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For British Freedom, Security, Identity and Democracy.
The newspaper of the
British National Party
BNP wins Burnley recount
OHN Rowe, the British National Party’s candidate for Rosegrove
with Lowerhouse ward in Burnley has won his High Court
battle for a recount of the May 3rd ballot.
Labour’s Paul Reynolds had been declared the winner on the drawing of
lots after ballot papers, which had been stamped rejected and declared
‘spoilt’, were controversially included back in the vote.
After the first count John Rowe was two votes ahead of Labour. A
recount was called and the winning margin was reduced to one.
The Returning Officer Steve Rumbelow, was then put under immense
pressure by Labour activists to allow an already discounted vote to be
added to their tally which made the votes equal.
On September 12th Judge Mr Justice Irwin, ordered a “thorough
recount” of all 4,605 votes.
John Rowe was delighted with the verdict.
“I think it was a very fair judgment in what is an unprecedented
case. This one vote for the Labour Party should never have been
counted,” he told BBC Television News.
BNP chairman Nick Griffin, said that what had taken place at
the count was typical of the bullying and intimidation that Labour
politicians and activists believe they can use in elections and
situations where the BNP is involved.
“During the count spoilt ballot papers were rejected and this was
accepted at the time by all concerned. It was only when the
difference was down to one vote, that the Returning Officer was
pressurised by the Labour contingent to change his mind and this
shouldn’t have happened.”
FREE & FAIR: BNP supporters outside the Royal Courts of Justice in the
Strand in London protesting against the electoral malpractice that has
become the hallmark of this current Labour Government.
VICTORY: John Rowe the BNP’s candidate
for Rosegrove ward with his election agent
David Shapcott, after the hearing.
. . . but this time the call
comes from a politician
who really means it!
ORDON Brown’s contemptible effort to woo
back former Labour voters from the BNP with
phoney patriotic statements, drew a swift and
stinging response from BNP chairman Nick Griffin.
Brown mentioned the words ‘British’ and ‘Britain’ 81 times
in his speech to the Labour conference, and even called for
“British jobs for British workers”.
“By offshoring British jobs to Asia and importing migrant labour, this
Government has stabbed the British worker in the back. And it has been aided
and abetted by our trade unions who seem more interested in opposing the
BNP than saving the jobs of their members,” Nick Griffin told Freedom .
“British jobs for British workers can only be a reality if Britain leaves the
European Union and turns its back on the global economy. We can’t compete
with the huge cheap labour economies of China and India. Our standard of
living is too high, our population is too low, our island is too small and our
transport links too difficult.
“The British National Party believes the economic future of our country
should be based on self-sufficiency - providing ourselves with the goods that
our people need.
“Such a system can only work if every consumer has an I’m backing Britain
approach when spending their hard-earned wages which will ensure that
Britain’s farmers, Britain’s manufacturers and British based service providers
only benefit from the money that has been earned in Britain.”
At the General Election you will have the chance to start the process of
winning back our country. Voting for the British National Party is the only way
to keep British jobs for British workers.
NICK GRIFFIN: Leader of the British National Party.
EDITORIAL - See Page 12.
The website . . .
Issue No. 69.
after High Court ruling
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