother Sophia Mater. I welcome you and your house to the island of
the Neiyar.”
“Nice to meet you ladies. I am Damon,” said Damon as he extended a hand
in greeting. The Deva glared at him, then turned back to Marlena.
“Your man here is somewhat forward, Madame Wizard. He should watch his
Damon and Jervis looked at each other confused. Marlena smirked.
“Forgive him,” she said. “I think the salt water has affected his mind.”
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